
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Yoshi-family on November 16, 2018, 08:54:26 AM

Title: 10 years of living with a child who has BPD, here to chat and learn with you
Post by: Yoshi-family on November 16, 2018, 08:54:26 AM
We’ve been living with a child who has BPD for over 10 years now and have some struggled significantly along the way this is my first post trying to see where I can have some ongoing chat hopefully get some resources maybe some support I’m new to this community.

Is this the right place to start anyone have any other suggestions or advice on how to have some healthy dialogue on some of the troubles that were facing

Title: Re: 10 years of living with a child who has BPD
Post by: Only Human on November 16, 2018, 12:32:21 PM
Hello Yoshi-family  :hi:

Welcome to BPD Family, you have found a great place for all you are looking for! Ongoing chat, resources, and support are all right here; one stop shopping  

How old is your child? My DD25 (25 year old daughter) was diagnosed around age 17 but she has struggled since around age 12. I've struggled as well, so I have an idea of how you might be feeling right now.

There are some great articles and workshops here, as well as many parents who are going/ have gone through many of the same things as we have. I'm kinda new here too but consider this place the best source of reliable information on the internet.

I'm glad you found us, we are here for you.

~ OH

Title: Re: 10 years of living with a child who has BPD
Post by: Harri on November 16, 2018, 06:03:29 PM
Hi and welcome.

You are definitely in the right place for support and talking with others who have been or are going through similar struggles.  Like Only Human said, we also have a lot of very helpful articles as well as 1000's of posts you can look through.

I hope you settle in and read and just jump in and start posting.  We understand.

Title: Re: 10 years of living with a child who has BPD
Post by: wendydarling on November 17, 2018, 06:22:35 AM
Hi Yoshi-family  :hi:

I join Only Human and Harri in welcoming you to the community. Yes, this is the right place to start and chat.

What troubles, struggles are you currently facing?


Title: Re: 10 years of living with a child who has BPD, here to chat and learn with you
Post by: loveandcare on November 17, 2018, 09:33:58 AM
Welcome! Absolutely this is the best place to start. I’m sorry you’re having problems. Everyone here can emphasize enormously... .we’ve all been there, and many still are, so we know what you’re going through!

Feel free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with!