
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: 9112mom on June 21, 2020, 05:48:30 AM

Title: Adult daughter diagnosed with BPD
Post by: 9112mom on June 21, 2020, 05:48:30 AM
My 26-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with BPD. It was an initial a relief to have a name to behavior that she and our family have struggled to understand for years...since she was a young child. As a mother, I have witnessed her pain and suffering, sought counseling for her, been her comfort through the depression and anxiety, been her advocate, and bore the brunt of her anger and outbursts. I have learned to deescalate, navigate, and mitigate the rocky terrain of her emotions and interactions, and I am exhausted. I am worried. I am frightened. And although I have a wonderful husband and other grown children who are supportive, I feel alone.  No one truly knows the depth of sorrow and fear that I feel for my child and the prospects for her future.

There seem to be local support groups for just about every illness and disorder I have ever heard of...but none that "fit" for a parent of a child with BPD. I am hoping to find support and understanding from other parents who have walked in my shoes.

Title: Re: Adult daughter diagnosed with BPD
Post by: wendydarling on June 21, 2020, 06:48:25 AM
Hi 9112mom and welcome  :hi:

I'm glad you found us and reached out for support, my daughter was also diagnosed at 26 I know how you feel the initial relief of a dx, mixed with worry and fright, you are not alone  :hug: The resources and support of the wonderful people here have helped me support my daughter in her fight to be well, she's doing great. So hang in here with us, there is a lot to learn. How's your daughter received the diagnosis, can she relate?

Hope and patience.


Title: Re: Adult daughter diagnosed with BPD
Post by: Shark bait on June 21, 2020, 08:51:11 AM
I feel for you and I am in the same situation, only my daughter is 40 and is undiagnosed. My Doctor psychologist says she has BPD