
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: CostaPup on August 05, 2023, 02:08:51 PM

Title: Campaign from estranged sibling
Post by: CostaPup on August 05, 2023, 02:08:51 PM
My sister and I are estranged.  It came about a number of years ago.   I had an arguement with her one night.  It was a result of working hard.  Frayed nerves from tiredness. Nothing more and nothing less.

From that point onwards - it off some nasty in her.

I remember trying to apologise to her and she stuck her nose in the air.
I found her to be intimidating around the home.
I kept to myself and she built up tension within the home.  She locked me out from the bedroom that we shared.  There was another incident where she had me down on my knees crying on the kitchen floor emptying out my handbag to show her that I didn't have her knive. It was intimidation.

About a month later she came up and said this is ridiculous and I agreed with her and I wa shopping we could put it behind us.  I told her that I was tired.  She took that as a dismissal from me when it wasn't a dismissal.  I was genuinely tired.

From there, it was months of a bad mood and tone from her.
I discovered money stolen from my wallet.
My favourite playstation game gone. I didn't say anything to her about those though because there was no point. She was likely going to deny it and smirk so I just sucked it up. 

Then she was texting me abusive messages with accusations and taking up old rows that had nothing to do with us falling out together.  I looked at the messages and I wanted to defend myself but I realised there was no point. There was nothing I could say to fix this.

A few months pass and there were more messages from her
'i scrubbed the toilet with your toothbrush last Christmas when you refused to apologise to me' was one of them.

I didn't refuse to apologise to her, she snubbed me and intimated me around the home.

'trust me, I am going to make you pay'.

These messages were amongst many more that was insulting and mocking me.

Then she carried out her first act of revenge against me.   That was September of 2015. She left my number on a fake and selling a fake car just to get people to phone me.

I didn't respond to her and I just changed my number.

Over the years since then, she's been pretty much in the same place as she was back then. 

Just full of intimidation and threats and bad words and mockery and revenge and shaming me and mocking me.   At one point I engaged with her and I was taking her messages and I was replying back to her being mindful that she's hurt and I was giving her what she was looking for but she rebutted it. 

This was something that I wasn't able to fix.

To this day, she is looking for answers as to why I behaved the way I did. Her messages are filled with abuse and unwritten 'or else'.

She carried out many acts of revenges against me over the years.  She's been targeting my employer since 2017.  More recently back in March and April of this year.

I took steps to minimise this like changing my numbers. Blocking her and her fake profiles.  Sending her emails into a special folder so that I don't need to read them.  I do tap into it sometimes to see what.

I consider it to be harassment.  Her tone is abusive.  I feel like she's not interested in a friendship with me.  Her tone and words indicate that.  I feel like she's not really interest in hearing me. I feel like all of it is just to control me.  I feel maybe she is unhappy and I think maybe she thinks if she gets answers out of me she will be happy.  She's bullying me for answers. 

We haven't seen each other since 2016 but her focus is still on me. It's not every day.  The episodes come and go in spells - about every 2 to 3 months and then they will last about 2 to 3  months at a time. Last March and April she contacted my employer again. It wasn't the first time. 

She started a new round within the past two weeks.  From the tone of her emails, she doesn't want to reconcile but she wasn't me to engage with her demands of apologies and explainatations 'or else'.  She made new fresh threats against my employer.  She contacted my employer several times and more recently back in March and April of this year.

It's so sickening. The demands, humiliation and threats and shaming and smearing. 

I can't fix her. 

So she probably thought she is untouchable.  I found her place of work and I rang asking for her and then hung up.  She knew it was me even thought I didn't leave my name.   She's now making sure I will pay, again. 

She just won't leave me alone.

The police didn't help me to stop this.

I have no idea how to achieve peace. 
I really don't think I want to be friends with her.  She's being like an angel and someone who is entitled and she's evil.