
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: NoCRV on January 14, 2014, 03:05:16 PM

Title: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: NoCRV on January 14, 2014, 03:05:16 PM
Hey Everyone,

This incident helped me detach for a day.  I am not sure if it will be as funny if you weren't there to see it but here it goes.  My BPDex had been watching a tv show called Once Upon a Time.  For those of you that haven't seen it, its a series based on all the Disney fairy-tales integrated into one story-line.  She had a head start on the series but went back to the beginning so I could catch up.  I was kind of on the fence about it, just couldn't really get wrapped up in it.  So when she watched it I would kind of play on my phone and watch it in the background.  So to punish me for not liking it as much as her we didn't see each other for a night.

Well the weekend came around and we were at a bar with her best friend having a few drinks (she turned into the drunk devil.)  The bar was fairly empty, maybe about 20 people with two bartenders working.  Our first bartender had been nice got our drinks and went to the other side of the bar.  The other bartender helped us the rest of the night.  When we were about to leave the BPDex started yelling at the other bartender for not getting our drinks, saying we had to wait for drinks and his service was horrible and he shouldn't get a tip.  None of this was true, we had a drinks whenever we wanted, guess she felt abandoned by him ha ha.  She laced into this poor guy for about five minutes and really caused a scene.

After going outside, I couldn't leave the situation as was.  I went back into to apologize to the bartender.  He asked me what was wrong with her?  I apologized and said your service was great, she is just an angry person.  The bartender was fuming and didn't really care for my apology and asked that she never come back.  I as I come back outside there is my BPDex standing on the sidewalk.  She says in slow drunk voice "look everyone, I am going to cast a spell!  She was waving her hands in the air as if something was supposed to happen.  I laughed so hard.

Anyone else have a story?

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 14, 2014, 03:08:59 PM
I had mine sent to a mental institution one night because she was acting crazy. She got caught crawling down a hallway trying to escape. Lol. They let her out the next morning when she sobered up and she came back and keyed my car.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Moonie75 on January 14, 2014, 03:12:00 PM
My ex had her car for sale outside my house. She had one of her ex's take the car & hide it at his family workshop.

She then accused me of removing the car & went into full rage down the phone at me about being spiteful & threatened to report me for theft.

So, I calmly called the police & reported my partners car stolen & that she didn't know where it was.

Soon as police contacted her about the matter she folded & spewed everything about asking the ex to take it. They were both cautioned for wasting police time.

It took her disordered mind 6 months to find a way of twisting the whole thing round to being my fault & her the victim... . She got there though I'll give her that!  lol

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: NoCRV on January 14, 2014, 03:15:09 PM
Ha ha sorry to hear about your car getting keyed Santa.  I wonder if she did the stealth crawl to do it.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 14, 2014, 03:16:30 PM
Ha ha sorry to hear about your car getting keyed Santa.  I wonder if she did the stealth crawl to do it.


She may have. She did a hell of a good job though. Got every panel. I really liked that car too.  :)

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Moonie75 on January 14, 2014, 03:19:05 PM
Ha ha sorry to hear about your car getting keyed Santa.  I wonder if she did the stealth crawl to do it.


She may have. She did a hell of a good job though. Got every panel. I really liked that car too.  :)

And she knew it!

She knew everything about you & how you tick!

Pure evil!

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Moonie75 on January 14, 2014, 03:20:23 PM
I meant her!

Not you Santa!

Heavens above I just read that back & thought "Ooh my gosh, good heavens!"


Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 14, 2014, 03:25:27 PM
Ha ha sorry to hear about your car getting keyed Santa.  I wonder if she did the stealth crawl to do it.


She may have. She did a hell of a good job though. Got every panel. I really liked that car too.  :)

And she knew it!

She knew everything about you & how you tick!

Pure evil!

Haha. Yeah, she thinks she does. Maybe that's exactly what I want her to think though. Maybe I've been setting her up this whole time. Maybe it's time ole Santa pulls a paradigm shift on her. Think I give a damn about you, b-tch? Think again! Go ahead and be all the crazy you want. I couldn't care less about anything you do or say.


Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Waifed on January 14, 2014, 03:27:18 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

Funniest - Said (In her mind) that I slept with another girl at our office BEFORE we even dated and acted like that was a fair trade off for cheating (three years after i allegedly slept with this girl).  Freaking nuts.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Moonie75 on January 14, 2014, 03:31:48 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

Funniest - Said (In her mind) that I slept with another girl at our office BEFORE we even dated and acted like that was a fair trade off for cheating (three years after i allegedly slept with this girl).  Freaking nuts.

