
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: C@ndido on May 13, 2024, 05:24:06 PM

Title: Live, Learn, and Let Go
Post by: C@ndido on May 13, 2024, 05:24:06 PM
Last Christmas I ended, for good, a relationship with a woman who I suspect has undiagnosed BPD. I've maintained a No-Contact Status with her since the break up. She's reached out a number of times in different formats (email, vm, letter) but I have not responded at all.

I started therapy to deal with the post-break up emotional and psychological fallout. This site with all its rich content has been a valuable source of information and personal reassurance.

On that front, I will love the woman I met for a while still...but from a distance. I know that my health, holistically, can only be maintained in total isolation from her. My ask, of you, is affirmation, or redirection, on this course of action.

Thank you...and best wishes to all on your healing journeys!

Title: Re: Live, Learn, and Let Go
Post by: tina7868 on May 15, 2024, 12:43:59 PM
Hello, and welcome  :hi:. I`m sorry to hear that you have gone through (and may be still going through) a difficult situation. We here on the forum can most certainly relate. I`m glad to hear that you have started therapy, and have taken control of your healing journey.

My ask, of you, is affirmation, or redirection, on this course of action.

How have you been feeling? How has therapy been for you? What have you learned?

Title: Re: Live, Learn, and Let Go
Post by: C@ndido on May 16, 2024, 09:27:11 AM
Hi...thank you for asking about how I am feeling.

Therapy and self reflection have been helpful in allowing me to feel a growing sense of peace.

I will continue on the path of abstaining from contacting/responding to my ex pwBPD.  Some days the urge to reach out is greater than others. I know this is a common experience based on the experiences others have shared here.

Title: Re: Live, Learn, and Let Go
Post by: tina7868 on May 16, 2024, 12:43:33 PM
Hi...thank you for asking about how I am feeling.

Therapy and self reflection have been helpful in allowing me to feel a growing sense of peace.

I will continue on the path of abstaining from contacting/responding to my ex pwBPD.  Some days the urge to reach out is greater than others. I know this is a common experience based on the experiences others have shared here.

Glad to hear you are experiencing a growing sense of peace  :wee:. It`s what you deserve. You`re right to say that it`s common for the urge to reach out to come and go. What helps, in my experience, is to be very clear to yourself about the why behind your decision to go no contact. And then, on days when it feels harder, accepting that you feel that way instead of trying to resist. It`ll get easier with time.

Keep up the good work you`ve been putting in  |iiii!