Title: Lawsuite, Relationships, BPD Mom Post by: sarahA on June 02, 2020, 08:54:27 PM Someone suggested I post on this board.
Recently learned about BPD and how Mom probably has it. Things have been escalating at home and I don't have very many people I can talk to about it so trying this out. So I filed a lawsuit against her to protect my family and siblings financially. About a year ago she had an affair (or a few) emptied a family bank account, stole a vehicle and is now coming after the family property to get more money for herself through a divorce settlement. These are things I personally invested my life savings into. And she's not broke, has 100k in inheritance and is capable of getting a job. Some of the siblings are on board and some do not believe she has BPD or even that she did these things. Very frustrating. But they did not witness her behaviors at home recently cause they moved out. Just trying to make wise decisions with my Dad and siblings at home and navigating these emotions. Title: Re: Lawsuite, Relationships, BPD Mom Post by: GaGrl on June 02, 2020, 09:45:34 PM You can get legal advice from a local lawyer who specializes in estates and wills. As much power as your father can use, perhaps could be used to create a family trust that your mom cannot access.
Title: Re: Lawsuite, Relationships, BPD Mom Post by: ForeverDad on June 02, 2020, 11:47:00 PM What is the legal status of your parents? Are they divorced or just separated? Also, the state(s) in which they may reside decide which types of laws apply, such as community property states. I'm assuming any legal separation or divorce case was in the state where the residential property is?
GaGrl is right, get consultations with experienced family law and estate attorneys. She likely won't find any negotiation attempts agreeable so you need to select a proactive professional who can bulldoze through the problems. Title: Re: Lawsuite, Relationships, BPD Mom Post by: MeandThee29 on June 03, 2020, 07:19:08 AM GaGrl is right, get consultations with experienced family law and estate attorneys. She likely won't find any negotiation attempts agreeable so you need to select a proactive professional who can bulldoze through the problems. And don't go low-ball on the attorney. I hired one that I really couldn't afford, but there are certain efficiencies with someone who has seen everything and who knows all the judges, clerks, other attorneys, etc. etc. He was actually a very humble individual though and very pleasant to work with. |