
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: dinglebat on November 17, 2020, 12:24:47 PM

Title: medication enabling
Post by: dinglebat on November 17, 2020, 12:24:47 PM
It's frustrating to see borderline get misdiagnosed as atypical, rapid cycling bipolar (Marsha Linehan agreed with my concern) and medicated with "mood stabilizers". That seems to give free reign to externalizing blame, "sick role", entitled to be taken care of where reciprocating is optional  I start to feel like a two dimensional support person working in a residential treatment setting (our house) where my partner does well so long as i accommodate/caretake.  The narrative seems to be that i am a caretaker of a person with a chronic illness but it seems more like enabling helplessness, being attacked is just a symptom of the illness, judged, and controlled.  It can seem like being herded into the role of a parent of a perpetual adolescent, my frustration tolerance gets low...of course i get wonderful intellectual responses or withdrawal with deafening silence...  I could go on.  Faith is important to me and there's the "Christian thing to do"  but i get confused about that.   I could go on, but any thoughts?

Title: Re: medication enabling
Post by: Sandy Vernacular on November 17, 2020, 03:39:16 PM
Hi I think what you are saying is an undiagnosed pwBPD is using medication for anxiety, depression etc.  This process exacerbates the BPD, and gives them "fuel" in the form of medication to bring out the worst BPD traits.

If that's what you are saying, I'm witnessing this firsthand.  In my case the pwBPD is defiant and certain they are not BPD.

It's a vicious cycle I'm afraid...