Title: Harassing me on Facebook today, ugh. Post by: Rose409 on August 14, 2021, 11:30:46 AM He's not a FB friend. The kids removed him too. I had him blocked but just as a test unblocked him a week ago to see if he was looking and sure enough. Apparently I'm evil for having no relationship status. I don't have ANY identifying info on there. Guess I'll ignore his tirade yet again ..
Title: Re: Harassing me on Facebook today, ugh. Post by: Cat Familiar on August 16, 2021, 09:55:25 AM Do you feel there’s any hope of the relationship improving?
Title: Re: Harassing me on Facebook today, ugh. Post by: GaGrl on August 16, 2021, 10:47:19 AM I am wondering the same as CatFamiliar -- has the level and length of your H's behaviors reached a point that you can make a decision about your future -- with or without him?
You are at a critical life crossroads -- lots of change ahead. It must be difficult to ponder a life so different than imagined. What is your head and your heart telling you? Title: Re: Harassing me on Facebook today, ugh. Post by: ForeverDad on August 16, 2021, 05:18:10 PM Usually the head is first to determine which is the best (or least bad) path to take forward and then the heart catches up in time.
What does your head or logic tell you? Right now he's behaving himself, somewhat. For now. He knows there's a line he mustn't cross but he's skating awful close and believes these boundary violations such as stealing, hiding or destroying your personal or work items is okay. It's not. That subtle (and not so subtle) sabotage surely is limiting whatever counseling he is receiving in the program. Have you watched the 1944 movie Gaslight? That's where the term "gaslighting" comes from. Little by little over the years you were conditioned to allow behaviors you would have rejected outright at the beginning. Can you imagine whether there will ever be sufficient improvement? Despite what seeming progress he makes in his classes or sessions, as long as his little sabotages continue he won't make progress. Sorry. |