
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Lovingmum on August 26, 2022, 12:43:50 PM

Title: Episodes or just a constant state of self destruct?
Post by: Lovingmum on August 26, 2022, 12:43:50 PM
I’m guessing this varies from person to person but my son is in a constant spiral down. No good days or even ok days.
No routine, no friends just isolates himself.
I keep reading about episodes and people being pretty normal for periods.

Title: Re: Episodes or just a constant state of self destruct?
Post by: EllaRose68 on August 27, 2022, 04:11:54 PM
Hello Lovingmum . My daughter seems to have a few months of things looking positive and hopeful , then when she seems to take the we next positive step very suddenly , seemingly out of the blue , becomes so angry and paranoid . Sadly the past year has been the most rocky . She had not had any hospital admissions throughout the year , but many visits to the GP and A and E too . Her cycle of self destruct / blame / anger compared to loving , appreciative , funny and kind has changed in that the good spells only last the odd day . She is not accepting any mental health diagnosis at the moment either , everyone else is the problem and everyone is deliberately making her out to be a bad person in her eyes .I am in the UK and try to work with mental health professionals advice . There have been many different professionals involved over the past six years since her diagnosis . We are her only constant really and at the moment I am hoping she calms d Ed bough again soon for some privately funded therapy . She began DBT 6 years ago , but struggled with it and wasn’t sufficiently supported to continue . The pressure as a parent to try to find the best direction is enormous . Stay strong and remember to take care of yourself through this.