
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: wantyousafe on August 05, 2020, 12:54:09 PM

Title: How do I get closure
Post by: wantyousafe on August 05, 2020, 12:54:09 PM
I'm in a bit of despair!
I joined this site because of a sister I thought was bpd but I have a lot of problems with her daughter!
My niece is a bright woman who has a degree but has never settled into a career, she and husband have no stable careers or homes and the relationship with the in-laws family is poor!
She has a history of asking me for small sums of money to try different careers or bail her out: her husband expects them to pay 50/50 and I don't blame him, she's played dodgy with him in the past and I don't want her to lose him.
I keep bailing them out with small amounts but they never settle and every time they ask it stresses me and my husband and causes me distress (note to all bpd; you think your siblings got away free? Ha).
My Npd sister (undiagnosed) and unless brother-in-law?...you had them, why I am picking up the **** when I didn't. (That's another story).I
And how do I stop the guilt? Because, let's face it, no-one they'd away Scot-free and for me...it's an underdeveloped guilt-consciousness and lack of self-worth.I just want peace.

Title: Re: How do I get closure
Post by: pursuingJoy on August 05, 2020, 04:32:01 PM
wantyousafe, hi  :hi: what would happen if you just said no?