
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Lola B on April 09, 2020, 09:29:33 PM

Title: Whoo-eeeee Pandemic in my living room
Post by: Lola B on April 09, 2020, 09:29:33 PM
That which does not kill you...

It’s because your his/her rock...

You’re all he/she has...

You are the strongest person I know...

God doesn’t give you more than you can handle...

You have this challenge for a reason...

To all of which I reply (most often in my head because I have now learned through Olympic training from my BPD daughter to bite my tongue)

...bite me.

God bless you. Stay sane and safe. Much, much love to all my fellow olympians 

Title: Re: Whoo-eeeee Pandemic in my living room
Post by: Gemsforeyes on April 10, 2020, 07:05:20 PM
Dear fellow Olympian Lola-

Not sure whether you intended to draw out laughter with your post, but you did.. so thank you!

I don’t believe I’ve ever posted on this board despite the fact my stepson’s wife is uBPD and I’ve lost him.  C’est la vie.  So MUCH is beyond our control, as we’re all learning these days.  Or daze.

... “bite me”.  I cannot tell you how many times I’d walk into my bathroom to escape the rages of my (now ex) BPD/NPD BF and say out loud to myself  “oh, just bite me”.

When we finally broke up on 2/13 during his final rage at me, I had turned on my phone recorder.  I really needed out and knew a “record” of his venom would help me keep him away.  (I know you don’t really have that choice.)  As he was fleeing the garage, I said “God bless you... and keep you... far away from me”.  The last few words I said were when the garage door was closing, so he didn’t hear that part.  Those words make me laugh.

We HAVE to find the comic relief any way we can.  Sometimes it really IS a matter of survival.  So Lola, don’t be surprised if one day you look at your DD, and say “oh sweetie, I love you dearly, but today... with what you just said, well, bite me”.

I know, highly inappropriate.

Please stay safe.
