
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: samIam85 on November 22, 2021, 05:10:23 PM

Title: Insight into the BPD mind
Post by: samIam85 on November 22, 2021, 05:10:23 PM
Hey all, as I continue trying to get over my whole situation with my exgfwBPD, I find that understanding how their mind works and differs from most others has helped. I have one particular experience that I feels exemplifies how drastically different they can be. Towards the end of my relationship , the day I finally caught my exwBPD cheating on me , her best friend called her sobbing to let her know that the guys they were with the prior night both raped her. I overheard the convo and watched my exWBPD just maintaining  a scary blank response to the whole thing not crying or consoling , just  blank- saying "omg "or "wow" but really not expressing any true emotions. A month later I come to find that she too had consensual sex with one of the assailants after he got done with her friend. What's truly shocking and blows my mind is that not only did she go back to see the guy later that night after hearing her friends story and breaking up with me , but she CONTINUED to have a relationship with the guy up until the point I had found out about it a month later and only stopped b.c. I was getting close to calling the cops on behalf of her friend. When confronting her about it she spoke of the her friends rape as if it had no bearing on the relationship she had with the same guy. She spoke of her friends trauma as being 'her problem' and couldn't see how messed up it was for her to continue seeing her friends rapist. What's more is he actually passed all of us syphilis and even after I got tested to confirm it , she STILL didn't want to give up /lose the guy. When I gave her the results and told her I knew that she had to be  still communicating with him she got outraged and lashed out at me . It was the most traumatizing thing confirming that I was being cheated on with the guy that raped her friend and she was actually getting mad at me for jeopardizing their relationship?