Title: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Rapt Reader on October 01, 2013, 11:20:56 PM We are happy you are a reader and member of the Parenting a Son or Daughter with BPD Board. As a virtual family here, the more we know about each others' needs the more valuable and supportive a resource we can be to one another.
Below is a questionnaire that can help us be more equipped to offer comfort, support and insights. Just like the family we are... . What type of relationship are you in? Parent? Step Parent? Grandparent? What is the age of child/teen/adult? Living at home? Living on their own? Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? What is your child's strongest quality? What are the top challenges your child is facing? What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? (BPD, ADHD, PTSD, ASPD? Anxiety? Depressed? Substance Abuse? Self-Harming? Other?) What do you struggle with yourself? (Traits of a disorder? Low Self Esteem? Codependent? Enabling? Depression? PTSD? Anxiety? Other?) Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parent(s)? If so, what type(s)? (Individual? Group? Family? Dialectical Behavior Therapy? Other? AA, Al-Anon? Residential Treatment Center? Dual Diagnosis? Intensive Out Patient?) What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Copy the code below, open a new post in this thread, paste in the code, and put your answers where it says ANSWER HERE (overwrite on "Answer Here", and then post it. We are looking forward to your story! Code: [b]What type of relationship are you in?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]What is your child's strongest quality?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]What are the top challenges your child is facing?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]What do you struggle with yourself?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types?[/b] ANSWER HERE [b]What are your goals at bpdfamily.com?[/b] ANSWER HERE [url=https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0][b]TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE[/b][/url] Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: lbjnltx on October 02, 2013, 05:56:26 AM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Thursday on October 02, 2013, 08:27:01 AM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: raytamtay3 on October 02, 2013, 09:20:29 AM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: jellibeans on October 02, 2013, 01:14:48 PM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Rapt Reader on October 02, 2013, 03:33:34 PM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: qcarolr on October 03, 2013, 12:02:23 PM
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Verbena on October 19, 2013, 05:22:57 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother of DD28; married 31 years to DD's father; DH is good man and father, supportive of my struggles with DD but is extremely negative and miserable to be around in general; emotionally detached from the marriage years ago and would prefer to be single but not sure I would be better off without him. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? no one What is your child's strongest quality? generous, creative What are the top challenges your child is facing? avoiding/causing drama; lying; blaming others; being a victim What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Being careful not to set her off, accepting that the relationship has to be superficial and that our conversations must be all about her How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? DD refused to return to a therapist she was seeing at age 18. This therapist told me she believed DD had BPD. What do you struggle with yourself Wanting a relationship with my daughter that I clearly cannot have, staying strong with boundaries and basically staying out of her way to I'm not the target anymore. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Minimal therapy for DD when she was 16-18. None for me as insurance doesn't cover it.  :)H does not believe in therapy. Have considered local NAMI group but afraid of consequences if daughter finds out. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To learn skills to deal better with daughter and have a peaceful relationship with her Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: HealingSpirit on June 11, 2014, 07:52:22 PM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: tristesse on July 02, 2014, 03:29:02 PM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Rockieplace on February 19, 2016, 08:53:29 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Parent to daughter What is the age of child/teen/adult? 33 years old Living at home? No - thank goodness Living on their own? Yes, although has been mainly in psychiatric hospitals or just hospital for the past 8 months. Is currently back at her home. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Nobody What is your child's strongest quality? Intelligent and articulate What are the top challenges your child is facing? Stopping self-harming and overdosing Managing money Addiction- mainly prescribed but others No judgement regarding what constitutes appropriate relationships Facing disciplinary actions from employer What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Getting her appropriate treatment in the UK Dealing with the threat of her harming herself Sometimes dealing with her dishonesty How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed BPD plus Substance Abuse/addicitions/depression etc etc What do you struggle with yourself? Knowing what to do to help her. Not saying things that trigger her anger, either aimed at us or herself. Anxiety and grief. Enabling.Supporting my family while BPDs lives at home Is anyone in therapy? Daughter is awaiting (finally) start of therapies. Keeps getting told that she needs a period of stability in order to get onto even the waiting list for them but can't sustain a period of stability because hasn't got the coping skills grrrrr. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Already been achieved in that I no longer feel so isolated with the above problems and have been reading up on all of the lessons etc which I am finding very helpful. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Jnel921 on February 09, 2017, 05:52:40 PM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: mothrof3+2+2 on May 17, 2018, 01:47:45 PM What type of relationship are you in?
