
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Bpdmom2000 on July 05, 2018, 08:34:26 AM

Title: Daughter recently diagnosed with BPD after committed for suicidal behaviour
Post by: Bpdmom2000 on July 05, 2018, 08:34:26 AM
I recently had my daughter committed for suicidal behavior and this was first time official BPD diagnosis given. I work in mental health field and had been seeing signs of BPD for awhile but tried to discount my concerns. Now my greatest fears for her are confirmed and I am terrified. I have been doing research on this disorder and have found some hope. She is currently in an IOP DBT treatment program-week 2 of 8 weeks. Looking for help understanding best methods to help daughter.  Thanks

Title: Re: Daughter recently diagnosed with BPD
Post by: Merlot on July 05, 2018, 07:08:02 PM
Hi BPDmom2000

Welcome to the bpdfamily  

Were glad you are here.  I can understand you being terrified. Being confrontrd with a mental health diagnosis is very scary and I hope you have good support

It's encouraging that you are in the mental health field as this no doubt gives you a head start on many of us. There is so much information on the board to the right |---> .  I have also been reading many books. Walking on Egg shells is a good start.  

Ive been coming for six months since my DD27 cut me off after a violent rage. The support and encouragement from other parents has been vital in learning about BPD and finding new ways to move forward. Ways to protect myself and best support my daughter at the same time.

You indeed have much hope, your daughter is in therapy, she has a wonderful mother who loves her and you are here with us. Make sure you look after yourself first. Take a deep breather. It will be a journey.

Please keep coming. It helps to reach out to others and them to you.

I look forward to hearing more from you  

Title: Re: Daughter recently diagnosed with BPD
Post by: Feeling Better on July 05, 2018, 07:20:40 PM
Hello BPDmom2000, I would like to join Merlot in welcoming you here


I am sorry to hear about your daughter’s recent suicidal behaviour, how awful it must have been for you and of course for your daughter too. I understand how terrified you are feeling, although you had concerns about BPD, the diagnosis has made it all too real. I remember the initial relief I felt when I first realised that my uBPD son had BPD traits as I’d been tearing my hair out wondering what was wrong with him. But then when the enormity of the disorder hit me I felt as you do, terrified, not knowing what to do for the best. I was so glad that I had found this site, I have been helped so much by the kind and supportive people here, and you will too.

Keep doing your research, read as much as you can about BPD, read the posts here on this board, you will gain so much insight from parents who are experiencing the same as you, and most importantly, make sure that you look after you and your wellbeing x  

Title: Re: Daughter recently diagnosed with BPD
Post by: wendydarling on July 05, 2018, 10:44:56 PM
Hi BPDmom2000 

I join Merlot and Feeling Better welcoming you here. I understand you are terrified, knowing our children suffer suicide ideation is a scary place to be. And yes there is hope. How old is your daughter?

You are not alone, I look forward to supporting you with parents here.


Title: Re: Daughter recently diagnosed with BPD after committed for suicidal behaviour
Post by: Isanni on January 22, 2019, 06:19:39 PM
Hi.Did the DBT work for your daughter? Did she get anything else?