
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Elizabeth22 on January 11, 2020, 02:49:17 AM

Title: My therapist thinks my uBPDDIL is also a sociopath
Post by: Elizabeth22 on January 11, 2020, 02:49:17 AM
or has sociopathic tendencies, does sociopathic things.

Do these 2 disorders coexist? I didn't get a chance to really get into it in my session, too many other things to cover around this situation.

He has told me to steer clear of the caretaking situation with my OGS. He said its a poorly conceived plan that is being poorly executed and I should not be stepping in where the parents and CPS failed, and I shouldn't be asked. He said their plan will fail and does not think highly of CPS at all.

Thank you.

Title: Re: My therapist thinks my uBPDDIL is also a sociopath
Post by: wendydarling on January 11, 2020, 07:57:02 AM
Hi Elizabeth

Yes personality disorders can co-exist, "Other personality disorders may be confused with borderline personality disorder because they have certain features in common. It is therefore important to distinguish among these disorders based on differences in their characteristic features. However, if an individual has personality features that meet criteria for one or more personality disorders in addition to borderline personality disorder, all can be diagnosed." excerpt from our article DSM Definition: Borderline Personality Disorder (https://bpdfamily.com/content/borderline-personality-disorder)

He has told me to steer clear of the caretaking situation with my OGS. He said its a poorly conceived plan that is being poorly executed and I should not be stepping in where the parents and CPS failed, and I shouldn't be asked. He said their plan will fail and does not think highly of CPS at all.
How do you feel about steering clear, does it make sense to you?


Title: Re: My therapist thinks my uBPDDIL is also a sociopath
Post by: Elizabeth22 on January 12, 2020, 05:14:22 PM
Hi Wendy,

Thank you for the information. :hug:
Yes, the final and hastily thrown together plan that was being carelessly finalized while OGS was being discharged is not workable, so it makes sense to me to not be part of it. I hate that it's this way, but my therapist went over it with me very carefully and pointed out the many problems and potential problems, and how it's actually detrimental to everyone. He is disgusted that CPS had 2 years to work this out and basically worked it out in the last 10 minutes or so, and with me, by last minute surprise phone call.

E22 xxxx

Title: Re: My therapist thinks my uBPDDIL is also a sociopath
Post by: Etsy on January 18, 2020, 02:34:45 AM
Hi Elizabeth22,

I have had a little experience of social services, when child mental health reported me to them for abandoning my DD ... in hospital ! (it was her 5th hospital admission for self harm, and I refused to take her home until I had a care plan, childrens mental health interpreted this as abandonment, because they were unaware of the features & criteria of BPD, it wasn't until a year later under another authority ...  who recognised the disorder and knew what they were doing that she got her diagnosis)
Sorry to waffle on there, but my point being, in my experience is that there appears to be a very poor education amognst some professionals around this diagnosis,  that they
A. do not know what they are dealing with and
B. Have so many other clients on their books, that we are just merely a statistic that needs to be processed, one way or another! ... regardless of the nonsense that they seem able and allowed to produce on a report, that is perhaps nothing more than their thoughts on subject they know very little about?
 I live in hope that one day this condition is better recognized, and that people get the help that is needed as early in in life as possible. What I have found to work for me when I have not been happy with something/a service ..  again depending where you live is to approach a member of parliament/government who has a passion for mental health, and is happy to help sending/ firing off letters to relevant bodies where needed.!  The journey is a mental health marathon for carers and suffers alike, and at times so so emotionally draining.


Title: Re: My therapist thinks my uBPDDIL is also a sociopath
Post by: Elizabeth22 on January 18, 2020, 09:56:06 PM
Hi Etsy,  :hi:

So nice to meet you, and I am sorry you had to go thru such a horrible experience.

It is true the system is overloaded and has it's share of unskilled workers.
This has been recognized by the governor of my state in the US and he appointed someone to open a brand new office to oversee this system and 'fix' it.
I have talk to her directly, more than once. Tried to file complaints, which she would not act on. She is merely an apologist for this system.
She actually told me I should bring the workers treats if I wanted a better quality service for my grandson.
It's infuriating.

E22  :hug: