
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: formflier on October 17, 2019, 01:16:39 PM

Title: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: formflier on October 17, 2019, 01:16:39 PM

Fall break couldn't have come soon enough!  We are taking off when everyone gets home from school to drive about 6 hours to spend time with my oldest son.

He's graduating with Masters degree in Computer Engineering this December.  Also recently engaged and planning to be married this spring/summer.  He's been dating this girl for a while, they make a great couple.

I've been struggling to keep a positive attitude recently as test results (MRIs) seem to be stacking up against me.  "Reducing activity" certainly helps manage pain...but...well...then I'm not doing much, which sucks.

I had been hopeful that with a fresh MBA in my pocket I would be making posts this fall about doing consulting projects and trying to get back into some sort of productive mode.  Instead, life seems to be one giant medical appointment. 

Next week I have 6 separate appointments scheduled for various things and after posting this I need to call and try to reschedule the one on Tuesday, because I think it conflicts with me returning from this trip.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other..



Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: Cat Familiar on October 17, 2019, 04:58:53 PM
Ugh! I know how that is. Currently my shoulder and Achilles’ tendon are functioning, but there was a time when I felt like medical appointments were occurring multiple times a week.

Big congratulations on your son’s graduation and engagement! :wee:

Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: Enabler on October 18, 2019, 05:13:46 AM
All the best for the trip and hope the MRI's go well.

Do you find that holiday stress tends to tip Mrs FF into a whirlpool of BPDisms?


Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: AskingWhy on October 18, 2019, 03:27:07 PM
How wonderful for you S, FF!  What an accomplishment for you (and him!) to be proud of!

Holidays have ways of creating stress, so make sure your S feels the whole enormity of his success and accomplisment!   :wee:   :hug:

Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: braveSun on October 18, 2019, 09:45:44 PM

I've been struggling to keep a positive attitude recently as test results (MRIs) seem to be stacking up against me.  "Reducing activity" certainly helps manage pain...but...well...then I'm not doing much, which sucks.

I'm sorry to learn about this FF. I know you have been dealing with some pain in your back. It's not easy to manage. What's the proposed treatment, besides reducing activity? Do you have any interest in alternative pain management methods, like chiro, supplements, mattress adaptations, reiki, acupuncture, etc.. ? Any physio in your upcoming appointments?

I had been hopeful that with a fresh MBA in my pocket I would be making posts this fall about doing consulting projects and trying to get back into some sort of productive mode.  Instead, life seems to be one giant medical appointment. 

It can feel like this when you just learned about the news. Plus pain itself has a way to present like a permanent host when it comes. Not that sure it can overcome MBA. MBA is valid for a long long time.   :hug:

Take good care.

Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: formflier on October 19, 2019, 09:47:42 AM

Hey braveSun

Good to see you around.

  What's the proposed treatment, besides reducing activity? 

At the moment the two things I've "added" are physical therapy and myofascial release massage.  Also just got a saunders traction machine.

I sort of had a routine that I thought had things handle the best they could be.   Then my shoulder went numb (out of nowhere) so I knew some stuff had to change.

I was getting regular deep tissue massage/chiropractic along with regular light exercise/swimming.
I've done some acupuncture in the past. 

It turns out that I needed to change some exercise/stretching because phys therapy found some areas were pretty good and some very restricted.  My range of motion is almost back to "full".

Physical therapy changes next week.  New therapist focuses more on nerves.  The last one was focused on muscles and she is "discharging me" with instructions to keep working on exercises/stretching.    Not exactly sure what the new phys therapy is going to entail.

This coming Friday I have first appointment with surgeon/ortho specialist. 



Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: GaGrl on October 19, 2019, 10:37:51 AM
FF, I had a herniated disc between C5-6. I tried all alternatives to surgery. In the end, after the third epidural went "pear-shaped" (pain came back worse than before), I opted for surgery. Instant pain relief.

However, I'm not sure I could have made that decision with your trying the other alternatives.

Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: formflier on October 19, 2019, 11:10:23 AM

Yeah..I know what you mean.  Surgery is "last option", although my internet research shows that for the "plugged up holes on the side" (what I seem to have), there are some "minimally invasive procedures" that should work.

I'm hoping to get specialist to agree to MRI of the mid back or perhaps entire spine.  There is a "spot" between my shoulders where things turn and head out to my arm.  So...I'll feel it go down my spine, hit the spot and then zip out my are to my pinky finger.

I want to make sure I know everything going on in there before really pushing forward with a plan.

GAGrl...how long after surgery did you know it was a good surgery?



Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: GaGrl on October 19, 2019, 12:57:05 PM
Within a few days, I realized I had no pain or numbness. My primary discomfort was numbness, which with C5-6 went down my arm and then from my forearm to my middle and ring fingers.

My surgery involved using my own bone, removed from my hip flange, rather than cadaver bone. So I was still uncomfortable for several days where that piece of bone had been removed.

The higher on the spine, the less time and discomfort is required for recuperation -- just a factor of weight on the spine.  So my neck was pretty easy...total four weeks before I went back to the office.

Title: Re: Looking forward to fall break trip
Post by: braveSun on October 19, 2019, 05:33:53 PM

Same to you FF!

You have helped so many people around here, I have a hard time to see you as someone who 'doesn't do anything'..   lol

I'm impressed by the level of quality care you have been giving into this. I know, new developments like this are not what we want to see happening. I am seeing that you are right in the center of action with it. That's good.  |iiii

You also seem to have a good team around you. This is a blessing.   |iiii

Keep on taking good care, FF.
Hope you find a pain free time to go enjoy the cool weather and connect with your son.

Keep on posting,
