
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Piper15 on August 26, 2019, 01:48:05 PM

Title: Results are in today...Im freaking out
Post by: Piper15 on August 26, 2019, 01:48:05 PM
Give me the strength to get through today! My 16yo daughter goes in for the "results" appointment after her full psych eval.  I feel like we can FINALLY have an answer. She's been so off the rails this weekend. Got pulled over by the police and all of her friends were given minor consumption tickets...but she did not get one...cause she was DRIVING.  Kicker is...she doesn't have her license!  They let her go with no ticket...cause she was "trying" to do the right thing by not letting her drunk friends drive. She kept my H and I up for 3 nights in a row threatening suicide cause she has this imaginary illness. In all honesty, the imaginary illness is ANXIETY...but she refuses to believe that, and is such a hypochondriac...that she's sure she is dying. So, she threatens to kill herself.  UGH.  I know I should take the threats serious, but it's so commonplace to her...that I shut my phone off, and went to sleep so she would stop bugging me.  Im so hoping that they hospitalize her TODAY. She needs to be in a safe place. And due to her not respecting ANY of the rules of our home...it's not safe. I say no friends over (since her friends brought drugs into my house) and she just has them over anyways, I say "you can't leave" and she sneaks out anyways. I say "clean up after yourself" and she REFUSES. I don't even LIKE her right now, much less like being around her.  Part of me feels like a crummy parent for feeling like that...but part of me knows that she shouldn't live here. She is in denial, and thinks that all of her symptoms are "no big deal"  They're a big deal to ME!  She's holding us prisoner in our home, she has absolutely NO respect for ANY authority.  Cross your fingers, and your toes, and your legs, and eyes...that we get an answer today...so we can move forward with some sort of TREATMENT!

In the meantime, my anxiety is so bad...I feel like I can't stop moving - like restless leg syndrome by in my entire body, my chest feels tight, feels like I can't breathe. Meditation helps for a while, but i have a full time job, and can't spend all day meditating! HA!  I went to the doc and got some meds for it...they BARELY knock it down.  50 mg CBD gummy helped a little last night...I went to the gas station and bought it out of desperation.  I can't sleep, cause I can't stop MOVING. Somethings gotta give soon...or I'm the one who is going to end up hospitalized.

Title: Re: Results are in today...Im freaking out
Post by: Houdini on August 26, 2019, 03:01:51 PM
Hi Piper15, I hope you get the relief you are looking for with your daughter. My DD has been on 4 different medications before the doctors finally landed on the combination and dosages that have been most effective. It was all very frustrating and while new behaviours have emerged, the cutting and suicidal threats have reduced immensely, she is currently on a combination of 3 drugs.  We have been blessed with a GP that walked the journey to diagnosis with us. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Title: Re: Results are in today...Im freaking out
Post by: FaithHopeLove on August 26, 2019, 08:50:16 PM
Hi Piper
Just checking in on you. How do you feel now? I will be praying for you as you await the results of your daughter's appointment.

Title: Re: Results are in today...Im freaking out
Post by: wendydarling on August 28, 2019, 08:02:56 AM
Hi Piper

I too am thinking of you and have everything crossed the evaluation can help implement changes and provide you much needed support and relief. My experience follows what Houdini describes...

Piper, do you have a BPD specialist supporting you?
