
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Cenewyg on September 26, 2019, 09:06:26 PM

Title: Bpd girlfriend split with me
Post by: Cenewyg on September 26, 2019, 09:06:26 PM
Hi, I met my ex in May online. She hadnt had a relationship prior to me for 4 years. We chatted everyday for hours and agreed to meet on September 13th, after more talking and photo exchanging she requested the date to be moved earlier to the July 27th. We met that day and had a great time, she was excited and told me she was in love & I was her FP. 2 weeks later on August 9th we met again for a hotel, after being intimate and spending time together she ran home without a word and texted me to say it was over, she felt nothing.

The next day i reached out and she said she had had a panic attack and then split on me due to texting her about leaving. 2 days later she blocked me on everything to see if she actually needed me, which when she unblocked me 8 hours later said she hated not having me in her life.

We planned to meet again on September 10th, she had been sending snapchats and telling me loved me and cant wait to see me. The day came and she cancelled, i told her it was fine and she asked if we could rearrange another day, which i agreed to. I was never upset or mad at her and told her that.

2 days later she ghosted me for 3 days, said she is feeling numb and nothing for me since cancelling.

We finally got past that after 5 days and everything was smooth, when i asked about seeing her she kept saying we'll talk tonight about it but then wouldnt reply or even say shes going to bed etc. The last time i was frustrated and decided to call her multiple times, 1 she rejected. I left a voice note asking her to explain why she keeps avoiding me about meeting again, and what she actually wants from me in terms of a relationship.

The next day she responds, furious over the calls and says 'I'm done' and blocks me from everything.

I reached out on the 2nd day asking if we could talk and she replied with 'i dont want to talk to you, its over'..

Its been 6 days now and I'm still wondering whether or not i should wait or reach out and just let her know I'm still here to talk..

The good times really outweigh the bad time's, and I'd still like her in my life.

Title: Re: Bpd girlfriend split with me
Post by: ColdKnight on September 26, 2019, 09:14:00 PM
Hi and welcome,

You are not alone. Read as many of the stories on here as you can and you will find we have all been there.

Oh how I wish I was in your shoes right now. So much I would do different...but you know what...even if I did things different I would probably have still lost her.

My advice, if you want to try and get her back, do not contact her. Let her come to you. Don’t chase her. I have said this many times before: I firmly believe that their fear of engulfment is far stronger than their fear of abandonment. You will do far more damage chasing them than pulling away and letting them come to you when and if they ever are ready. She may never come back.