
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: BigOof on January 17, 2022, 01:36:25 PM

Title: Night Raids
Post by: BigOof on January 17, 2022, 01:36:25 PM
Did you ever experience a night raid from a pwBPD?

I did. I'm rarely scared and this scared the hell out of me. I will never forget the look on her face. Pupils dilated, anger and confusion combined with a viciousness that read as "get out of my way, I've got some marauding to do!"

Please share.

Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: chinchilla_dad on January 17, 2022, 02:36:27 PM
I've not heard of the term.  Could you elaborate?

Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: BigOof on January 17, 2022, 05:35:41 PM
pwBPD comes into your room in the middle of the night and rages:


Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: chinchilla_dad on January 17, 2022, 08:19:43 PM
OK wow!  I've never seen anything like thatHoweverI heardOne guy specificallyJay a woman he was withDid something crazyIn the middle the night and attacked him.  My best friend described basically this exact incident with his NPD wife.  He said when this happened He, His two kids, And the three dogs All had their own hiding places.

Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: Riv3rW0lf on January 18, 2022, 06:23:58 AM
Not that I can remember.

Based on my experiences with my father's girlfriends... Because he knew how to choose: one of them ended in prison, my mom was BPD, my stepsister,'s mom was highly depressed and smothering, and a few other were BPD; one in particular was VERY intense... Jumping on top of a running car and grabbing the wipers while screaming like an enraged dog when my father was desperately trying to leave for work after a fight kinda intense... there clearly is a range of BPD, from mild to extreme.

It wouldn't surprise me that this specific girlfriend would do those kind of night raids. But I was a teenager by then and had my own small apartment downstairs, where she didn't come. I also left less than a year after he brought her to live with us.

But my own uBPDm is not an extreme case. Else, I think my father would have taken us with him full time. She was more of a covert manipulative. Physical harm, while it happened, remained mild, more psychological. Like pulling teeth before they were ready to fall or not providing comfort when we were scared of pain, and instead aggressively do the thing we were scared about. It's not that the pain was that high, it was more about the fear and control

Plus, at night, she drank a lot, it wasn't rare that I would get up after a nightmare to realize she wasn't even in the appartment. So probably would have been much to hungover to do that, lol.

Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: Teabunny on January 18, 2022, 12:14:07 PM
She raged at me but I don't remember if she came into my room in the middle of the night. Mostly I just remember hiding under my bed, with the dogs. I knew the underneath the bed pretty well and hid things between the wooden slats.

Title: Re: Night Raids
Post by: eaglestar on January 19, 2022, 06:40:53 AM
My mother never woke me from sleep to rage, but she definitely has barged into my room in the past to rage, and she calls at unexpected times to rage as well, now that I'm living independently from her.
She puts herself to bed at about 20:00, very early, because she has a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome among other things. She adheres to a very rigid schedule. She gets out of bed at 06:00 every morning. She checks her email, walks on the treadmill, and makes breakfast. She eats a very limited menu, perhaps 10-15 items. She eats lunch at 13:00 every day, and then takes an afternoon "nap," (but doesn't really sleep most of the time, she just watches TV in bed), then eats dinner at exactly 18:00 every night, and puts herself to bed 2 hours later. Her most active time is the morning, so I would frequently find things to do if I was home in the morning so I would be out of the house or otherwise indisposed, if she was in a bad mood. It was easy to avoid her in the afternoons because she sequestered herself in her room. When I went back to live with my parents for a time when I was between jobs, she walked into my room in the mornings and demanded to talk to me.  One time, this happened when I was in the shower. She raged at me, telling me how I was the root cause of her marital problems, how I was manipulative and that the only reason I moved home was to sabotage her and take my father's side in their arguments. She demanded that I leave. I did leave, as soon as was possible.  This happened several times. She has never been violent, but her words are exceptionally cruel. She knows just what buttons to push, both with me and my father. Even today, she has said some things to my wife that are completely inappropriate. Like cold calling her while she was pregnant and telling her that "I hope when your husband turns out to be an abuser like his father that the baby you're carrying isn't a coward like your husband is, and will stand up for you against him." The latest rage was a stream of unwanted texts, telling me how my father had accused her family of being affiliated with a terrorist organization. The family history email she was referring to was addressed to me as well, and all it stated was that this terrorist organization was "in our family history" because a terrorist act was committed right outside a spot we have been to and confirmed to be a family burial plot. This is 100 year old history. The stream of angry rage texts went on for 2 days and included accusations that I was defending my father and even sympathizing with terrorists! Good grief!
I guess the recurring theme is that she intentionally texts or calls (or, when I was there, drops in) to rage at times she knows she will catch me unexpectedly.