Title: VIDEO | Kris Godinez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: Red5 on April 23, 2018, 01:30:02 PM I have been listening to a person's YouTube channel (Kris Godinez & BPD [title was "More on Borderline Personality Disorder"]), and yesterday I heard this... .
BPD is actually a collection of all the ten disordered traits (there of). So the lady went on to say that BPD is a collection of all ten; Cluster A (Odd, eccentric ) Paranoid PD, Schizoid PD, Schizotypal PD Cluster B (Dramatic, erratic) Antisocial PD, Borderline PD, Histrionic PD, Narcissistic PD Cluster C (Anxious, fearful) Avoidant PD, Dependent PD, Obsessive-compulsive PD Extremely difficult... .but interesting stuff, albeit having to live within this. Its been about sixteen months for me, and I am seven years into a second marriage to a pw/BPD (suspected, but not diagnosed). There is much to learn, and you will give yourself a degree of "peace of mind" as you learn more. Red5 Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: Skip on April 23, 2018, 03:46:29 PM I have been listening to a person's YouTube channel (Kris Godinez & BPD [title was "More on Borderline Personality Disorder"]), and yesterday I heard this... . BPD is actually a collection of all the ten disordered traits (there of). So the lady went on to say that BPD is a collection of all ten... . Hey Red, she said that, but it is not at all true. New York psychoanalyst Adolf Stern is credited with loosely using the term “borderline” in 1938 to describe a condition that he thought was on the border between neurosis and psychosis - borderline between "neurosis and psychosis". While the name stuck, the "neurosis and psychosis" idea was abandoned early on because this condition bears little relation to most psychotic disorders. And it's worth noting that the term "borderline" precedes the grouping/labeling of personality disorders that didn't happen until the 1960's. Here is the official, long version, definition of BPD. You won't see anything suggesting that it is a constellation of all three clusters or of nine other disorders. https://bpdfamily.com/content/borderline-personality-disorder The DSM 5 actually has two specific disorders for people with overlaps, 301.90, 301.89: "Unspecified personality disorder (301.90)" which is defined as "the individual's personality pattern meets the general criteria for a personality disorder, and includes traits of several different personality disorders". "Other specified personality disorder (301.89)" - person does not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the personality disorders diagnostic class Date: 10-2015(https://bpdfamily.com/book-covers/spacer.gif)Minutes: 1:26 More on Borderline Personality Disorder (excerpt) There is also the issue of having more than one mental illness at the same time. ASPD traits are comorbid (overlap) with BPD in nine percent 9% of women with the disorder (19% in men). The Avoidant/BPD overlap is 16% of women with the disorder (11% in men). Under the DSM 5 Classifications
There is more overlap than psychologists are comfortable with and an alternative classification scheme is being evaluated that will have less overlap. It is described in the DSM 5 Appendix. Everyone, please be careful of vblog and blog "experts", there is a lot of well meaning but not-always-reliable sources out there. Experts in personality disorders are highly specialized and are largely associated with major universities/medical centers and are generally MD and PhD level. This is not something the average family doctor or community therapist has a lot of experience with. This is a good book. Once you read something like this, you will be able to quickly tell if someone is explaining the science is easy to understand terms, or winging it. https://bpdfamily.com/book-reviews/borderline-personality-disorder-demystified This is not a criticism of Godinez, she seems like a very well meaning person and working hard, has an active you-tube channel, selling self published books and coffee mugs. She is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) in Arizona, and has a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix [correspondence school run by Apollo Education Company - more here - https://bit.ly/2HwoB9q ] Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: Red5 on June 08, 2018, 02:04:35 PM Thanks Skip ! |iiii
Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: I Am Redeemed on February 07, 2019, 10:32:46 PM I have heard that BPD on the malignant end of the spectrum (Queen, Witch) presents traits of all ten personality disorders. I don't know if that is an accurate statement or not. Also, I have heard that when this happens that there can be something like "BPD with narcissistic expression", which can look like NPD but not necessarily have enough traits for diagnosis of co-morbid BPD/NPD.
If that is true, could it result in the deliberate cruelty you spoke about? Like I said, I don't know if that is accurate. I have been unable to find information about it other than the one source. Redeemed Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: I Am Redeemed on February 08, 2019, 02:17:59 PM I have also read about the borderline mother types. The video I watched was saying that borderlines in general can fall into these groups, or move from one to the other fluidly.
The person who does these videos is a licensed mental health counselor who claims to get her information from the DSM V and encouraged people to look things up and not take her word for it. So I did, but I couldn't find any information about borderlines showing traits of all ten pd's. In the scenarios listed above, if I were the staff member and my stbx was the customer who was not getting his perceived needs met, and I tried the validation as listed above... . Depending on how angry he was, it may work, or it may backfire. I could see him going into full blown rage, denying my sincerity at attempting to understand his feelings, accusing me of just trying to shut him up, going off on a rant about what a selfish, horrible, vindictive, hypocritical, lazy person I am, I never show him care and concern, I only care about myself, I probably am cheating on him, I have a master plan to get rid of him, I am just using him, I am mentally unstable and can't handle being a wife... .etc, etc. I don't know what pd that is, but I know that it was abusive, without a doubt, and he refuses treatment, accountability, or acknowledgement of the impact of the abuse on me. So I am NC and filing for divorce, and it doesn't really matter what disorder(s) he may have since he won't make a sincere effort at therapy. I still just try to unravel the madness, though it is probably futile and pointless. Redeemed Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: Randi Kreger on February 08, 2019, 02:47:01 PM There is no such thing as people with BPD showing traits of all 10 personality disorders. I am afraid she is on her own lonely island waving her own little lonely flag. That doesn’t even make any sense as the clusters are totally different.
Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: I Am Redeemed on February 08, 2019, 08:46:27 PM Glad you brought this up Red, coincidence I guess but that's the exact video I watched.
I could not find anything supporting it, which is why I asked. Thanks for the info Skip, I do try to question what I read or watch because not all sources are reliable. Redeemed Title: VIDEO | Kris inez, Online Reputation, Independent Review Post by: Red5 on February 08, 2019, 10:36:15 PM Hey Redeemed,
Excerpt I do try to question what I read or watch because not all sources are reliable. Knowledge like most things in life, is on a spectrum, .and like the seasons, or the ocean tides, it changes constantly... .I’ve been reading in the area of late... .about the “diagnostic” history of these disorders... .when did the profession(s) start to evolve to the point of identifying and creating the identifying constructs as we know them today... . All very interesting... .for an example... .in 1918, when the soldiers came home from Europe... .what we know now as ptsd/cptsd was known as “shell shock”... .and before that “they” were labeled as “cowards”, .or even “pacifists”... .terms created to “explain” are always changing with the times... .even unfair terms applied... . Isn’t it interesting how the changing times... .changes our prercieved knowledge and understanding of the current and supported information? The quest, the search, the seemingly unquenchable thirst for explanatory knowledge continues... .for all of us... .which to me is very healthy thing for us all to be engaging in, a journey of understanding... .to heal... .to gain a healthy emotional bastion of self esteem, of emotional security... . I’ve had too much to think for the evening... . Love y’all ! Red5 |