
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: lovingmyself1st on June 22, 2022, 01:09:49 PM

Title: Resentment and BPD
Post by: lovingmyself1st on June 22, 2022, 01:09:49 PM
My ex with Bipolar Disorder & symptoms of BPD told me there was a lot of resentment that built in her marriage. And she couldn't do that again.

2 months ago, my ex caught me in a lie (backstory: one of my unhealthy coping mechanisms I'm working on is turning to sweets when I'm anxious. I had come back from the grocery store where I had just eaten 2 cookies & stopped at a gas station near the house to throw the other 2 cookies in the trash. I turned to sweets in that moment b/c her family was in town for the first time ever, and I was anxious. I threw the other cookies out because I was feeling immense shame & didn't want to her family to see that. Apparently I left evidence of a sticker on my shirt.). As soon as I got home, she asked me, "what's that sticker?" I replied, "Oh, must be from the groceries."

She said that in that moment she knew I didn't trust her, and that I would never trust her. Even though I talked to her about my coping mechanism regularly, and have shared other incidences when I ate things I wasn't proud of, she was incredibly mad at me for that one moment. She said she could never trust that I wouldn't hide something from her. She felt like our vulnerability levels were unequal in the relationship. And that she had built up so much resentment, she couldn't see a path forward.

She didn't tell me how she was feeling until about 2 months after the incident (even though we checked in with each other regularly about things we were annoyed or upset about). And she told me she didn't know how I couldn't know how she was feeling as she felt it was obvious. We talked it out for a long time one night. We got on the same page about how she was feeling and about expectations for vulnerability going forward. She expressed relief & said she felt like this was a turning point in our relationship, and she felt really good about it.

**I should note -  the next part of this came up in the days immediately following a doctor appointment she had that lead to an unexpected medical diagnosis - unrelated to mental health**

Out of the blue, she told me that because of the resentment, she could feel herself getting annoyed with me & being passive aggressive or mean with me sometimes. She said she didn't like this about herself.

The resentment lead her to no longer being able to see a future with me. She broke up with me because of this.

A day later, she told me that the breakup is not just because of the resentment. When she was in her doctor appointment, she had this sinking feeling of "I don't want my partner in this appointment with me, or in any future appointments." And so she now says she just has a feeling that we're not supposed to be together.

When I relay this story to mutual friends, my independent friends, family, everyone has the same reaction - this seems like an impulsive reaction, and very unlike her. Everyone is confused. I'm struggling to understand & am shattered.

Is resentment a common thing for people living with Bipolar Disorder and/or symptoms of BPD  to experience?  Is this really the reason we are done? It feels like there HAS to be something else.

Title: Re: Resentment and BPD
Post by: babyducks on June 22, 2022, 02:09:59 PM
I notice this post is mostly about what she thought, thinks, said.

Would you mind terribly if I asked what you think?

Does this strike you as credible? 

Does this strike you as reasonable?

Are you able to believe the evidence of your own eyes?  And the conclusions of your own thinking above what she tells you?

Title: Re: Resentment and BPD
Post by: lovingmyself1st on June 22, 2022, 02:46:27 PM
Hi babyducks, thanks for the reply :)

This doesn't seem reasonable to me, though I'm sure to her it's very reasonable. It doesn't seem reasonable to her family, to our friends, to my friends, to my family. But to her, it's her reality. I feel very empathetic towards what she's going through, as I know this is likely an outcome of the way her brain functions. I know it's not reasonable...AND I can work to understand how it's affecting her.

What I'm curious about is if resentment is a common thing that comes up for people with bipolar disorder and/or BPD symptoms? Is it something they truly have been dwelling on for months? Or possibly does it feel like it's been festering for months after some kind of trigger happens?

Title: Re: Resentment and BPD
Post by: babyducks on June 23, 2022, 04:37:32 AM
My Ex was diagnosed bipolar 1 comorbid with BPD.    She was compliant with medication.   Regular with therapy.  She had assembled a strong mental health team that included a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and a mental health nurse.   

My experience was not that resentment was present in how her mental health challenges expressed themselves.   She never mentioned it.   I never observed it.   Her mental health team never raised it as a concern.

What was true for us, in very stark ways, was that her engrained script of victimhood, the 'things never work out for me' thinking lead to her interpreting ordinary daily events as evidence to prove that She Was Not Lovable, No One Had Ever Loved Her, No One Would Ever Love Her.

Title: Re: Resentment and BPD
Post by: babyducks on June 23, 2022, 06:17:56 AM
Sorry.  Wanted to add quickly that "festering for months" is not something I associate with the poor impulse control and rapidly changing mood swings common with bipolar and bpd.

My ex was impulsive in ways that were usually horrifically destructive.    She could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory right at the last moment.   Typically by doing something that was almost literally the worst possible thing to do in that moment.