Mine forbid me from going into a rather nice little pub near by unless she was with me.

This was because a blonde barmaid served us drinks in there one night!

My partner prior to BPDex was blonde & that meant I must fancy the barmaid & struggle with my desires f**k her senseless!

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: DownandOut on January 14, 2014, 03:49:03 PM
I know this is a little off topic, but it appears that pwBPD love the fantasy genre no matter what their age is. My uBPDexgf is in her later twenties and is obsessed, OBSESSED with young-adult fiction books involving vampires, zombies and other nonsense. I actually used to tease her about it when things were good.  When we went on vacation she would read far-fetched fantasy-adventure novels and I would read novels that actually made you think, stories with well-developed characters that had depth in their personalities and relationships with other characters (she wasn't interested in that). I know it sounds condescending to some extent, and I'm not saying that getting immersed in a good fantasy novel isn't a nice escape from reality every once in a while, but she ONLY read those types of books. One of the things I loved about her was that she actually did read, but her choice of books always made me laugh, especially for a professional women in her late-20s. 

Also, one of her favorite questions for me was "if you could have a superpower, what would it be?" I mean, good question for a first date or something to bring up when the time is appropriate (maybe watching a superhero movie), but she was preoccupied with superheros and having a super power. Anyone else have similar experiences?

I bring it up because NoCRV's post got me thinking. Interesting thing to consider. Maybe I'll start a thread about the topic.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: MrFox on January 14, 2014, 03:54:43 PM
Early in the relationship she claimed that she may need a hysterectomy because of medical issues.  She also told me she couldn't get pregnant and asked would I want to be with someone who couldn't have a kid with me.  She already has a daughter from a former marriage and I figured if we decided we wanted another child we could possibly adopt (the idea of raising a child with her now makes me shutter).

Now she is telling people that I DIDN"T want kids and had her convinced to get a hysterectomy.  The problem with that is no doctor that wanted to keep their license does elective hysterectomies.  It's only if there is a medical reason to do so.  That has to be the stupidest.  Even stupider is that some people (like my replacement) have bought it.

The funniest thing is related.  She insisted on getting two rabbits, a male and a female, she then named them after these pet names we had for each other.  After she broke up with me she posted a picture on FB  of the male rabbit and made it clear that she had renamed him.  I know it was suppose to hurt me but it actually just made me laugh.  It's like a child renaming a toy to get back at someone.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Tincup on January 14, 2014, 04:01:47 PM
She told me that her ex husband liked money more than he liked her because he spent money and bought nice things...

She told me I liked money more then I liked her because I saved money and invested...

She had money issues and was in debt...

But the funniest was accusing me of making her dog uncomfortable and self conscious because I laughed at it.  I got painted black because the dog ate cat poop... . and I loved this lady?

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Moonie75 on January 14, 2014, 04:05:11 PM

That gem about you making her dog self conscious is gonna have me laugh myself to sleep tonight!

Thank you!   :)

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: State85 on January 14, 2014, 04:13:07 PM
For you guys that love football, you will like this. I hardly ever watched football with her... . couldn't, wasn't going to, if ya follow me... . cause I love watching it and she doesn't.

One time while watching a game she actually asked me how that yellow line on the field kept moving. Guys, you know the line the station puts where the first down is, she couldn't grasp that the station was doing that, that it was not ACTUALLY on the field.

I really think she was serious

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: NoCRV on January 14, 2014, 04:13:39 PM
Downandout I wish my BPDex would have read but chances are the book would have done something to upset her. She did like to color though.  I had a different ex that enjoyed it as well said she found it relaxing.  I think it could be just an inner child thing or an artistic thing .  I know they are emotionally stunted but for me there would have to be a lot more than a couple of things to draw a correlation between the two.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Turkish on January 14, 2014, 04:24:43 PM
I'll leave out the idiotic things she's been posting on FB since she left me (while still living in my house, conducting some kind of affair with "Her Love" as she calls him)... .

I've told this story before, but I still find it funny: near the beginning of our r/s, we were on our way to a hotel downtown. I missed that the large hotel had one entrance in a back alley. The main entrance was on the main street. From the way we were coming, it was easy to miss... . I didn't print out the written directions, like a man, I guess, but hey, I still got us to the hotel. She had to pee really bad. I had to go down about a mile and a half due to the one-way streets and no u-turns allowed that time of day. By the time we got there, she was fuming. Her first real rage (this was before we moved in together).

