
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: subwaytune on February 08, 2024, 10:06:05 AM

Title: Tips needed on how to stop internalizing when dealing with a SO wuBPD
Post by: subwaytune on February 08, 2024, 10:06:05 AM
Hello everyone,

I've known this person for over a decade and we recently started getting intimate and eventually developed into a relationship.

The random anger or rage does not necessarily bother me as much as before thanks to some work on myself, but I find it harder these days.

For context, one issue happened in the bedroom a while back, leading to performance anxiety. I constantly think "what if i cant get it up", "I know it will affect her if I can't please her" etc. Now i'm not here to really get tips on anxiety (tough they are welcome if you suffered this). Sometimes I will have a week where everything is great and I have no pressure and the relation is ideal. But then I get one day where I'm stressed and it won't happen and it retriggers the anxiety. I can't seem to break the cycle.

This obviously leads to arguments and her feeling unwanted, undesired. She understands and want to support me, but at the same time she can't help but feel that way. I can see her shutting down and it just perpetuates my anxiety even more. I love her to death, but I'm at a point where I can have mini panic attack thinking about it.

I try to talk about it, but every time I do it seems to make the problems worse.

Thanks for any guidance

Title: Re: Tips needed on how to stop internalizing when dealing with a SO wuBPD
Post by: kells76 on February 09, 2024, 04:46:40 PM
Hi subwaytune, thanks for the update.

The random anger or rage does not necessarily bother me as much as before thanks to some work on myself, but I find it harder these days.

What have you found effective for being bothered less by her random mood changes?

For context, one issue happened in the bedroom a while back, leading to performance anxiety. I constantly think "what if i cant get it up", "I know it will affect her if I can't please her" etc. Now i'm not here to really get tips on anxiety (tough they are welcome if you suffered this). Sometimes I will have a week where everything is great and I have no pressure and the relation is ideal. But then I get one day where I'm stressed and it won't happen and it retriggers the anxiety. I can't seem to break the cycle.

This obviously leads to arguments and her feeling unwanted, undesired. She understands and want to support me, but at the same time she can't help but feel that way. I can see her shutting down and it just perpetuates my anxiety even more. I love her to death, but I'm at a point where I can have mini panic attack thinking about it.

Have you had enough time to experience some good weeks where you feel no pressure and intimacy goes well, followed by high stress weeks with poor intimacy, followed by good weeks, followed by poor weeks, and so on?

In the part of the cycle where it's a "bad" week, and then there are some good weeks, does she seem to hold on to or bring up her feelings of being unwanted/undesired (from the "bad" week) and carry those over into the "good" weeks? Or does she seem able to let those previous feelings go during the "good" weeks?

What are the arguments about? How do they go?

I try to talk about it, but every time I do it seems to make the problems worse.

Are you trying to talk about your experience, her feelings, the whole situation, or something else?


It's a sensitive topic -- I understand. Glad we can be here to walk with you through it.

Title: Re: Tips needed on how to stop internalizing when dealing with a SO wuBPD
Post by: subwaytune on February 12, 2024, 12:32:23 PM
Thank you for the reply, much appreciated.

I found that if I know the rage is not directed at me, but at a situation it's a lot easier to process the stress. My problem arises when I mess up, or unintentionally trigger her. I start self loathing and feeling like everything is my fault, thus internalizing.

I had a good weekend on that regard despite a few issues but overall went good. The arguments generally occur when I "Try to be in the mood" instead of "just being in the mood". I get aroused on visual cues and physical touch, like stroking my arm or leg. I think in a way it soothes me and help me not overthink and then we can have sex. But if I just go in the bedroom for the intention of sex, I get way over in my head and start panicking. I could be very much in the mood in the living room and everything is perfectly fine, and then we enter the bedroom and I start noticing thoughts getting in my head, "It wont work anyways, why do you bother", "You are not a man", then i try to purge these but I notice i start sweating and get clammy hands and then everything goes downhill.

When I try to talk about my feelings or needs, she thinks I sound selfish and that try to put the blame on her, which I am not, or at least not intentionally. I know it is me overthinking and being an anxious mess, and I would never force her to do things she's not comfortable with. For example, we were able to have sex after she suddenly started stroking my arm and i started calming down, but if I "Need" this to have sex, I guess it sounds like it's something she "needs to do" in order for me to "want" her.

It's almost impossible to explain to her that I do desire her extremely much so, but that the anxiety makes it impossible at times to have sec (or most times these days). I also can't blame her for thinking that way...it must feel terrible.

Hope I answered your questions and thank you for the support.