I am the mother of a 15 year old daughter with BPD. I also have an 18 year old son with traits of BPD and a 17 year old son with BPD Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? I do not know much about their family history because they are adopted. We know their parents had mental health issues. What is your child's strongest quality? Compassion for people outside the home What are the top challenges your child is facing? trying to do anything about high school and relationship issues What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The way she treats me and others in the family. The fact that she wont do anything to help herself How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? She is not officially diagnosed. The therapist said they could not make it official until she is 18 but she exhibits 9/9 of the diagnostic criteria. What do you struggle with yourself? ANSWER HERE, but do not remove ---> Keeping my own emotions in check when she is attacking or raging or crashing
Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: SkellyII on August 12, 2018, 10:09:26 PM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: DremNCWgrl on August 22, 2018, 05:44:21 PM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Only Human on December 06, 2018, 09:38:30 AM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: wendydarling on December 06, 2018, 11:01:38 AM
TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Lollypop on December 06, 2018, 11:18:45 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Married 32 years and going strong. Parent? Step Parent? Grandparent? Mother What is the age of child/teen/adult? 25, son Living at home? Living on their own? Yes. We live in the UK. Has lived away three times - always fails Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Nobody What is your child's strongest quality? Amazing Social skills and has the ability to connect to most people when he chooses. Makes friends easily. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Anxiety. Being independent, getting a job, managing money, dope. Self esteem. Fear of life constraining job (growing up) Managing money Addiction (he loves drugs) but keeps to weed now Too demanding in girlfriend relationships (he's intoxicated) What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Lies. Refuses to take responsibility for himself. Mood swings, self pity. Trying to get him to live independently and take responsibility for himself Getting him into treatment in the UK How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed BPD Anxiety, Substance Abuse WEED, has experimented with lots of drugs for 7 years but now tries to limit it to marijuana. What do you struggle with yourself? Enabling, Anxiety.Fear of the future, his and ours. Can we see him homeless? Low self esteem, over reliant on others, anxiety, irrational fears ranging from hot drinks to work (getting a job) Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parent(s)? BPDS Waiting for appointment in the UK What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Somewhere to off load when I cant cope. Learn from others. To hear others experience to help me make better decisions. To support us when/if we have to throw BPDs out. Share with others my own experience Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: jones54 on December 07, 2018, 12:16:50 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Divorced Father of 33yo daughter with BPD Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? No one else I know of What is your child's strongest quality? She actually is a prolific and creative writer. Has a degree in English along with one year of Grad School. Also loves animals. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Staying sober and the ability to take care of herself. Also difficulty with all relationships. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? She plays the victim and is very angry with her parents. Presently wants nothing to do with us. Does not understand reason we have finally pulled back (heroin use and to finally learn to take care of herself).Has sent many hate texts in the past. She also has come between myself and my fiancee. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? I am not sure she was ever officially diagnosed by the many therapists she has had (they do not like to label people BPD) but she fits ALL the criteria in the DSM-IV diagnostic book What do you struggle with yourself? My want to have a good relationship with her while she constantly relapses or pushes us away. Fear that she will never move ahead in life and be independent. I have got depression now from all of this and never had it before (except during divorce years ago). Exhausted from the many years dealing with this. Codependency. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Daughter has been in the past but now refuses (denies she has BPD). I have been seeing a therapist over the past year. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Being able to connect with others who are dealing with the same difficulties as I am. Being supported and getting advice. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: DharmaGate on December 19, 2018, 09:53:28 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother of 35 year old daughter with undiagnosed traits of borderline personality disorder. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? I have come to the sad realization, after years of observing us as a extended family most if not all of us have traits of a personality disorder, Borderline or Narrasistic traits primarily. One aunt has obvious, full blown Borderline Personility disorder. My grandma, mom and I have many traits of borderline Personility disorder. What is your child's strongest quality? Her love, her passion What are the top challenges your child is facing? Social pressure, she wants so badly to fit in, be like others, "normal" . Self Hatred, she says if she goes to counsling she wants help with shame and guilt. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? I often find myself feeling very un confident, unsure, powerless so the difficult feelings it brings up. Afraid I will do or say something that could lead to self harm. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Undiagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? I have struggled my whole life being emotionally sensitive, seem to have been born that way, cried all the time first six months of my life, then wounded parents, that had never been parented. Been in recovery from something most of my life, seriously since I was 21 and now 53. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? My 82 year old dad is currently in grief thearpy, I am trying to find a affordable, good fit counslor for myself again. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? 1. When my anxiety, fear about my daughter goes up turn to you all on this board instead of her. 2. Learn how to interact with her most skillfully 3. Feel connected with people going through same, which automatically brings down so many symptoms 4. Not interfere with her path unless she gives me permission she is 35 years old. 5. As much as possible listen to others on board with a open mind and heart, support others. 6. Utilize the tools here. Thank you! TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: powerup123 on February 27, 2019, 05:25:01 AM What type of relationship are you in?
I’m the mother of a 22 year old son recently diagnosed with BPD during a six month hospital admission. He was discharged 6 weeks ago and is living at home with his father and I. He has a younger brother away at college who he has a good relationship with. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Nobody that I know of What is your child's strongest quality? He has a great sense of humour, is very hard working and determined. He is also very intelligent and has been a high achiever prior to his illness. What are the top challenges your child is facing? He suffers from social anxiety, self harms and has been battling depression for the last few years. He pushes everyone away and has no friends but I know he feels lonely. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Fear that he will be successful in a suicide attempt, the damage he does to himself self-harming. The unpredictability of his illness, he can have two good days followed by an awful day with no apparent trigger (that we can identify). He doesn’t like to talk to us about any aspects of his illness or treatment. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed with BPD, we think he also has avoidant personality disorder and a possible eating disorder What do you struggle with yourself? Anxiety about my son both in the short term and long term Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Since being discharged from hospital my son is under the care of a community team. He is currently seeking counselling and sees a support worker each week. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To gain more understanding of BPD, improving communication with my son and finding out how best we can help him. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Whatishappening? on April 30, 2019, 04:41:52 PM What type of relationship are you in?
