
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Karzoopa on November 12, 2020, 07:02:10 AM

Title: Husband with BPD traits
Post by: Karzoopa on November 12, 2020, 07:02:10 AM
Hi, I’ve researched many sites, read many books and have had counseling. The biggest problem I have is setting boundaries. My husband I believe, had BPD. One minute he treats me like his best friend and then his worst enemy. I don’t know if something in him gets triggered but it happens when I’m thrown off guard! What do I do and are there any signs to tell if this may happen that sets off an explosive bomb that I need to watch for?

Title: Re: Husband with BPD traits
Post by: Inside on November 14, 2020, 10:05:05 AM
Sounds like he’s the one in need of counseling, has he received any?  You say he “had BPD,” did you mean has? 

As I’m no doubt rusty with the terminology, what I found is they’ll shove away if feeling too attached, as if they’re being smothered by the r/s.  As that can happen during the best of times, there’s little we on the receiving end can do to stop it.  If we reassure them, or hold tighter, they struggle harder to get free, often forcing unnecessary conflicts in order to make their temporary escape.   

Yes, temporary; they always come back.  What they’ve done in the meantime needs to be determined, though. 

I’d determine if he’s willing to seek therapy.  BPD is difficult to find treatment for, though.  Not sure if you share children with him.  If not, my boundaries would firm up, and an escape plan would form.  If there are children, I’d push as hard as possible that he seek assessment and a form of treatment.