
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: todayistheday on August 07, 2020, 09:57:41 AM

Title: Anxiety uBPD Mom and Pandemic
Post by: todayistheday on August 07, 2020, 09:57:41 AM
I rated very low on the anxiety test.

I have however been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  I attribute it to being the scapegoat child of a uBPD Mom. I also have to battle perfectionism.

I am a bit of an introvert.  I think that is partially due to the constant fear of Mom and adults I lived under as a child.  I learned to stay in my room and try to be happy on my own.

I am also caretaker for my husband.  He has a number of underlying medical conditions, six of which make him a high risk person if he gets sick.  He also has vision loss.  The main caretaking I have to do is drive him everywhere.  Which makes it easier for me to keep him out of unsafe situations.   The rest of his conditions are managed at the moment.

I find now that my anxiety has greatly decreased during the Pandemic.  That is despite what is going on in the world.  My only anxiety is trying to keep my husband healthy.  However, on the whole, even with that, my total anxiety level I believe to be lower than usual.  I wonder if it's because I don't have to be with my uBPD Mom. (I just posted another message about a possible visit.)