My daughter 16 we suspect has BPD. We are just now starting to explore. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? MY biological mother. What is your child's strongest quality? She cares about others. She is very musical. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Relationships and schoolwork What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Emotional ups and downs, self sabotage, doesn't want to work at anything. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? undiagnosed as we are just beginning to get her some help. What do you struggle with yourself? triggers and getting sucked into the drama. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? yes me. general counseling What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Get my daughter some help so that she can grow up and be happy and productive. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Tazzer4000 on April 30, 2019, 05:10:50 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Parent of Daugher, 16 Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? My mother was, but she had no contact with my daugher. Genetics? What is your child's strongest quality? Her sense of humor and persistence. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Following rules, being respectful, controlling her emotions What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Her badgering and rages How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder because she is too young to receive the personality disorder diagnosis, according to her psychiatrist. What do you struggle with yourself? PTSD, anxiety, enabling Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? We are all in individual counseling, BPDD16 is in DBT, Will be starting family counseling in June. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To learn as much as I can about changing my behaviors so that I can do something to help her, the rest of the family, and reduce the chaos because I cannot change anyone but me. I also want to help support others who are suffering and trying to make these important changes. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Fairy_Stepmother on April 30, 2019, 11:36:38 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Stepmother of daughter just turning 17. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? When her therapist discussed her signs of the disorder with us, she recommended 'Walking on Eggshells" book. Her dad chimed in, "Actually I'd already bought it during the divorce, to better understand her mother's behavior." A bit late, but the whole marriage made way more sense. What is your child's strongest quality? Her intelligence, her sense of justice, compassion for animals, her sense of humor and mischief, her artistic ability. What are the top challenges your child is facing? - According to her, constant pain and/or complete emptiness. - Suicidal ideation(two attempts last year). - Investing all her worth in boyfriend, who she manipulates, idealizes, physically threatens. - Recovery from past trauma- her mother's boyfriend molested her. He killed himself before the investigation could begin. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Being unable to do a darn thing to help when she's deep inside her head and the world is black. Her not realizing how amazing and loved she is. That we aren't going to leave her or give up on her no matter how much she insists. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Unofficially diagnosed because of her age. She does check most of the boxes, from what we've been reading. What do you struggle with yourself? Codependency, I'll be honest. Remembering to put my own oxygen mask on first in the airplane. Social anxiety disorder/avoidant personality disorder most of my life, but well managed now. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I think her mom is. DH and I have been to parent and family sessions. I've been scheduling more regular therapy. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? At a minimum, a safe place to vent a little and feel less alone. I'd love to attain some helpful tools and advice from a community with experience during this fun time as well. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Swimmy55 on May 01, 2019, 12:01:14 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Son 25 has BPD Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? I suspect his father ( my ex) had some BPD, although not to the extent our son does. This was never officially diagnosed with the ex. What is your child's strongest quality? Sense of humor , intelligence and he used to be a history buff. What are the top challenges your child is facing? He is out of control basically: he can't keep a job, he has no impulse control and has been dangerous to me. he just got kicked out of his cousin's house and is"moving in with friends" . With no job. He does drugs . Pot, alcohol, mushrooms . Maybe getting into other stuff as well. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? He has become violent with me to the point of criminal abuse and I had to get a restraining order. Realizing he is not in reality anymore even after the emergency psych hold . He actually bought alcohol 2 days after being released ( his credit card bill came to the house and I saw it). Cutting him off financially step by step. No more credit card payments from me,etc. He is starting to get traffic tickets , I am not paying those. Except I still pay for his separate car insurance- that is the last frontier for me. I have to work up to that one How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed?Undiagnosed? BPD and Substance Abuse Disorder- Diagnosed I Suspect a Mood disorder of some type -Undiagnosed. What do you struggle with yourself? Cutting him off financially Chronic sorrow for him Grieving and wallowing. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I am in therapy I don't know what type it is though . I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder myself and am on medication What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Learn how to cope Learn self care and educate myself more about BPD Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: DriftlessRider on May 11, 2019, 05:46:02 PM What type of relationship are you in?
My 21 year old daughter has BPD. I am married 25 years, and that is going well. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? No one. What is your child's strongest quality? Extremely smart and verbal. Sweet and empathetic. She treats others quite well. And she is invested in her own mental healthcare. What are the top challenges your child is facing? She's diagnosed with BPD, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and persistent depressive disorder and autism. He's self-harmed (cutting) since pre-adolescence, and as recently as this winter I've picked her up at the ER after she received stitches for cutting. She self-committed herself three times for suicidal ideation. Her condition has prevented her from holding a job or staying connected to college. She is also hyper-empathetic, and even minor issue's in a friends life cause her to spiral and enter into a panic attack. Apparently, this is common in female autistic children. So, her social network is quite small. She says her biggest problem is the depression. Wife and I fear suicide. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? I read that most BPD suffers are difficult to get along with, can can be manipulative and abusive to family members. We do not have this situation, she is actually nice to have around. She is a financial and time sink. She does not drive. We pay for her to have an apartment where she lives about 75% of the time, and the rest with us. She has two service dogs in training, so we drive her a lot to training sessions 45 minutes away. We pay for her groceries, Lyft, etc. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? She is diagnosed, and is committed to her own care. I actually worry that her disease has become part of her self-identity, and might make it hard for her to "get better". But really the disease is probably going to be managed more than cured. What do you struggle with yourself? Frustration and anxiety. The outward manifestation of her disease looks like laziness. She sits and looks at her computer a lot. I struggle with the urge to yell "get a job" at her, get off your butt. And I am anxious because I don't know what to do to move this forward faster. And fear of the future, sometimes I get waves of panic when I think too much of what the future holds for her. And fear of the next episode. Too often things have felt like they were going well, and we get a surprise call that she has committed herself, or needs to be picked up at the ER. It's scary. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Daughter sees a therapist and a psychologist weekly. Wife and I do not, although we've been attending support group meetings. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To learn from others, and hopefully to find a way to help others. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Done. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: 2dogs2kids on June 08, 2019, 11:38:40 AM What type of relationship are you in?
