
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Fonbire on August 07, 2020, 05:04:09 PM

Title: Help to make her understand
Post by: Fonbire on August 07, 2020, 05:04:09 PM
Me and my girlfriend been together for 2; years now and in the beginning she pursued me after my girlfriend at the time passed away and s boyfriend that was in prison. Me and the boyfriend continued to talk on the phone after her passing because my girlfriend was all he had until I came in the picture anyway I continued to look out for him and entertain his desires sexually over the phone which I was already doing before me and my girlfriend got together she has heard me talking to him many times once we officially got together I stopped the entertainment but continued to look out on the strength of our girlfriend that passed away ,my girlfriend wasn't happy about that and wanted me to cut all ties so I told her I did but didn't she found out asked why so I told her I felt like that was something I had to do because the deceased one had been doing it, after that happened she said I couldn't be trusted, loyalty was broken so she started accusing me of cheating and entertaining other people because they had interest in me every little thing had something to do with me being unfaithful we weren't on speaking terms just her accusations and nasty looks towards me no matter what I said or did It was a lie which led me talking to someone else on the phone about everything not just relationship issues but everything nothing sexual about the conversations we were having just someone to talk to. It had gotten so bad that she wanted me to quit my job cause of co-workers she didn't approve of , my friends she wanted me not associate with anymore, she recorded conversations we would have eventually I moved out and broke it off with her! I ended up sleeping with the girl I was having conversations with on the phone.l told her she needed to get some help. She begged me to come back and when I did she questions why did I come back ,why couldn't I show her affection and attention the first time I explained why and we moved on I thought but since I've been back she doesn't do any of the things we agreed upon and sexually she gave me what I wanted plus everything else but once she knew she had me back she doesn't take her meds like she is supposed to so here we are with her accusations and throwing up past events in my face every chance she gets then it's how much she love me , can't wait to come home to me. This is hard, stressful, and exhausting not to mention my own mental health issues. I love her and wanna stay because I know she isn't doing it intentionally (I don't think) but at the same time I feel I should go according to her I am the reason she will never be happy. Someone PLEASE HELP