
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Georgia South on March 01, 2024, 10:15:43 PM

Title: My adult daughter has bpd and depressive disorder
Post by: Georgia South on March 01, 2024, 10:15:43 PM
My adult daughter has BPD and depressive disorder. She’s not doing well right now and we are going to ECT treatments. They help so much and she hates them so much! She is so mad and so negative and directs it all at me. I love her so much, and I want her to be well and see this beautiful world and wake up and have a hope and joy. I really feel it’s possible. But she is so negative. It really gets to me sometimes. My husband, her father, passed away about seven years ago. making these decisions for her health is very difficult. I feel like I’m doing the right thing but sometimes it’s just really hard. Hey Citi, what else down to help with ECT?

Title: Re: My adult daughter has bpd and depressive disorder
Post by: Sancho on March 02, 2024, 06:08:57 PM
Hi Georgia South
BPD and major depressive disorder is a heavy load - just as heavy for you. I have a long time friend who is bipolar and another with schizophrenia, but who have had ECT sessions.

Before the sessions my bipolar friend was in a terrible state - constantly being readmitted to hospital, change or adjustments of meds etc and nothing was helping. I was convinced that she was going to be in this awful state forever. Then she had ECT.

It was just so helpful. From being an absolute wreck, she now has real quality of life. It is about 4 years ago since she had the first sessions. Last year she started to show symptoms again and they used the ECT more quickly and needed less sessions. She's back now to coping well.

It is a similar story with my other friend - different of course, but for other reasons the ECT has been very beneficial.

It is a difficult place to be - having to make these decisions when you know dd does not want it. When I am at this point I always ask myself 'Is it possible to go on like this?' If the answer is 'No' then I feel that it is not really a choice - something has to be tried.

I hope there is a positive outcome. Sending thoughts . .