I checked in, I got the raging silent treatment. Got up the hotel room and she let me have it. I told her that since we were with another couple (my friends), I was going to go to the concert event, then I would certainly be happy to drive her all the way back home (an hour), after which I was going to come back and spend the next day in the city with my friends, as was the original plan. So I left her there in the hotel room. Went to dinner. My friends asked where she was and I explained. They said sorry that happened. By the time we were done with dinner... . I get the text. I said we were going to the event. She caught up with us on the street, still mad. Went into the show. She moved through the crowd to the front of the stage. I kept an eye on her, but didn't follow. She later told me that she had wanted me to follow her.

Afterwards, we bid goodnight to my friends. I told her why don't we go to an all night diner and talk about it,. which we did. She admitted to having anger issues, and that it had always caused problems with her family, too. Calmed down. Back to the hotel, much crying, great make-up sex and things were good. She apologized to my friends the next day. To this day, my buddy's wife thought that whole thing was ridiculous, because her husband did the same thing, missed the entrance and lost 15 mins back tracking to the other entrance. No big deal to her, but then she loves her husband.

The second half of the story... . we did talk about directions and such, so I made it a point to print out everything, even if it was obvious (one wonders what people did before the internet... . read a map, or figure it out?). We were on our way to a county park. She was driving this time, with printed directions. We got to the place and passed by the sign (I had glanced at a map at home, so I knew it was easy to get to). I said, "we just passed it, there was the sign." She replied, "I'm following the directions, they say to go here and make a u-turn, then another left turn." If you are a visual person, she just described going back to the point we had just passed. I smiled to myself and knew better than to comment, but that's just what it was. She was so insistent on being "right" that common sense flew out the window.

So, to those of us who think our relationships can be processed by logical conversation, remember that they are disordered, and when the disorder takes over, it's arguing with a software program written in CHAOS. It's frustrating and futile.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: phantom17 on January 14, 2014, 04:26:00 PM
Funny: apparently I talk, and title, and laugh in my sleep. Woke me in the middle of the night to ask who I was talking to. Was mad the entire next day because apparently i was giggling and cheating on her with some unknown woman in my dreams.

Scariest: broke up with me. I gave no resistance. Just went home bbq'd chicken and drank beer. Some up at 3 am with her silhouette staring at me in the doorway. She had a key, however the door was chain bolted. She used her tiny little hands to undo the chain from outside and waltzed on in. After I freaked the F out... . she took my phone, ran out the door, and drove off to read my text messages... . came back, broke back in my house and started breaking dishes on the floor... .

What a fkn roller coaster.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 14, 2014, 04:27:10 PM
For you guys that love football, you will like this. I hardly ever watched football with her... . couldn't, wasn't going to, if ya follow me... . cause I love watching it and she doesn't.

One time while watching a game she actually asked me how that yellow line on the field kept moving. Guys, you know the line the station puts where the first down is, she couldn't grasp that the station was doing that, that it was not ACTUALLY on the field.

I really think she was serious


The guy that invented the yellow line must be a real pimp. Women will never figure that one out.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: phantom17 on January 14, 2014, 04:28:49 PM
We really need an edit button on this forum... .

*woke up at 3am with her standing in the doorway of my bedroom

*talk, laugh, giggle in my sleep

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Turkish on January 14, 2014, 04:30:53 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

You are right, Waifed. I just think it cruel, but it's stupid. Like yours, mine threw away the best man she ever had (I know this for sure because I know her history), and will likely ever have. The only one with whom she will have kids (but hey, she got a great father... . what she "needed". Our, now my, T said that I could even say this to her. I actually did in the argument the other night, but we were both stressed out and triggering each other and it was pointless.

Regarding that, the kid she's with is pretty stupid, too. Like the complete opposite of me: a grown up, self-made, professional, emotionally ordered, MATURE... . because I was a heck of a lot more mature even at his age... . heck, she was too, at least on the outside. He even has stupid nicknames for himself on social media. Really, really dumb. Like her, someone who thinks they are much smarter than they really are, though I'd put her above him any way. To anyone looking outside and not seeing the underlying mental issues, the match is an embarrassment. For her.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: phantom17 on January 14, 2014, 04:38:59 PM
Maaann... there are so many... . here's one more... . the last parting blow... .

