
Community Built Knowledge Base => Library: BPDFamily research surveys => Topic started by: Anthony C. Ruocco, Ph.D. on August 14, 2014, 03:32:16 AM

Title: UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PROJECT: Genetic and Neurobiological Contributions to BPD
Post by: Anthony C. Ruocco, Ph.D. on August 14, 2014, 03:32:16 AM

The purpose of this research study is to understand biological markers, or intermediate phenotypes, of borderline personality disorder in patients with the disorder and their family members who may or may not have any mental disorder.


Researchers at the University of Toronto are seeking:

  • Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and their family members to participate in a research study.

  • Eligible participants must be 18-65 years old (16-65 for family members),

  • English-speaking,

  • Have no history of severe neurological or physical illness,

  • And within the Toronto area of Ontario, Canada.


Procedures can be completed in one day and include psychiatric interviews, neuropsychological testing, functional brain imaging, and providing a saliva sample for genetic material. 


The consolidated data report will be shared and published here.

Also, each participant will be compensated up to $100 for their participation. 

Interested individuals should call 1-416-208-2764 or email cnl@utsc.utoronto.ca to learn more about the study and schedule a visit to participate.

Thank you for your assistance,

Anthony C. Ruocco, Ph.D.

Principal Researcher