I’m mom to a 20 year daughter with depression, anxiety, OCD, and recently diagnosed BPD. She has been struggling for 6 years. She lives on her own in a city 3 hours away. She has a roommate who is a godsend. We pay her rent, because we would rather do that than have her at home. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? No one that I know of. What is your child's strongest quality? She is smart and funny, and willing to work on herself. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Inability to stick with school, jobs, friends. Also self harming/OCD behaviors (chewing her cheeks, scalp picking). What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The daily phone calls, describing her litany of physical and psychological complaints. Exhausting. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? Letting go, detachment Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? My daughter is in regular weekly therapy and monthly psychiatric. She was just diagnosed with BPD at an IOP and kicked out (!). I am seeing a DBT therapist and just started on anti-depressants. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Feeling less alone. Help with knowing what I can and can’t do to help her. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Margarete on June 10, 2019, 05:46:16 PM b]What type of relationship are you in?[/b]
None, Widow Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? No idea What is your child's strongest quality? Persistence What are the top challenges your child is facing? Relationships, Feeling of overwhelmed, Depression What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Emotional outbursts that can escalate to self-harm and being blamed for causing them. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? Guilt, Grief, Fear Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? DD in DBT , myself in Therapy What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Independence and healthy relationships TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Tazzer4000 on January 11, 2020, 09:40:27 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother of a 16 year old daughter w/BPD. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? My sister, my mother, my grandmother What is your child's strongest quality? She is persistent, intelligent, and talented. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Controlling her anger and her impulsive behavior. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The rages and lying. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? Remaining calm and unmoved by her drama and rages Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I have seen a psychotherapist most of my adult life. She has seen several therapists over the years. Right now she is in DBT. We are also in family counseling. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Escapade1 on February 07, 2020, 11:10:16 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Parent in law What is the age of child/teen/adult? 23 years. Married to and living with my son and their 3 year old daughter. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Father for sure cluster B but he’s more narcissistic. Unsure of any others. What is your child's strongest quality? instinct What are the top challenges your child is facing? controlling her anger What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? She won’t allow my son to interact with me and won’t let me have any contact with their daughter. If he tries to assert independence she threatens and/or leaves and threatens to take their daughter away from him. How would you categorize your child? Undiagnosed BPD, Depressed, Substance Abuse, Self-Harming, Violent, Risk Taking What do you struggle with yourself? Low Self Esteem, Enabling Is anyone in therapy? At last contact my son and granddaughter had continued therapy. His therapist suggested he consider if his wife has BPD. His wife had completed court ordered therapy for an assault and child abuse conviction and declined to continue. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Educate myself about how I can help my son see what he is putting himself and his daughter through. Gain perspective about how to help my granddaughter if I get the chance to see her again. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: DoneMom on February 09, 2020, 10:05:40 PM Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD?
Nobody I know of What is your child's strongest quality? She”s creative, artistic and very stubborn and persistent. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Feeling “abandoned”, no motivation to change, denial of having BPD, blaming me and my husband (her stepdad) for her problems in spite of us trying so many ways to help her. She has no plan or direction for her life. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Suicide threats, She won’t work/take financial responsibility, tries to cause conflict between my husband and l (her stepdad of 10 years) Desperate clinging to me and blaming me for her situation & her extreme abandonment feelings, she won’t take responsibility for even the simple things in her life, She has hypochondria and her puts herself in scary, dangerous situations constantly. She was raped in 2018. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed Diagnosed but in denial What do you struggle with yourself? Guilt, Grief, Fear, Shame, I’ve put my husband (her stepdad) through absolute hell such that he now has PTSD. I started to drink to cope with the pain, which only makes things worse. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? DD24 has been in therapy for years with various counselors - several who’ve tried DBT. I myself went for a year with an excellent counselor who has BPD family experience. My husband also went to PSTD counseling because of the toll it’s taken on him. We both practice vipassana meditation, which helps. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Independence and healthy relationships all around, practicing better self care...plus setting boundaries with her that protect us and encourage her to help herself. What is your sexual orientation? Straight, married Who in your life has "personality" issues: Child, my DD24 Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? What type of relationship are you in? Mother of a 24 year old daughter w/BPD. Wife of 10 years to a wonderful, compassionate partner. Daughter to an elderly sick mother who needs constant help from my husband and I to remain alive, semi-independent and well...we spend at least 8 hours a day between us devoted to her care, every single day. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Nobody What is your child's strongest quality? She is smart, creative & extremely strong willed. What are the top challenges your child is facing? She lies constantly & is untrustworthy. She can be physically violent. She threatens suicide and self harm if she doesn’t get her way 100% of the time. She is unwilling to work a regular job to support herself, she is very stubborn, controlling and very manipulative. She continues to want to ‘die on my doorstep”. She pushes me beyond what I and my husband can do for her and treats me with great disrespect. She blames me for her problems and will not take advantage of the generous therapeutic help we’ve offered even though we have given her that option for years & paid thousands of dollars for her to do it. She says she only has BPD “tendencies” without acknowledging actual BPD. She has constant trouble with breaking the law and maintaining healthy relationships. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The disregard and disrespect for me & how much we’ve tried to help her, the lying she does to try and shame and hurt me. The physical violence against my husband and myself. Her drug use and her stealing mine plus my elderly mother’s pain meds, which we both need to function. The threats she makes (suicide,#1) and “I will call your doctor and tell her you abuse your medications “ (not even remotely true)...mostly her trying to hurt me and my husband as much as she can when we set up boundaries that don’t suit her. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed w/ BPD, depression and anxiety. What do you struggle with? The fear that she will carry out her self harm & suicide threats and that she will hurt my husband and myself either emotionally or physically. