Title: my broken relationship Post by: Jamie b on February 25, 2019, 04:51:17 PM Hi
My BPD girlfriend of 2 years who I loved very much has dumped me and replaced me in a little over 3 weeks ,we where planning on moving in together less than two months ago , and I had even bought an engagement ring , I was always there for her whenever she needed me but I felt that I was giving so much and wasn’t getting any love or effection back , and everything I did for her was just met with criticism and snide remarks, she’s now posting pics of herself with another guy on social media , she has unfriendliest me but kept my sister as a friend and has also set her Instagram to public , it feels like she’s rubbing it in my face and it’s incredibly hurtful, I’ve started nc but I’m finding it hard and just want to know why or what I’ve done to make her act this way Title: Re: my broken relationship Post by: Sandb2015 on February 25, 2019, 10:57:32 PM Jamie B, welcome to the board and I’m sorry you’re here, so many of us are and we have similar stories...
Don’t ask yourself what you did, it’s seems as though you did what you could. You didn’t cause BPD, it was there before. It all sucks, you should not beat yourself up asking questions you can’t answer and they are the wrong questions anyway. Take some time for yourself, quality you time. Title: Re: my broken relationship Post by: once removed on February 25, 2019, 11:14:17 PM hi Jamie b, and *welcome*
theres got to be a lot of hurt involved when you buy an engagement ring and breakup. it sounds like you were unhappy in the relationship. did you express that to her? did she say why she was breaking up? |