Title: I need help. Post by: JH02! on January 31, 2023, 07:42:01 PM I'm doubting my own sanity and I believe I am being "devalued/discarded" by a person I considered one of my best friends. I have been a caregiver and very consistent person in her 2 year old son's life. She will not speak to me currently and has not allowed me to see her son. She has accused me of things that are not based in reality and are not even logical. I feel like I am going through someones death, in case her's and the baby I have loved unconditionally. It is hard to function normally and I dont know how to move forward.
Title: Re: I need help. Post by: Mommydoc on January 31, 2023, 07:58:14 PM Hi JH02! I am so sorry you are going through this. Maybe you can tell us a little more about your situation so we can offer more specific support.
Are you providing the caregiving as a friend/family member or are you being paid to be a caregiver to the son. What is the relationship with the mother. What insights do you have around what might have triggered her to change the relationship. :hug: |