
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Full of regret on February 03, 2019, 08:32:34 PM

Title: Just beginning this journey
Post by: Full of regret on February 03, 2019, 08:32:34 PM
We just spent 3 weeks w our oldest son newly diagnosed w BPD.  Seemed like he was quite involved w his therapy then but seems to be back sliding.   Has taken more than 6 weeks to get everything in place.  The DBT has not started.  His counselor moved.  He begins w a new one tomorrow.  We are 1600 miles away.  It is so hard and he is on my mind constantly. 

Title: Re: Just beginning this journey
Post by: FaithHopeLove on February 03, 2019, 08:56:49 PM
Hello FOR
I am happy to meet you but not for the circumstances. You have come to the right place for help and mutual support on this difficult journey. How old is your son? How did he take the diagnosis? How can the group help you? I know this can feel overwhelming. My son 24 also has been diagnosed with BPD and it is a roller coaster ride. Reading the materials on this website really helped me. Maybe that is a good place to start? I am here for you and so are many others. You do not journey alone.

Title: Re: Just beginning this journey
Post by: Turkish on February 03, 2019, 09:53:01 PM
The distance sounds very tough... .

Can you give a history of how you all arrived at this point?  How is your relationship with your son?

Title: Re: Just beginning this journey
Post by: wendydarling on February 04, 2019, 02:56:22 AM
Hi Full of Regret  :hi:

Along with FaithHopeLove and Turkish I welcome you, as FHLKC says you don't journey alone, support is critical. 

Seemed like he was quite involved w his therapy then but seems to be back sliding.
In what way? You've done brilliantly getting support in place it's such a challenge.

I'm sorry he's so far away, are you able to talk, facetime your son?


Title: Re: Just beginning this journey
Post by: livednlearned on February 04, 2019, 02:36:35 PM
Seemed like he was quite involved w his therapy then but seems to be back sliding.

That seems to be a common pattern. Therapy can be scary for someone who feels overwhelmed and flooded by intense emotions. It is often two wobbly steps forward one big step back and so on. It's a good sign that he is open to therapy and that he is willing to try again.

The DBT has not started.

It's hard to wait for these things to get going when your heart is in your throat and things feel so urgent. There is a good book you may want to read called Buddha and the Borderline, a memoir in which a woman with BPD goes through DBT. I found her reflection on DBT to help me make sense of the way it works and how it might feel for someone going through the skills.

It can also be helpful to order a workbook so you can become acquainted with the same skills, and at least know the language or be curious about it if your son is open. If not, the next best skill to learn is validation. There are many wonderful friends here who can help you walk through that new terrain if it's new to you.

Glad you are here