As she broke up with me, she said (via text), and I quote: "I will not waste any more time with you just to have you leave me for someone better. Its not gonna happen"... .

She said this as she was literally walking into another man's arms.

This was 6 months ago. They got married last weekend 

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Waifed on January 14, 2014, 04:54:06 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

You are right, Waifed. I just think it cruel, but it's stupid. Like yours, mine threw away the best man she ever had (I know this for sure because I know her history), and will likely ever have. The only one with whom she will have kids (but hey, she got a great father... . what she "needed". Our, now my, T said that I could even say this to her. I actually did in the argument the other night, but we were both stressed out and triggering each other and it was pointless.

Regarding that, the kid she's with is pretty stupid, too. Like the complete opposite of me: a grown up, self-made, professional, emotionally ordered, MATURE... . because I was a heck of a lot more mature even at his age... . heck, she was too, at least on the outside. He even has stupid nicknames for himself on social media. Really, really dumb. Like her, someone who thinks they are much smarter than they really are, though I'd put her above him any way. To anyone looking outside and not seeing the underlying mental issues, the match is an embarrassment. For her.


It is the lack of self respect for themselves that just blows me away.  They are so damaged that nothing registers in their head but that perceived high they get from someone new who gives them attention.  Chasing that feeling of new love that will forever escape them.  They do not seem to care about the damage it does to themselves or others.  It really is nuts. I wonder if they ever realize what they have done and actually have regrets?

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Turkish on January 14, 2014, 05:10:28 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

You are right, Waifed. I just think it cruel, but it's stupid. Like yours, mine threw away the best man she ever had (I know this for sure because I know her history), and will likely ever have. The only one with whom she will have kids (but hey, she got a great father... . what she "needed". Our, now my, T said that I could even say this to her. I actually did in the argument the other night, but we were both stressed out and triggering each other and it was pointless.

Regarding that, the kid she's with is pretty stupid, too. Like the complete opposite of me: a grown up, self-made, professional, emotionally ordered, MATURE... . because I was a heck of a lot more mature even at his age... . heck, she was too, at least on the outside. He even has stupid nicknames for himself on social media. Really, really dumb. Like her, someone who thinks they are much smarter than they really are, though I'd put her above him any way. To anyone looking outside and not seeing the underlying mental issues, the match is an embarrassment. For her.


It is the lack of self respect for themselves that just blows me away.  They are so damaged that nothing registers in their head but that perceived high they get from someone new who gives them attention.  Chasing that feeling of new love that will forever escape them.  They do not seem to care about the damage it does to themselves or others.  It really is nuts. I wonder if they ever realize what they have done and actually have regrets?

Mine does... .   then the disorder takes over and she doesn't.  she's said, " maybe this had to happen... . "  as if they have no choice.  in a way, I  don't think they do.  the longer it goes on,  the more I see her and S4  the same. I  get the feeling that when my son says he is sorry,  he actually means it.  he's maturing,  she is not. I  don't think we can ever make sense of them.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: delusionalxox on January 14, 2014, 05:10:49 PM
the stupidest thing he did was cheating 2 weeks after our 'dream' holiday and letting one of his facebook-happy friends post pictures of him and his new girlfriend out at a restaurant (tagged, with comments). He had blocked me from FB long before, but the friend's photos were public.

The funniest thing he ever did was to go into my email to find out evidence of my supposed affairs and infidelities (projection, anyone?  lol). He found a message from a friend of mine who wanted me to put up her boyfriend for a night as he was travelling to the UK. She made a joke about him being Jewish and circumcised (odd sense of humour in general).

Ex took this as hard evidence that I had made a 'random sex appointment' with this man and proceeded to sneer at me, 'enjoy your Jewish guy', proclaiming that he had 'found out all about me' and I was (of course) disgusting, etc. I had to laugh.  

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: LilMissSunshine on January 14, 2014, 05:23:25 PM
For you guys that love football, you will like this. I hardly ever watched football with her... . couldn't, wasn't going to, if ya follow me... . cause I love watching it and she doesn't.

One time while watching a game she actually asked me how that yellow line on the field kept moving. Guys, you know the line the station puts where the first down is, she couldn't grasp that the station was doing that, that it was not ACTUALLY on the field.

I really think she was serious


The guy that invented the yellow line must be a real pimp. Women will never figure that one out.

Yikes guys... . slow it down.  I completely understand football.  My oldest son played Varsity Safety his soph, jr. sr. year of HS.  He also was the starting QB Jr. & Sr. year.  However, he was recruited to play baseball in college.  Earned a gold glove award for CF both jr. & sr. year.  Team played in the NCAA WS his senior year but lost in the championship game.  His dad (not my exBPDbf) played pro baseball.  I know my sports dudes.  In fact, football triggers my PTSD because my exBPDbf and I enjoyed watching it together.


Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: LilMissSunshine on January 14, 2014, 05:26:03 PM
Anyhow, the funniest/stupidest thing my exBPDbf ever did?  To take pics of me, while I slept, declaring I even slept wrong cuz sometimes I'd stick my foot outside the blankets.       

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: State85 on January 14, 2014, 06:10:03 PM
For you guys that love football, you will like this. I hardly ever watched football with her... . couldn't, wasn't going to, if ya follow me... . cause I love watching it and she doesn't.

One time while watching a game she actually asked me how that yellow line on the field kept moving. Guys, you know the line the station puts where the first down is, she couldn't grasp that the station was doing that, that it was not ACTUALLY on the field.

I really think she was serious


The guy that invented the yellow line must be a real pimp. Women will never figure that one out.

Yikes guys... . slow it down!  I completely understand football!  My oldest son played Varsity Safety his soph, jr. sr. year of HS.  He also was the starting QB Jr. & Sr. year.  However, he was recruited to play baseball in college.  Earned a gold glove award for CF both jr. & sr. year.  Team played in the NCAA WS his senior year but lost in the championship game.  His dad (not my exBPDbf) played pro baseball.  I know my sports dudes!  In fact, football triggers my PTSD because my exBPDbf and I enjoyed watching it together.


No disrespect Sunshine... . Niners!

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Waifed on January 14, 2014, 06:13:22 PM
Stupidest - Cheated

You are right, Waifed. I just think it cruel, but it's stupid. Like yours, mine threw away the best man she ever had (I know this for sure because I know her history), and will likely ever have. The only one with whom she will have kids (but hey, she got a great father... . what she "needed". Our, now my, T said that I could even say this to her. I actually did in the argument the other night, but we were both stressed out and triggering each other and it was pointless.

Regarding that, the kid she's with is pretty stupid, too. Like the complete opposite of me: a grown up, self-made, professional, emotionally ordered, MATURE... . because I was a heck of a lot more mature even at his age... . heck, she was too, at least on the outside. He even has stupid nicknames for himself on social media. Really, really dumb. Like her, someone who thinks they are much smarter than they really are, though I'd put her above him any way. To anyone looking outside and not seeing the underlying mental issues, the match is an embarrassment. For her.


It is the lack of self respect for themselves that just blows me away.  They are so damaged that nothing registers in their head but that perceived high they get from someone new who gives them attention.  Chasing that feeling of new love that will forever escape them.  They do not seem to care about the damage it does to themselves or others.  It really is nuts. I wonder if they ever realize what they have done and actually have regrets?

Mine does... .   then the disorder takes over and she doesn't.  she's said, " maybe this had to happen... . "  as if they have no choice.  in a way, I  don't think they do.  the longer it goes on,  the more I see her and S4  the same. I  get the feeling that when my son says he is sorry,  he actually means it.  he's maturing,  she is not. I  don't think we can ever make sense of them.

I would tell mine after she cheated "you had life in the palm of your hands. I would have loved you and taken care of you. I would have taken care of your family. You could have enjoyed life and done anything you wanted".  She never cried but would cling on tighter to me. I truly don't know if she cared or not. I have no idea what motivates her. She is other peoples problem now.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: sun seeker on January 15, 2014, 05:29:34 AM
  Let seee... .

One day after we had bed breaking sex. (We broke 4 bed frames in 11 months)

she said "we have to talk, i know you have been cheating on me . I found this gem stone in your bed" she shows me the stone.

I said what!  are you kidding!.  " I have never cheated in my life"  she started to get upset and got louder and tearing.

That when i looked at her belly ring and pointed out it was mising that stone...

Then she oh  i was just kidding. Bull ___.

Her face told it all she felt so dam stupid.  Lol

Like I always say you can only trust someone as much as you trust yourself!

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: love4meNOTu on January 15, 2014, 06:12:19 AM
This one is a classic... .

