
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Tristiana on February 20, 2022, 06:28:32 PM

Title: Have just found this forum
Post by: Tristiana on February 20, 2022, 06:28:32 PM
Hello everyone. I can't begin to describe my emotions. I am in my early 60s. My ex-partner and I were together for 13 years and have been separated for more than 20 years. We have been living together since we separated apart from the first couple of years. I have always blamed myself for the difficulties we had and still have in our relationship. When we were together I tried my best to please him and avoid conflict, and still do. He could be affectionate and fun, but also depressed, hypercritical, sullen etc. I got hold of the Walking on Eggshells book because that's how I feel -- walking on eggshells. I always worry I will do something that could trigger anger or criticism or the silent treatment, even little things like how I fold a tea towel. It never occurred to me that he might have BPD; I didn't know that was what the book was about until I opened it. But reading the anecdotes and checklists -- it's my life! Not physical violence or even verbal abuse, just anger (often irrational), emotional abuse, blaming, controlling etc. He has no family and worries about being homeless. I have been supporting him financially since a few years after we separated. He sees a psychiatrist in relation to abuse he suffered as a child, but I don't think BPD is on the horizon in the therapy. I know it's bad to 'diagnose' people yourself, but I couldn't believe how close the behaviours in the book were to what I'm experiencing. I don't want to abandon him, and he has no one else. I have no one I can confide in about this in my friends and family.

Title: Re: Have just found this forum
Post by: alterK on February 20, 2022, 07:08:03 PM
Hi Tristiana, and welcome to the forums! Most of us get her through roundabout routes, as you did. You're correct, we don't make diagnoses, but the behavior you're describing definitely sounds BPD-ish, and we can say that. Pretty much everyone here has been through, and most are still struggling with, similar situations. What you will find here is fellow-feeling, and some suggestions for coping with specific problems. You might consider switching to the "Detaching and learning" or "Conflicted about continuing" forums.