
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Loves.a.a.v.bpd on April 01, 2020, 08:58:50 PM

Title: How can I get her back I love her and just want to be with her again
Post by: Loves.a.a.v.bpd on April 01, 2020, 08:58:50 PM
I was with her 2 month I treated her right I messed up and I didn't understand her so we went back to being friends and she said she wanted to start over and said she wanted a relationship but I hurt her I accepted it we didn't break up on bad terms  on bad terms later that day I texted her said sorry and told her I still love her she texted me back told me she loved me too that was on the 20/020

I gave her space but reached out to her she called me in the middle of the night a few time also text me saying when she was better we could give it another her birthday was on the 30/01/20 I wished her a happy birthday then she invited me to go see her I did got her a card and a little cake and 20 cigs we went to her bedroom she changed her from her jeans into pajama pants right infront of me I didn't make a move or try to kiss her instead when we were laying in her bed I asked if we she said to me let's just see how we get on as friends it's not a no. I said it's a no not right now.

Looking back it was stupid trying to get her back that soon it was because I missed her and she was saying we could give it another go over text

I gave her space she reached out to me 2 weeks ago text me asking how I have been and also said things would get better between us. But then her dad died I could tell something had happened so I text her so told me her dad killed himself

She called me in the middle of the night a week ago last time I had contact with her was Saturday I texted her to let her know there was a second season of a funny show on Netflixs  she texted back lol yes I tryed to get a converson going but she didn't text back day before it I sent her a funny video and funny meme pics. Trying to cheer her up

With her dad dying should I give her space wait till she comes too me just I'm worried about her with her father dying he was bad to her she dislike him but she misses him not all the times were bad

And when I was with her I realized I was focusing on her problems more than my own and I should have trusted her I have ADHD so when she needed space I overthink till it lead to bad thoughts she was distant for a while I didn't realize she need so much time because she has been through hell growing up and she has been sexual abused by her father and raped off a guy she thought was her friend

I didn't understand her at first I understand her better now so I know if could be next year before we get back together good thing about it is I have time to work on myself

1 more thing what I'm asking is should I let her come to me or should I reach out to her and how long should I wait

And also when I met her I became her friend she told me she liked me so I told her I liked her back and kissed her and got into a relationship with her I knew it was the wrong time but I liked her and I didn't want to mess things up

I miss her and it makes me sad and I get paranoid when I first met her I was confident and I can make her laugh I still can