
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Laniebear1 on May 22, 2024, 12:54:16 PM

Title: I don’t understand why he reaches out to me after stepping on my heart
Post by: Laniebear1 on May 22, 2024, 12:54:16 PM
Recently, I have made it out of a really abusive toxic relationship with someone who had borderline personality disorder. Not only did we try to make it work— after the week that he came back after having an extensive episode where he called off our engagement, and  got  engaged to some random Person, had unprotected sex with the said person, And made sure to tell me what was going on whenever We were in contact during his break— he decided he was cured of his ailments by God. After trying to explain to him that therapy was the only way to actually be cured and that I knew it would be a hard process, but that he could do it. He decided that the only way we could be together is if I believed in his fantasy, that he was completely cured. after everything I’ve been through with this guy I’m tired, I’ve tried to tell him how I feel but all he seems to say is that I was toxic and how bad I was in our relationship. I admit, I have a lot of trauma that put me out of control of those situations and caused me to crave control over small things. However, I know this because I have worked on self reflection, and owning up to my actions. I’m in therapy, and refused to stop going because he wants to be together. I finally told him that I was done. I was tired of being blamed for all of the things going wrong in our relationship that I was upset he would say that I was the love of his life, but that it would never work because of me. Borderline personality disorder is debilitating to deal with, and I tell him this all the time, but he never listens. I finally told him F you and left the conversation. This morning however, I got a text from him, showing me a picture of him with a filter showing off his mustache like nothing ever happened. WHY is he still texting me? I told him to leave me alone unless it was about the return of an appliance I left at his place.