Title: The Family ~ John Bradshaw Post by: Harri on June 25, 2019, 01:32:31 PM Date: 10-2010(https://bpdfamily.com/book-covers/spacer.gif)Minutes: 3:21 The Family (part 1) ~ John Bradshaw John Elliot Bradshaw was an American educator, counselor, motivational speaker, and author who hosted a number of PBS television programs on topics such as addiction, recovery, codependency, and spirituality. Title: Re: The Family ~ John Bradshaw Post by: Couscous on December 05, 2021, 05:09:44 PM This series has been so interesting, because in essence the BPD family system is just a somewhat exaggerated version of the standard autocratic family system that has basically been the norm since the advent of agriculture.