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? We’ve all been in therapy - her the most. The best therapist she saw was a BPD specialist for over a year. This particular therapist was abruptly dismissed by my daughter after a serious & nearly successful suicide attempt. My DD ended up with an involuntary submission to a mental hospital after she took more than enough drugs to kill herself in a town that was a 6 hour drive ( one way). My ex (her dad), her ex long term boyfriend - who witnessed her suicide attempt and I were brought in to talk to her therapist and DD saw that as a huge betrayal because the therapist confirmed her BOD diagnosis to us. DD then ended up writing negative reviews for her therapist online to try to destroy her reputation & excellent ratings by other patients. I have seen a therapist myself, as has my husband to cope with the trauma my daughter has inflicted. My husband ( her stepdad for 10/years) has been diagnosed with. PTSD due to her abuse. We are looking for a break for some self care. Example: My husband & I spent 5 hours in the ER today with my 83 year old mother who had a bad fall this morning. She has. COPD, trigeminal neuralgia plus a whole bunch of other health issues. We are her main caretakers. It was extremely stressful. We need to focus on her needs now and have to have some distance from my extremely needy daughter to keep our sanity! Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Blind1 on February 11, 2020, 01:27:37 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Biological mother of 18 yr old daughter with BPD. Married to her step-dad for 13 yrs. Divorced her dad when she was 1. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? He biological dad has had depression and since her diagnosis, I can see he has traits of BPD too. What is your child's strongest quality? She is very artistic and was in the National Arts Society. She is beautiful and loves to do hair/makeup/nails. She wants to go into Cosmetology. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Denial of the diagnosis, inability to hold a job or keep a relationship, extremely low self-esteem. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The constant denial of any fault and refusal to be responsible. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? She is beautiful and when she's good, she is sweet and loving and funny. When she's down she lays around and plays the victim looking for sympathy. What do you struggle with yourself? I am controlling and impatient so changing my thinking in order to be able to communicate better with her and try to help her has been difficult. I also struggle with wanting her to move out because I'm tired yet knowing she is sick and probably never be able to fend for herself. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I am seeing her old therapist hoping to gain some insights and technics to help her. She does also help to keep me grounded and give me some suggestions for myself. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? I hope to get ideas from others as well as be able to just vent or get my own feelings out. It's so helpful to know you're not alone and have others who can empathize with you. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Lost4Words on February 11, 2020, 03:16:35 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother of an adult daughter whose behaviour seems to indicate BPD, but has not been diagnosed as such. During her teenage years she was quite difficult and had frequent furious arguments with her father (who has anger issues, but not, as far as I can see, BPD). We put it down to teenage rebellion at the time, but it continued through her twenties and seems to be getting worse. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? I suspect that my grandmother also had BPD. My daughter never met her, but has uncannily similar behaviours. What is your child's strongest quality? She can be very kind and generous. She is also highly intelligent, and where her job is concerned extremely conscientious, indeed perfectionist. What are the top challenges your child is facing? She is going through divorce (which she initiated) after 6 years of marriage. She is scared that she will not get custody of her 4-year-old daughter, and switches between saying that she wants her not-yet-ex-husband to share custody, that she wants full custody, and that she will leave the child with her father. She wants another relationship, but it seems likely that unless she can recognise why this one failed any future relationships will also end in disappointment. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? 1. The way she treats her daughter. She alternates between extreme, almost smothering affection, and anger, with a lot of shouting. When I have ventured to comment in the past, she has told me that I have no right to interfere in the way she brings up her child, and reminds me of mistakes I made in her childhood. If I tell her that I am sincerely sorry for the mistakes I made, she responds "It's not all about you," as though it is somehow selfish to apologise. She seems to treat the little girl more like an accessory to her own image, than as a child with her own character. 2. Fear for her future and for her daughter: it looks as though the divorce is going to be a messy one and will hurt all concerned. If she then rushes into a new relationship, especially if she has a second child, she will be causing more pain both for herself, her new partner, her first child and any future child. 3. Inconsistency: she changes her story every few days, so I feel disoriented and wonder whether I misunderstood her to begin with. 3. It seems impossible to have an honest conversation with her. Mostly I go along with everything she says, whether I agree with it or not. When I have tried to point out an alternative view, she has misunderstand what I have tried to say. Further discussion has not cleared up misunderstandings, but reinforced them. She insists that she wants people to communicate, but all the family members who have been close to her, as well as her now separated husband, have stopped communicating with her sincerely because she appears to misunderstand anything that does not fit in 100% with her own views. I am afraid that I have enabled her bad behaviour in the past by trying to be understanding. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Undiagnosed. What do you struggle with yourself? In the past: long-term depression and low self-esteem. Much better now though. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Her sister suffers from anxiety, but is working through it effectively. She feels that much of her childhood was spent walking on eggshells to avoid her sister becoming over-emotional. The relationship between the two has worsened in the past few months. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Inspiration for how I can begin to re-establish a good relationship with her, in which I can be both honest and supportive instead of insincere and frustrated. We live in different countries and communication is usually via the internet. At present she is not communicating with me at all, and only communicating with her father when she wants him to do something for her (e.g. obtain administrative papers here). TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Done-er Stepdad on February 11, 2020, 03:26:48 PM Relationship:
Very reluctant stepdad. Her greatest strength: Convincing people that she's just a confused Zoey Dasschel-type ingenue who loves the Lord. Her greatest challenge: She's aging out of the role. No new meal ticket apparent on the horizon. Dealing with her: Uh, no thanks. At Christmas, we had a tense gift exchange. Not spoken since. If I see her on the caller ID, I just let it ring. Last time I picked up, she threatened to have some ex-boyfriend come over and kick my azz when I told her her mom was sleeping and I wouldn't wake her. Diagnosed? Yes, and many books offered to her. But as Chris Rock said, to some people, a book is like kryptonite. If we had to hide money from her (and we have), we'd hide it in a book. Struggles: Some PTSD from it all, and shame that this little tyrant ran my life for too long. Therapy: I did better with meditation. Talked to 2 counselors and both told me to run, and I understand that they're sort of not supposed to take sides and say stuff like that to you. But I didn't want to run, so def. some fight/flight resolution to sort thru. BPD.Forum goals: To give back some of the kindness that I have received here. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: funnymom on September 01, 2020, 10:17:27 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother to a 21 yr old daughter with BPD. Divorced from her father. Been with my current husband for 16 years (married for 2). Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? no one that I'm aware of What is your child's strongest quality? She's so very empathetic - to a fault. