
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: wendydarling on November 01, 2020, 03:01:29 PM

Title: Progress update
Post by: wendydarling on November 01, 2020, 03:01:29 PM
Hi  :hi:

I can't quite believe it's a year since my last DD update, there is 2020 for you, the slowest of years and quickest of years at the same time, that is how it's felt.

For those who are not familiar, I joined family here December 2015 when my DD was suicidal, self harming...the list was long...in and out of ER, totally out of control. Now six years on since diagnosis. Since my update last autumn - DD continues happily with weekly therapy. It's the highlight of her week! Key was reduction in her anti-depressant, all the talk of possible bi-polar passed within weeks. Last new year her therapist (since July 19) gifted her a gratitude tree  :love-it:. I gifted her a week at Plum Village, which she's not been able to take up. DD participated in the Radical Self Care research project. DD caught Covid in Feb, we think while travelling five hours by train to visit her Dad. Still struggling in May she was prescribed an inhaler.

DD still lives at home, and we're not into stage 3 of my plan - back to work, somewhat circumvented by Covid. But she is happier and healthier as each day goes by, emotional wellbeing and resilience in the tank for the future. I could not ask for more.

If you are struggling, like I was. This is the place to be. I've learnt everything I needed right here through our friends, members and the resources.


WDx  :heart:

Title: Re: A year on, update
Post by: formflier on November 01, 2020, 05:50:02 PM

Thanks so much for the update.  So happy for you and DD!

If you get a chance..can you outline the stages of your plan?



Title: Re: A year on, update
Post by: Swimmy55 on November 01, 2020, 06:10:46 PM
Thanks for sharing this- it give me some hope!

Title: Re: A year on, update
Post by: Lollypop on November 07, 2020, 11:50:10 AM

I’m so glad you’ve posted with an update. From such dark days at the beginning, look where you are now!  Your daughter, at some point, made a choice to find answers and try for a better way of living. You found this forum to help you navigate your own way forwards. I’ve learnt so much from you and I say thank you. The years roll by, it’s staggering how quickly it goes.

Your story proves that us Mums can walk besides them. You talk much of your daughter and of course that’s why we’re here...to learn how best to help them in the right way. I know you’re looking after yourself and making plans. Our lives and happiness aren’t dependant on our kids, but if they’re happier and stable it certainly makes our way so much easier.

I hope you can give yourself a big hug. I think you’re amazing. :wee: