
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: DanceInTheDark on January 31, 2020, 05:25:58 AM

Title: Unsure if I can/should get him back
Post by: DanceInTheDark on January 31, 2020, 05:25:58 AM

I've been a lurker on this site for the past few months, but I'm really needing to chat to some people who get it.

My exBPDbf broke up with me at the start of December, after a 15 month relationship. We are family friends and have known each other all our lives. This break-up had followed on from two months of me being suspicious about a girl he'd met at that time, because suddenly his behaviours changed, but he would constanly switch between telling me he loved me and doing brilliant things to making me feel bad about myself. He stopped wanting to spend time with me, was going out on late night "drives" all the time, was constantly texting but never showing me his phone, and making plans that just didn't involve me. Whenever I asked him about these behaviours, he claimed it was my anxiety and insecurities, and that if I trusted him I had nothing to worry about. I told him I did trust him, but that I was worried I shouldn't. Everything from tv etc, internet sites, the friends I confided in suggested that he was cheating on me and lying to me about it.

A couple weeks after we broke up, I realised I didn't trust him anymore. He was trying to act the hero, but it was off. So I went through his phone, something I had never done before despite having known his paswords for the entire relationship as he used to get me to put on music in the car and stuff. And well, PLEASE READ (https://bpdfamily.com/safe-site.htm). He had asked this girl on a date within a week of meeting her. They had been together since. He was speaking about getting married to this girl and living with her etc, telling her I was a horrible person who made him feel worthless and that he'd never had someone love him like she did. My heart broke, because I genuinely did everything for him. Supported him, bought him things he couldnt afford himself but I knew he wanted, reminded him to take his meds, moved to a different country, gave up on friendships he wasn't comfortable with... all for him to lie to me. I'd told him at the start of our relationship to tell me if he ever started liking someone else, if he ever wanted them romantically or sexually to tell me. Because yeah, things change. People change. I wouldn't want him to be stuck with me unhappily.

I confronted him about it and he denied it all (still) until I said I'd seen the messages. Then he didn't know what to do. He cried (second time I'd ever seen him cry) and appologised. Said he didn't love her, to which I said you are telling her you do love her, so you're lying to someone here. Long story short he didn't want anyone to know he'd been cheating and especially not when his dad had voiced concerns about that at the start of our relationship.

We still live together. He goes over to her place a lot, but ocasionally brings her here. He tells me he wants us and still PLEASE READ (https://bpdfamily.com/safe-site.htm)s me, but I don't know if that's genuine or if it's just to keep me hanging on to a false hope. I love him, but at the moment I know he's still lying to me about things. I don't think his new gf is aware of everything either, but with the lies he tells her about me I doubt she would listen to anything I said.

I can't see how we went from "let's have a baby together" to this. My head is a mess. Not entirely sure what to do, some advice would be received with open arms. Just what I can do to improve the situation with someone I promised to always be there for.

(Appologies for the spelling mistakes, I'm dyslexic x)

Title: Re: Unsure if I can/should get him back
Post by: Rev on January 31, 2020, 06:27:50 AM

I can't see how we went from "let's have a baby together" to this. My head is a mess. Not entirely sure what to do, some advice would be received with open arms. Just what I can do to improve the situation with someone I promised to always be there for.

(Appologies for the spelling mistakes, I'm dyslexic x)

Hi DnD,

Welcome... The ambassadors will direct you to some of the resources that are here to help you.

I just thought I might direct you to some ideas to get started on the path to clarity you are seeking - because if you read this statement I excerpted from your post, the whole crux of the matter is here.   That's a pretty heavy swing - and I feel for you.  I am dyslexic too btw, and if you are like me, one the strengths of being dyslexic is that you readily see the gaps in someone's story.

So the first thing I would encourage you to do is to read this post out loud to yourself - in front of a mirror if you can - and once you get used to reading it so often that it gets boring almost, imagine that someone else is sharing it to you coming for objective advice.  What do you tell them?  This will get you started on understanding what is pulling at you and in what direction. 

Obviously the answer that is right for you may not be the answer that is right for someone else, but it's a start.

Another thing you can do is to work on your sense of values and boundaries regardless of the situation.  Like what are your guiding principles in life?  Which are more important and deal breakers?  Which are more flexible?  When our emotions and rational thoughts don't work in harmony, it can be hard to tell which is which.

Finally - I like to say that when you have a conversation with yourself, remember to be polite. (LOL).  It's coy, but it's true.  So - be honest with yourself but be polite with yourself.  Part of that is realizing that unless there is an immanent danger - abuse - violence - self-harm - then this doesn't need to a be a race. It can be whatever kind of walk you want.

Congratulations for reaching out.  This is, as you have discovered, a really great place.

You will find friends here. All of us have been thru something like you describe. All of us want the happiness of the next person to post to be found.

Hope this helps a little.