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Holding down a job/being an adult What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? saying no to her when she gets manic How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? I haven't seen a diagnosis, but she'd been accepted into a BPD treatment program (which she quit) What do you struggle with yourself? That I "chose" my husband over my daughter. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I have seen a therapist off and on for years. D21 was in a BPD treatment program, but it was "too much" so she quit What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? to know I'm not alone/maybe get some advice on how to handle things. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Joi81 on October 20, 2020, 04:36:01 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother of a 22 yo daughter with BPD (undiagnosed). I had her when I was 16 yo, and was a single parent throughout her life. She displays extreme anger towards her father about past events and/or inactively engaging in her life. Now, she doesn't have a relationship with him; however, she takes out her anger on me and her paternal grandmother. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? No one else has BPD, that I'm aware. What is your child's strongest quality? My daughter can be very thoughtful and ambitious. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Anger, impulsivity, unhealthy relationships, drug dependency (marijuana). She has 2 younger children, 2 yo and 1 mo, and I'm very concerned about her ability to keep a safe and stable home for her family. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Her temperament and co-dependencies How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? BPD. Undiagnosed. Treated for depression and anxiety when she was a teenager. What do you struggle with yourself? Depression Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I've been in therapy consistently since April 2019. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? I'm looking for a place to vent and feel understood as a parent with no clue. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: BlueLilac on February 12, 2021, 11:37:07 PM What type of relationship are you in? Mother
What is the age of child/teen/adult? 13 years old Currently, inpatient. Normally, Living at home Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Not known. What is your child's strongest quality? She is very smart and artistic What are the top challenges your child is facing? Self-harm, suicide ideation, anorexia What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Hypersensitivity. Anything we say can be misinterpreted. She is treatment resistant. She does not want to talk to me or my husband. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed: anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide ideation, anorexia, BPD, OCPD, Narcissistic What do you struggle with yourself? Anxiety, low level PTSD, low self-esteem Is anyone in therapy? Myself, my other two kids, BPD daughter has therapy as inpatient What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? I feel helpless. I don't know how to help her. I am hoping to find out what helped other parents. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Ann Alan on March 20, 2021, 05:32:54 AM What type of relationship are you in?
Suspect son has BPD Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? None that we are aware of What is your child's strongest quality? Exciting, smart, adventurous What are the top challenges your child is facing? getting along with others, overcoming stress,depression, letting go of past failures of others What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? repeating calls for helping dealing with his stress at the moment ,any time of day, demanding lengthy conversations about how things of the past have resulted in his problems, divorce, new spouses, then if he is still unhappy, repeated nasty insults. Then periods of being unresponsive when I reach out. very unsettling. How would you categorize your child? Undiagnosed? What do you struggle with yourself? knowing or remembering during the heat of the moment the best response Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I spoke with a councilor for a time, somewhat helpful, I feel reading about bpd has been more helpful What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? get ideas of what has helped other families TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Logged My Son's Recovery-In-Progress Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Isabel2 on March 20, 2021, 06:30:50 AM What type of relationship are you in?
My step-daughter has BPD. Her biological mother passed away when she was 12 and her father and I got married 4 years ago when she was 14. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? We suspect her biological mother had BPD but was never diagnosed What is your child's strongest quality? She is very intelligent and has been successful at school when she focused on it. She is artistic, draws very well and has a good eye for photography. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Being an independent adult. She is 18...almost 19. She won't get her drivers license, won't get a job and basically will not "adult". We worry that she will never take any responsibility for herself and will always want us to just take care of her. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? The constant lies, manipulation and not taking responsibility for her actions/blaming others. We never know what is true and how she is trying to manipulate us and others to get what she wants. The smear campaigns when she lies to others about us and other people making false accusations of abuse to get what she wants and guilt people into taking care of her. Her disease of the week - she always has "new" diseases, conditions, allergies, and pains that require medical attention. We never know what to believe...some we know are "fake" illnesses others we are not sure but we don't know what to help and what to tell her we are not assisting with all of her "needed" medical appointments, specialists etc. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? Supporting my husband and the effects it has on him, deciding on appropriate boundaries, and the negative effects it has on my two biological kids who are minors in the house. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? My husband and I have been in therapy as needed to deal with issues and boundaries. My two biological children are both in therapy for depression. My step-daughter is currently in a psychiatric hospital and we are not sure for how long she will be there. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To know we are not alone and see ideas of what has helped others through this difficult journey. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: old97 on March 22, 2021, 06:58:25 PM What type of relationship are you in?
My long-term (10+ years) partner's 21 yo daughter has BPD. Partner and her daughter live together. I live separately, but close by. My partner is "Sue", her daughter is "Jane". Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Sue's sister (Jane's aunt) displays behaviors which could be BPD. The aunt has been diagnosed as bi-polar, but after learning more about BPD, we wonder if her diagnosis is incorrect. What is your child's strongest quality? Jane is highly creative. She has, in the past, been able to really commit to activities which interest her. In elementary and middle school, she had a lot of friends and a very active social life. Many of her positive traits have eroded since her symptoms began to seriously manifest themselves. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Uncontrollable rages directed at her mother. She has alienated almost all of her friends and extended family. She has been unemployed for long stretches. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Her rage, her refusal to accept responsibility for her situation. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Not officially diagnosed, but just started working with a DBT therapist. What do you struggle with yourself? I have had problems with anger throughout my life, although it has subsided some as I get older. I am judgmental and slow to forgive. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Jane (BPD) is seeing a DBT therapist. Sue (BPD's mother, my partner) is also talking to a therapist in the same practice. I have been in individual therapy and couples therapy with Sue until recently. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Find a way to support Sue and better accept Jane. Let go of my anger and judgement. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Tiny Llama on April 21, 2021, 12:35:19 PM What type of relationship are you in?
