
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Mindfried on March 18, 2019, 03:50:01 PM

Title: Simple Advice to make you feel better and get you through the day
Post by: Mindfried on March 18, 2019, 03:50:01 PM
If you have something you need to accomplish no matter how small it is, DO IT NOW, why wait-it will just hang over your head until you do it.

If you want to be with someone than be with them, if not then get out.

Whoever you love in life make sure you tell them. It costs you nothing and one day you may no longer have the chance to tell them.

Smile, be polite and respectful. You will feel better.

Always, Always, Always take the high road.

Some battles are just not worth fighting-know when to step away.

Don’t be indecisive-make a decision.

Take a walk. Get out in the sun, breath some fresh air-you will feel better.

Be thankful for all you have.

Laugh everyday-it will make you feel better.

Listen to your favorite music and play it loud-it will make you feel better.

Make a baby smile. It will make you smile-you will feel better.

Eat some ice cream-You will feel better.

Take a nap-you will feel better.

Clean out your closet and donate your unwanted clothes to those less fortunate-it will make you feel better.

Conduct a random act of kindness every day, even if it is just paying someone a compliment, or holding a door.

Roll down your car window on a cold day-the cool fresh air will make you feel better.

Over indulge on your favorite food on Friday nights.

Learn unconditional love from a dog.

When you have the time, take a long shower-it will make you feel better.

Keep an open mind to other people’s point of view-you may learn something.

Practice forgiveness-especially for loved ones. Conflict is not worth it.

Let bitterness go-it drains your emotional energy.
t’s not always rainbows and butterflies it is compromise that moves us along-Learn to compromise-it lessens conflict.

This one is easier said than done but anything that is bothering you, you have to let it go, keep the faith, and
keep moving forward brighter days are ahead.

Sit on the beach or a lake and draw from the positive energy it provides.

Buy some bubble gum and blow bubbles. It will bring an instant smile to your face.

Read a book.

Learn something new every day. It is good for your personal growth and will make you more interesting.

Dance in your living room when no one is looking.

Be passionate about anything you do. Be passionate with the one you love. Passion makes you feel alive.

Always be polite. Remember to say please and thank you.

Be Bold.

                     Inspirational quotes
“Nothing is irreplaceable except the ones you love."
 “Sometimes the answers to life’s most complex situations are right in front of us but we rationalize them away”
"Each day presents a new opportunity to do something great"
“Being flawed is the beauty of being human."
"The only way to truly move forward is to never look back."
"Never take no for an answer when it comes to your dreams."
"Change is inevitable; it is how we adapt to change that defines us."
"Take life as it comes when there is no clear pathway for your journey."
"The future is an endless world of possibilities."
"There are no mistakes in life, only choices that we made that did not work out."
"Good health and a loving family equates to true wealth."
"People come in and out of our lives every day. It is family that remains constant."
"Don't always be in such a rush to get to where you think you need to be in life because once you get there, you will be there a long time. Enjoy the journey."
"Sometimes we have to find our own way to discover what others already know."
"The key to life is to have faith and have fun."
"Life is simple. It is people who complicate it."
"Labels divide us. Humanity unites us."
"You are the architect of your own life. Build a strong foundation of morals and values and you will always be able to stand erect."
"The most important time to have faith in yourself is when no one else does."
“Have an upbeat, positive attitude and your mind will start to look at things differently”
“The answer to the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest. If you live it to the fullest you will find the answers you are searching for.”
“There is no perfect life, just life with all the good and bad and everything in between. But there is a great and amazing life if you live it to the fullest and fill it with love, happiness, compassion, passion, faith, and adventure”.

Title: Re: Simple Advice to make you feel better and get you through the day
Post by: MeandThee29 on March 19, 2019, 01:26:03 PM
A few things for me of late:

Go to bed on time.
Make time during the week to hang out with friends.
Eat well.
Take a walk every day.
Live moment-by-moment versus grieving about the past or worrying about the future.

Title: Re: Simple Advice to make you feel better and get you through the day
Post by: WindofChange on March 19, 2019, 02:11:50 PM
Great thread and great words of wisdom! An idea I would add:

Set a small goal for yourself every day then follow through.  It will give you a sense of accomplishment.
Once you've done that for a while, build on it from there and set a few small goals. Baby steps.

One of my own examples:
(I have a desk that's been overtaken with papers and mail.)
Goal:  When I go home at night after work, get rid of 5 pieces of mail. Envelopes count!