
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: boogs152 on November 28, 2018, 05:07:42 PM

Title: what to do while waiting for treatment?
Post by: boogs152 on November 28, 2018, 05:07:42 PM
I’ve started several topics in recent weeks. But I felt that it may be useful to start a new topic on what to do whilst waiting for treatment? I’ve made so many phone calls the past few months regarding treatment for my SO pwBPD.  The problem is that even if you are proactive and seeking help that there’s very little out there. There’s either a waiting list for treatment or the costs of intensive DBT are completely unaffordable. One course was for 48 weeks at $389 a week. Who can afford that on top of private health insurance?

What the heck are we supposed to do? Watch our lives crumbling in front of our very eyes? I can’t even get a face to face discussion on what to do.Government regulations have changed and even social workers are powerless these days. Public health is a mess regarding mental health in Australia as well.

What do we do?

Title: Re: what to do while waiting for treatment?
Post by: itsmeSnap on November 28, 2018, 09:30:44 PM
Hello boogs152

my gfwBPD cut me off about a month ago, so I'm also waiting on what happens next. I've been posting here looking for answers in the meantime and reading a lot on the issue, just having someone reply to me has helped calm me down a lot so I hope this helps you too.

It might be useful to provide a quick summary of what's been going on and/or what you would like to do moving forward so we can give you a more tailored feedback so to speak.

Title: Re: what to do while waiting for treatment?
Post by: boogs152 on November 28, 2018, 10:20:09 PM
Hi Snap. Thanks for your reply. Well whilst my partner is awaiting treatment we’re dealing with the living hell of his moods and his insomnia. He wavers between the Jekyll and Hyde scenario.

How do we both cope? I really feel on the edge now. When I say edge I mean I’m emotionally a wreck sometimes and there’s no escape. No break. No getting off the roller coaster.

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed when what I’d hoped for the relationship to be and the reality of what it is.

How do I get through the relentless unhappiness of my partner.
The coping with being a carer?  I struggle to quiet my mind

Title: Re: Waiting?
Post by: Notgoneyet on November 28, 2018, 11:05:05 PM
Hello boogs152,
 I was right where you are a few months back. My uBPDw finally agreed to try out some  DBT & went to sign up for it  at a nearby Clinic just to be told it was one month wait just to enroll into their IOP (Intensive Out Patient) treatment/assessment program before she could even start group DBT classes.
Dr. & T told me that in order for DBT to be effective at all persons must be Sober.
After 4weeks of IOP she finally got into DBT (3hrs - 3x/wk ) They prescribe it in 12 class increments and she just started her 2nd set of 12.
 I have med. to high end insurance through work which so far has covered it 100% and I'm feeling Very Blessed for that as I've heard the costs can be high.
 She is getting a lot out of her classes most days and shares some of it with me, including copying ALL of her hand out (tool sheets, techniques, etc).
 No huge change in behavior just yet but I'm noticing little  improvements weekly and remaining positive.
 If you have private Insurance would it be possible to try to get mental health treatment added to your policy before your SO starts treatment? Just a thought.
 Hope I didn't bore you w too many details but its all new to me (this DBT) and thought I would share.

 Hope things get better sooner then you expect.