Title: I miss him Post by: Sednasue on June 28, 2019, 04:05:24 PM We have been seeing each other for a year and it has been very turbulent with lots of splitting and running away. He cut down on his drinking and had a massive improvement and eight lovely weeks together only to become stressed and start drinking again and the cycle of splitting starts. I have finished the relationship and had some abuse in return , but I miss him so much , I don’t know what to do he is such a lovely guy when stable and I love him to bits but feel I am enabling him staying with him whilst he won’t even consider assessment or any treatment ...help !
Title: Re: I miss him Post by: Yoke on June 29, 2019, 02:32:27 AM Hi there. I am also new here and was engaged with my ex for a year when she out of "nowhere" ..broke up with me and left.. it was 1,5 month ago and i do still miss her every day, 24/7.. i love her still BUT i understand from the support here.. and reading a lot of BPD and realize in some way even if it is so hard to deal with.. that it would never work if they not want to be treated. It is painful, i know.. but it is doomed to be like this cycle over and over...until HE devaluate you for good.. because it will happen.. i am heartbroken myself but i understand that I need to foccus on myself now, otherwise i will go under. I am in theraphy.. and it helps a bit. You get hurt yourself by the abusive, makeups- breakups... and lose yourself in all this mess.. read other stories, ask questions here! Grief the loss.. you are not alone here! Take care