
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: isilme on January 02, 2019, 04:08:13 PM

Title: Made it through the holidays
Post by: isilme on January 02, 2019, 04:08:13 PM
Made it.  Can't say it was super easy, but made it.  One blow up, mostly due to a video game.  He has actually been put in a sort of "time out" by the video game company after he yelled at other players online.  He admits he gets "verbally abusive" when on video games.  So, progress?  Some sort of self awareness creeping in?

He's testing his sugar, on his own.  It's not on a regular basis, but he's trying.  And he's worried, I know, about his blood work next week for his regular check-up, but he's been all over the place since during the holidays his sleep patterns were a mess, his eating was a mess, and we were stuck at his parents' house for 3 nights.  They were uncompromising and depressing as usual, and H's sister seemed a little too eager to "check in" on them.  H is worried about a "fight" coming soon about either elder care or final dispositions, and I told him if she wants to take charge, she gets to take charge.  I'm not willing to fight her for anything, and if he's telling the truth and he has no care about any inheritance, then just gladly step down and let her work to empty and sell the house in the drug dealer neighborhood with shootings down the block.  Less for us to worry with.

Anyway, other then the rage at the video game he spent hours and hour trying to beat (he misinterpreted what he could do, made it 50x more hard on himself to beat), and the normal winter depression, we made it.  Back at work, trying to be useful and get myself back on track for weight loss and keeping up with stuff.

Title: Re: Made it through the holidays
Post by: Cailin on January 03, 2019, 11:16:37 PM
Wow, what a relief! One minor blow up is something! We had the Christmas Eve Rage and he has been in his hate/vitriol/contempt/paranoia vortex and attempting (unsuccessfully) to pull me into it. No way, having no part of it! Gives me heart palpitations and panic attacks, increases my cortisol and lowers my immune system!
I hope the new year brings more calm and self awareness for the BPD in your life!