
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: LotusS on November 22, 2023, 12:21:52 PM

Title: how to find local parent support group
Post by: LotusS on November 22, 2023, 12:21:52 PM
what is the best resource to find a local parent support group (for mom with bpd daughter)
Is it NAMI ?

Title: Re: how to find local parent support group
Post by: InTheWilderness on November 22, 2023, 11:32:13 PM
Hi, LotusS,

I live in a rural area and NAMI is the only group we have available. But if you take a zoom course via NEABPD, you will have the opportunity to continue meeting with that group after the course is over. If there are other options, I hope someone chimes in.

Title: Re: how to find local parent support group
Post by: SaltyDawg on November 23, 2023, 05:16:52 AM

The NAMI group is for parents and/or partners (about 3/4 parents) of children with mental health disorders including BPD and other severe mental health issues which share a lot of the same challenges of care for a child who refuses your care, or they don't have the resources to care for them.  The group I attend is 'in person' which I find is more authentic than a Zoom meeting or posting messages.

If you are looking for BPD specific help, you have this website, BPD family, you can post and ask questions 24/7 here.  NEABPD has also been mentioned, they have a long wait list.

If you are looking for weekly Zoom meetings specific to BPD, sponsored (but not attended) by Randi Kreger, author of "Stop Walking on Eggshells" series of books at https://groups.io/g/MovingForward - look towards the bottom of that page for the list of Zoom meetings that are held including one specific to parents of children with BPD.

If you find yourself at your wits end in crisis and have nowhere to turn in the middle of the night, you can try 741741 (text only) or 988 (text and voice) in the US.

If you think you are co-dependent, according to Google 90% of us are, CoDA can be helpful too (CoDA.org), but like NAMI, it is not BPD specific.

My biggest recommendation is to be sure to do self-care as dealing with this is so emotionally exhausting, attending one or more of these meetings could meet part of that for you with emotional support - I know it does for me.

Take care with self-care.


Title: Re: how to find local parent support group
Post by: LotusS on November 23, 2023, 06:32:25 PM
Thank you both for this lead on support groups.