Title: So I did something really stupid, but I'm kind of laughing about it. Post by: Shedd on June 25, 2018, 09:22:33 AM So I text my ex's girlfriend to wish them well because I always did wish the best for my ex even when I hated her because I have a really big heart and just want people to be happy.
I said that I really do want my ex to be happy I'm glad she makes her happy, please keep her happy you should marry her since she seems so happy with you. Blah blah. Mind you I was extremely drunk when I wrote to her. She text me back saying she didn't need my approval of the relationship and not to contact her again. I said I hope she isn't doing to her what she did to me. She said that my comments are irrelevant because I'm the crazy ass. LOL Makes me wonder if she even knows she has BPD?... . So she obviously treats her like gold. Funny how I'm the crazy one in all this... . Title: Re: So I did something really stupid, but I'm kind of laughing about it. Post by: Harley Quinn on June 30, 2018, 12:44:48 AM Hi Shedd
How did you react when she said this? That had to trigger a lot of emotions. If you had been drinking the words will no doubt have had even more impact. I feel for you. When I first arrived here I wanted to contact the new girl and warn her to keep her safe. The members of this board talked me out of it precisely because of the likelihood that I'd already be painted as the crazy ex. That has to really hurt. How are you doing? In some ways, knowing that she has portrayed you this way may actually be a blessing in disguise when it comes to your detaching. I know it probably doesn't feel like that at the moment. Do you still have the number? Love and light x |