
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: itsmeSnap on February 26, 2019, 09:58:57 PM

Title: I dreamt about being in a relationship with a girl I used to like, not my BPD ex
Post by: itsmeSnap on February 26, 2019, 09:58:57 PM
Hello everyone.

Just want some perspective on a dream I had tonight

So I was in a school I used to go to when I was young (where I had my first "rejection" so to speak, a girl I liked became gf to a buddy of mine which I actually used to advice on love ) but I was with this girl I met at work a few years back (who also went and hooked up with a "friend" of mine irl).

Thing is I felt so good about that dream, woke up in a great mood and although tired from not sleeping enough, I still really enjoyed the feeling from the dream throughout most of today. I knew who she was in the dream and I remembered (also in the dream) what she'd done irl, but I didn't care, I liked being with her, I saw her like I remember from a day out we had where the sun was low on the horizon and her eyes glanced at me with such a beautiful glow that I'll never forget.

Anyway, I really liked her, she didn't reciprocate romantically at the time, but we were very close for a good while. I haven't talked to her in about three years now. I rejected her because she had lied to me about being involved with "my friend" and she came to me after she had a kid with another dude who cheated on her, who I also warned her that he was a  :cursing: bag, so I got blocked and I'm currently unable to contact her. I met my BPDgf a few months after that.

What I find interesting is that from being here on the boards and talking so much about my experience with my BPD (now ex)gf and how I would want to be back with her given the chance, my brain decided it was that girl the better personification of the "love to seek" and not the gf I actually had.

I also recently met a girl I kinda liked and she liked me back but I didn't really feel a connection with her. two days later, I have this dream of the "perfect partner", and neither this new person nor the woman I "dated" for a long time were anywhere near in that dream.

Anyone want to take a jab at dream interpretation? I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you think this means or what it says about me

Title: Re: I dreamt about being in a relationship with a girl I used to like, not my BPD ex
Post by: Turkish on February 26, 2019, 11:14:47 PM
I won't go Hannibal Lecter on you ("are the lambs still bleating,  itsmeSnap?").

I'd just say that despite how she hurt you,  you still have positive feelings about that time deep down.  And that's ok.  Your mind is searching for positive feelings. 

Title: Re: I dreamt about being in a relationship with a girl I used to like, not my BPD ex
Post by: itsmeSnap on February 27, 2019, 05:09:49 PM
Quid pro quo turkish

I've had similar dreams before and it's always such a great feeling to wake up to, though I still find it interesting that "the relationship I didn't have" was somehow the better one in my subconscious.

I am looking for positives, I find it more comforting than holding on to the negative, even though it might make me "minimize" what actually happened: she did lie to me, my gf did things I would not be ok with if we were in a relationship, even though we were "broken up" when it happened, and I guess why I am able to have a relationship with my dad after so much turmoil in my younger years.

One lamb, I mean, day (night? ) at a time right?