
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: SurvivalGuy on May 15, 2023, 08:31:09 PM

Title: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: SurvivalGuy on May 15, 2023, 08:31:09 PM
Hi guys,

I know I’ve been spamming a lot of the last few days but I’m 9 weeks out of a 6 month BPD relationship. NC at all other than me sending a few emails with no response (as I expected). I’ve basically been dysfunctional as a human being. I’ve seen a psychologist about 9 times in this period and am 3 weeks into anti depressants (lexapro).

I wasn’t in a real good place before meeting my BPDex (drinking, unsatisfied with my career, isolation). Meeting such a person was the worst possible timing. It has absolutely ripped my life apart. I was going to check myself into a mental retreat in Queensland Australia at about the 4 week mark but I feel like I don’t need that anymore (maybe that’s some progress) but god damn

I would like some success stories of people feeling better after several months. Thanks all for your support so far.

Title: Re: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: tina7868 on May 15, 2023, 09:27:39 PM
Hey SurvivalGuy  :hi:. My heart goes out to you. I’m sorry that you’re going through this.

I know I’ve been spamming a lot of the last few days but I’m 9 weeks out of a 6 month BPD relationship.

No need to explain yourself, that’s what this forum is for!

I was going to check myself into a mental retreat in Queensland Australia at about the 4 week mark but I feel like I don’t need that anymore (maybe that’s some progress) but god damn

That absolutely is progress. Fully recognize it.

I would like some success stories of people feeling better after several months. Thanks all for your support so far

Success can look different for everyone. I learned to better regulate my emotions, and to know, accept and love myself. I still have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to letting go, but I’m patient with how I feel. I’m in a place where I wouldn’t go back to change anything that happened, in regards to the separation, because it allowed me to grow into the objectively healthier person that I am today.

Hang in there, and be patient with yourself. As hard as everything seems now, what happened can be the catalyst for positive changes in your life. You deserve to be happy.

Title: Re: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: SurvivalGuy on May 16, 2023, 01:08:36 AM
Thanks for the kind words Tina. My psychologist thinks I’ve made progress but still says it’s fresh and that I should be patient.

Glad you have made progress. Being at a place where you wouldn’t go back and you can see how much you have grown must be such a great feeling. Can you talk more about what you have done? Is time and NC enough? I hope so.

Title: Re: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: tina7868 on May 16, 2023, 08:33:30 AM
Thanks for the kind words Tina. My psychologist thinks I’ve made progress but still says it’s fresh and that I should be patient.

Taking the initiative and regularly seeing a psychologist is yet another step in the right direction.

Glad you have made progress. Being at a place where you wouldn’t go back and you can see how much you have grown must be such a great feeling. Can you talk more about what you have done? Is time and NC enough? I hope so.

Your questions are making me reflect! I appreciate the exchange.

I'd change your first question into ´what haven't you done´  lol? I've explored new hobbies, gone to therapy, journaled, meditated, focused on my career, spent time with friends, exercised, gone for walks, posted on these forums, tried my hand at manifestation (which didn't work out the way I wanted thankfully   |iiii). In the beginning, there was a lot of crying. A lot of oscillating. Waves of sadness, and regret, and not feeling good enough.

I think things started to change for the better when I was able to integrate what happened into my life's story. Give it a meaning to it that I decided on, and have an idea of what my future actions would be based on my values. There are a few posts from this forum that brought up points which really hit home when it comes to that :
- I should want better for myself, I deserve to be happy and not have my inner peace compromised
- People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. So, even if the relationship with my ex was difficult, the reason behind it happening was that I grew and became a better person
- I myself am a sensitive and empathetic person. No contact doesn't work for me, and that's okay, but with the intention of kindness towards myself I need to remain distant so as to protect my feelings and not undo the progress that I put a lot of work into

Recently, I met someone who I had a nice connection with.  I was able to recognize that it wouldn't lead to anything serious because they are not emotionally available. It gave me hope to feel that way again. It was also nice to be able to let my brain think first before letting my heart have free reign. I will not torture myself over someone, and it isn't up to me to prove myself.  These realizations apply to everyone, including my ex, who I used to categorize separately.

This experience has allowed me to extend even more compassion towards people who are going through breakups. It's a humbling and hard and confusing experience that is intensely human. Yes, time and distance help, but so does patiently working towards piecing yourself back together with love and kindness. It sounds like you're already off to a good start.

Title: Re: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: cranmango on May 16, 2023, 09:56:50 AM
I’ll second Tina’s excellent post. They put it far more eloquently than I ever could.

One more thing to add: the breakups taught me how strong I am. Three years ago today I was in the immediate aftermath of the first breakup. It almost broke me. Couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. Lost 50 pounds. Didn’t see a reason to go on. Was in pain every second of every day.

But I endured. Slowly, piece by piece, I got my sanity back. Reading these forums every day helped immensely. So did opening up to a few close friends. Going back to treatment with my therapist. Getting back in touch with folks from earlier chapters of life.

I still hurt. But the pain is a dull ache rather than a bullet wound. Today I see the strength of my resolve. I know this feeling will pass, and a new day will come.

I could not see that three years ago. I see it now.

Keep posting, friend. You are not alone.

Title: Re: Anyone have any success stories of getting over the pain?
Post by: NarcsEverywhere on May 17, 2023, 11:08:32 AM
I mean, after my ex-girlfriend destroyed me completely over 10 years, I learned to love myself, which has slowly caused a lot of growth. It's not easy to heal from these things, but I think I wasted a lot of time, trying to journal to my abuser and make peace with her, when I really needed to focus on myself, because I don't need people like that in my life, and when I finally decided to go no contact and not look back, it was the best choice for me.

I find that since I got so enmeshed with her, all the loving poems and loving journaling and focusing on her, and the nostalgia, was probably just bad for me, because what happened is, I was constantly empathizing with her, and her disorder, and not myself and the trauma I went through.

Most of us, that end up in these relationships, seem to get into them because we feel under appreciated, unloved, and not seen and understood. So I like to focus on giving those things to myself, although I think having it externally is important too, just not as essential as I once thought.

Remember, grief is a process too, that's why there's hope, because it's a natural process that you can go through and come out on the other side. I'm not gonna say it's easy, no it's hard as hell, in fact, it's one of the hardest things you deal with, but if you are a bit smart, you can learn from it all and come out better than before.