I have been married for 24 years and have a 21 year old son and a 16 year old daughter. We adopted our daughter when she was an infant. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Only our daughter has BPD. What is your child's strongest quality? She is a very intelligent person. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Abandonment, low-self worth What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Trying to understand her decisions. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Officially diagnosed with PTSD but current therapist believes BPD. What do you struggle with yourself? Regulating my emotions and self care. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Yes, daughter is in RTC and parents too What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To find support and insight on how to love and support my daughter. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: JD2028 on April 21, 2021, 09:57:32 PM What type of relationship are you in?
I have been married for 21years. I have a 16 yo daughter and a 14 yo daughter. My 14yo is the one afflicted with bpd Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Only our daughter has BPD. What is your child's strongest quality? She is a very intelligent person. What are the top challenges your child is facing? Extremely low self esteem, perhaps addiction issues, she is being preyed upon in school and social situations, no self image/awareness What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? How can I keep her alive long enough that she wants to change How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? She's only 14 so they dx her with "BPD CHARACTERISTICS" What do you struggle with yourself? "Regulating my emotions and self care." Same Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? daughter- Group DBT telehealth; individaul SW talk therapy; NP for meds Mom- finally had an appt this morning and the lady didn't call/ft or reach out What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Insight and solace- I'm not alone. This is not in any parenting book and no one else can understand. I just want to talk to people who know what I'm saying Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: MamaBear_2021 on April 22, 2021, 10:27:52 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Married. Husband is stepfather to my three kids since 2009. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? My mother (maternal grandmother) What is your child's strongest quality? Intelligent What are the top challenges your child is facing? Auditory hallucinations, emotional regulation, distress tolerance. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Right now, her behavior is really triggering my unresolved anger at my mother (who has BPD too). Enforcing boundaries with her always leads to a fight. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed at 18 years old. What do you struggle with yourself? Depression on and off. Intergenerational trauma, multigenerational trauma. I've been working on my well being and healing consistently since 2013. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I see a therapist, my daughter refuses at this point in time. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? I am seeking insight, support sometimes, too. I'd like to be able to help others here as well. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: bat-leaf on November 07, 2021, 01:41:01 AM What type of relationship are you in?
I'm a mom of a 22 year old daughter newly diagnosed with BPD. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? I think my sister, my daughter's aunt, might have BPD. Possibly my mother. What is your child's strongest quality? Witty, creative, intelligent, sense of style What are the top challenges your child is facing? relationships, interpersonal effectiveness and self-advocacy, coping skills, adult launch What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? paranoid delusions, fixation on negative beliefs How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? diagnosed What do you struggle with yourself? exhaustion, boundaries, not knowing how best to help Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? me, dad, sister are in family therapy, I'm in individual therapy What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Learn more about BPD, share experiences with other families, get support for navigating difficult decisions, support others TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Hartseer61 on February 21, 2022, 01:42:34 PM b]What type of relationship are you in?[/b]
Mother to BPD Daughter Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Father has BD, both grandmothers suffered from depression in their lifetime. I have not been as yet diagnosed but I do feel we all have something What is your child's strongest quality? Very intelligent, artistic, has a good work ethic, can be very loving and thoughtful What are the top challenges your child is facing? Just 21.. sense of self, struggling to be the adult, personal relationships, emotion control, reality control What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Her father is not really in the picture.. and I am the enemy How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Recently diagnosed thru therapist What do you struggle with yourself? What feels like the loss of my daughter, the seeming inability to reach her, though she depends on me for a great deal, if I cannot do something I’m evil and I’m evil if I do Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Daughter is seeing a therapist but he would like her find one that is set up to treat bpd, I am currently in therapy but struggling to do the things I’m being guided to do What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? To learn how to best support my daughter.. and the rest of our family through this TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: RedMom22 on March 07, 2022, 05:32:34 PM What type of relationship are you in?
MOM TO 18 Y/O DAUGHTER (AND 20 Y/O SON) Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? NO ONE (THAT I KNOW OF) What is your child's strongest quality? SHE IS A NATURAL NURTURER...SMALL CHILDREN AND ANIMALS GRAVITATE TOWARDS HER. What are the top challenges your child is facing? DRUG ABUSE, LEGAL TROUBLE, INDEPENDENT LIVING What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? NOT BEING ABLE TO ANTICIPATE WHEN A RAGE/EPISOSE WILL HAPPEN How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? CURRENTLY WORKING WITH PROVIDERS TO FORMALLY DIAGNOSE BPD. What do you struggle with yourself? KEEPING MY OWN BOAT OUT OF HER RAGING WATERS AND TRYING TO STILL BE LOVING TOWARDS HER WHEN I FEEL OVERWHELMINGLY ANGRY, BETRAYED, DISRESPECTED, ETC Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? YES. SHE IS CURRENTLY IN A PHP (partial hospitalization program) FOR DUAL DIAGNOSIS. SHE HAS ALSO BEEN IN INDIVIDUAL THERAPY FOR 4 YEARS. I SEE A THERAPIST EVERY FEW WEEKS TO HELP ME LEARN BETTER STRATEGIES/COPE WITH HER AND JUST A SAFE PLACE TO VENT. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? TO LEARN MORE STRATEGIES / GET ADVICE FROM OTHER PEOPLE JUST LIKE ME, NOT A THERAPIST BECAUSE THEY CAN ONLY HELP SO MUCH. OTHER BPD PARENTS HAVE A PERSPECTIVE NO ONE ELSE CAN GIVE. Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: Simon1969 on March 09, 2022, 06:56:54 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Mother to 4 daughters, one of whom (nearly 17) I strongly suspect has BPD. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? It is possible that I, too, have it. Just now starting to look into all of this. What is your child's strongest quality? Deep compassion What are the top challenges your child is facing? Serious emotional disregularity, anger, inability to function in daily life on a consistent basis What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Her refusal to accept more intensive help How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Officially undiagnosed. What do you struggle with yourself? Resentment of the chaos she causes. I also have depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse issues, so it's a lot. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? I am taking a break from individual therapy I've been in for over 3 years; youngest dd (14) is in individual therapy for her own issues; DD with BPD is currently not in therapy due to lack of cooperation on her part. We live in an incredibly remote area of a very poor state when it comes to prioritizing mental health care. We have no accessible IOP program, and DD is adamantly refusing any sort of inpatient care. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? Guidance and support from other parents of teens dealing with this, and hopefully some resources to find some better official medical/psych. help for her. TAKE THE PLEDGE HERE (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=210524.0) Title: Re: Will you tell us more about yourself? Post by: WorriedStep on May 05, 2024, 11:08:50 PM What type of relationship are you in?
