
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: G Rich on December 12, 2022, 10:43:57 AM

Title: Never thought I would be here again..
Post by: G Rich on December 12, 2022, 10:43:57 AM
Hello all... I was here 15 yrs ago and I was a mess... Took along time to recover... Relationship ended in 2007 by her...ran out in panic attack mode... blaming stress on our relationship.. The 2 yr relationship was crazy...bi polar x 100...

Through the years she tried contact.. emails with nothing in them but the footer so i would know it was her.. Then in 2012... both my parents died 6 months apart and she sent condolence emails to me saying she saw the obits in the paper that morning.. Problem is they werent yet posted in the paper.. This led me to believe that she was creeping my Facebook. The next year 2013.. I had posted on my Facebook that my son were going to a local blues festival the following night. Last minute, a female friend asked me to pick her up.. We get there, my son takes off leaving just me and this woman.. As we are exiting the concert tent later in the night.. we are walking up the street and who is walking straight toward us with a smirk on her face... freaked me out..

Fast forward 9 years 2022, 2 weeks ago.. Saturday night... Sitting with a glass of wine.. watching a basketball game.. I get a ping on my phone.. Look at the message.. It's her and the message was '?'.. So I responded asking what on earth could she want.. No response till next morning when she said ' Why on earth would I want to talk to you, I didnt send that email'. I said that I had the message in my inbox at 8:40 pm the night before. You would have had to be on my Facebook page.. click the message button... Type '?' and click send.. I checked your profile and it is you.. She responded saying ok... Then blocked me on Facebook and Instagram... WTH... I thought this was over.. I am past it for the most part.. but it is like tearing the band aid off again though..

Title: Re: Never thought I would be here again..
Post by: Woolspinner2000 on December 13, 2022, 07:51:26 PM
Hi GR,

It's okay to be back here. There's so much support. Taking time to work through these relationships isn't necessarily a one and done thing. The damage from the trauma takes time, and sometimes we can get retriggered, if not by our former partner, then by another situation that reminds us of them. That's okay and so very normal.

How are you feeling now after a bit of time has passed?


Title: Re: Never thought I would be here again..
Post by: G Rich on December 14, 2022, 09:30:15 AM
Not sure what you mean by a bit of time.. It has been 15 years from break up to now.. And 9 years from last contact to now.. If you mean since she contacted me 2 weeks ago... Im ok... but it is like tearing off the bandage again. I have to replay from over 15 years ago everything in my mind to remember what it was like...

Title: Re: Never thought I would be here again..
Post by: Woolspinner2000 on December 14, 2022, 07:40:24 PM
I did mean the most recent trigger.


Title: Re: Never thought I would be here again..
Post by: G Rich on December 15, 2022, 08:38:23 AM
Im good... thanks...