
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: bengaltropicat on November 23, 2018, 06:01:05 AM

Title: Divorced more than 7 years from EXH BPD, Hates me virulently
Post by: bengaltropicat on November 23, 2018, 06:01:05 AM
After 28 yr marriage, exH BPD and I divorced in 2011.  Three children, two are adults  and one still lives with me.  He continued his downward spiral after the divorce and I got off the crazy train mostly by NC .  We divided it all up 50-50 with him getting a little more cash than me actually and now he is struggling, won't or can't work and he has tremendous anger toward me because I'm not in that situation.  He told others for years I was his retirement and now I'm not.  The other day he told our 14 year old he wished my plane would crash (Im a flight attendant). Of course, he still uses a cornucopia of curse words in referring to me on a regular basis.  It is a cauldron of hate and my 14 year old is stuck listening to it every time she spends time with him.  BTW, he pays little to no child support and I pay all her bills, expenses- gladly because I want nothing to do with this crazy person.  Any thoughts  or advice from you guys?