Stepmother to three women: 18, 22, 24– I’m writing now because of the 18yo. She lived with me and her father full time from age 4 (other girls were 8, 10) when I met them. Who else (if anyone), in child's family, has BPD? Maybe the biological mother; maybe biological grandmother (deceased). All three step daughters have traits of BPD, only youngest has actually been diagnosed (to my knowledge). What is your child's strongest quality? Fun, high energy, caring wants to be part of a team, good with small children, loves to play What are the top challenges your child is facing? Huge fears over graduating high school; college; both wanting independence and terrified of it. Lots of interpersonal problems, both in friendships and romantic relationships. Very little self awareness. Poor impulse control. What do you find most difficult in dealing with your child? Lack of initiative for anything in her life. Massive “spin” added to my words, often completely changing the meaning. Zero ability to follow rules or acknowledge accountability. Also, she constantly wants hugs but doesn’t ask for them with words- over the years I’ve started feeling attacked. I’m not a physical touch person - I didn’t grow up hugging- and the fact that I can’t always hug (because I’m in the middle of doing something) or I don’t want to hug is a constant source of friction. At this point I really resent being told that I need to hug her more (I generally make myself hug her 2x a day) because I feel I’m being forced to compromise my body. How would you categorize your child? Diagnosed? Undiagnosed? Diagnosed by psych with “BPD traits”- not full diagnosis What do you struggle with yourself? I wrote about the constant desire for hugging above. In terms of parenting, I find it very hard to know when to let her fail and when it’s appropriate to step in. I also really struggle with how she chooses to spend her time and money (she can’t any money). I’m working hard to accept that I can’t control another person’s actions. She also wastes our money and resources and I get really frustrated with that. She has done suicidal ideation; my mother died by suicide and I really struggle when I think she might be suicidal. I’m also sad that I don’t enjoy her company; I’m always on guard with what I’m saying, looking for how she will spin it. At this point I find her very draining. There’s so much more I could have given her and guided her with in growing up, but we could never get there or she wouldn’t accept it. It makes me sad. Is anyone in therapy? Child? Parents? If so, what types? Yes- she’s currently in the last weeks of an IOP. We’ve been doing family therapy through that (she doesn’t engage in the family therapy, constantly asking if we can be done). Her father and I both have our own therapists. What are your goals at bpdfamily.com? - A big goal is to not feel so alone in having children who don’t seem to be functioning very well in the world. I truly think I’m a decent parent and I grieve who they were before their downward spiral started (early senior year for the 18yo). All three had potential and were cognitively much more able to function. It’s like they peak in their junior year of high school. For some foolish reason, I thought this third child wouldn’t have this big crash; I had such high hopes for a “normal” high school senior year, a final year of sports, feeling proud and celebrating (and being able to openly celebrate) with the child. - I’m looking for strategies to know when to be involved and when not to be involved and how to do that without triggering fear of abandonment. I hope this child ultimately can be independent? She still plans on going to college 90 minutes from us in the fall- with her current level of functioning I don’t see how she’s going to manage. But we’re going to pay and try it. At the moment I’m trying to only be involved with making sure she’s taken her medicine- so I’ve stopped managing screens, how she spends her money, whether she’s doing homework (she’s not, and I’m not telling her too), whether she’s responding to requests from the school for pictures, etc… almost everything. It’s hard. I don’t think she’s making good decisions. Sometimes I feel I can’t set my expectations low enough. - I’m looking for ways to take care of myself. I think about her a lot. Looking at old pictures of her younger days makes me so sad- her abilities and potential were so much more. I’m continuing my hobbies and responsibilities (I’m also the guardian of another family member with mental and physical disabilities- similar to Down’s syndrome). I see my friends and spend time with my husband- this seems to upset my pwBPD. I was going to ask about this in another thread, but I often find it very uncomfortable being in the same house with her. She constantly checks on what I’m doing (I like to get deeply immersed in projects). Now that I’m not guiding her time she chooses to spend almost all of it on a screen. That makes me very sad. I try to do whatever it is that I need to do at the time, but I’m always monitoring her. It’s uncomfortable. I’m thinking about it because she hasn’t gotten a job for the summer and right now it looks like she’s going to be in the house a lot. She may quickly realize that she has no money (after graduation we’ll stop paying for chores, something she knows but maybe hasn’t really thought about yet) and maybe she’ll find a job? But I’m steeling myself to have to be in the same house with her a lot. - Learning more about BPD (And maybe DBT) are goals- I’ve read the Eggshell book and a bunch of other stuff online. I get exhausted and frustrated and flat out mad at times and have to stop reading. Thanks to anyone who has read all of this. |