Writing to my lawyer telling her that he deserved spousal support (after a 16 month marriage) because things have been so tough for him since I "forced" him to leave. (Really wish I had that superpower).

Right. He was already with another woman.

Complaining to the sheriff who came out to my house because I was so afraid of him one night ... . "I can't even talk to my wife! waaaaaahhhhh". My kids heard that one, and had also heard him screaming at me just five minutes previously, that they actually laughed while they heard him whining to the police. Yea, dude, you never "talked" you screamed. all the fing time. I don't really know what else to say. He was ridiculous that night. So oblivious. So manipulative, so much the victim.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: feelingcrazy7832 on January 15, 2014, 07:10:12 AM
I could go on all day about the stupid sh—t my ex did. We saw a neighbor friend of my sister’s who has a son that was my nephew’s friend. He is married with 3 children. My family all knows him. He were out having drinks one night. He said hi to me. Several people walked out of the bar at the same time. He and I were going to walk to his place which was only a mile away since we had drinks and didn’t want to drive. The neighbor friend was walking with me along the bike bath when we walked out. Next thing I know I turn around and my exBPD is completely gone. Vanished. Not sure how he even disappeared that quickly. I was accused of sleeping with the neighbor because I said hello to him. Come to think of it, I’ve been accused of sleeping with several friends/acquaintances just for saying hello or talking to them. Most of these guys were all married and friends of mine or my family friends. I hate to think it was because he was projecting his infidelity with me. I caught him doing a lot of stupid things and in a lot of stupid lies. I never caught him cheating or had any hints of it.  He would always say to me that he knew I was pretty and had a great job and was educated and a lot of guys would love to have me in their life. I think that’s why he tried to completely destroy me and my self esteem so that I would never leave him. I have funnier stories I can post later. Gotta run into meetings but this thread is funny.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: broken3 on January 15, 2014, 07:27:18 AM
 " I can't be out of money... . there are still checks left in the checkbook!"


Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Bulgakov on January 15, 2014, 10:11:19 AM
I know this is a little off topic, but it appears that pwBPD love the fantasy genre no matter what their age is. My uBPDexgf is in her later twenties and is obsessed, OBSESSED with young-adult fiction books involving vampires, zombies and other nonsense.

Also, one of her favorite questions for me was "if you could have a superpower, what would it be?" I mean, good question for a first date or something to bring up when the time is appropriate (maybe watching a superhero movie), but she was preoccupied with superheros and having a super power. Anyone else have similar experiences?

I bring it up because NoCRV's post got me thinking. Interesting thing to consider. Maybe I'll start a thread about the topic.

Mine: obsessed with Disney and fantasy movies. Lots of kids movies, although not to say that she never watches more adult movies with me... . and I have certainly watched fantasy/kids movies with her. Her idea of love and relationships seems to come from these... . which is not good, in my opinion.

Her favorite question: if you were a fish, what kind of fish would you be? She asks this question all the time.

Funniest/Stupidest: Probably any time she gripes about having to pay to get into a bar or get drinks. She considers herself a socialite. Or maybe when she steps in to help people, but it is so obviously all about her looking like a stand up person. In private, she despises fat people, and... . well it seems like she really just despises everybody for all the wrong reasons. She is so intuitive 

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: feelingcrazy7832 on January 15, 2014, 11:19:36 AM
I just remembered another one (I could seriously come up with stuff all day long). When he was recently released from jail due to another drug conviction (was caught with some of his favorite drugs again... . Adderal and Xanax), his life plan was to go back to school to be a psychologist. He's almost 40, his parents still pay all his bills and basically enable him and take care of him still. His mission was to help people work through their issues "without meds" since he believed most psych issues did not need meds, but rather behavioral therapy.

This came from the person who regulated his moods with massive amounts of pills and became addicted to every pill known to man. The person who jumps from therapist to therapist because each time one tells him he may need a med or comes close to diagnosing him with something, he never goes back and finds another therapist during a future crisis.

Yea, buddy, let me know how that psych degree works out for ya. Also, let me know how easy it is for you to obtain your license once you're done with 6  years of school with a slew of drug convictions and DUIs under your belt.

What an idiot.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: RecycledNoMore on January 15, 2014, 08:51:26 PM
O rofl crv... .

The ex loved once upon a time too, he is also obsessed with dragon ball Z, he used to draw goku all the time, not in different poses, just the same pic, every time, his fb is plastered with it, at any opportunity hed waffle on about it,repeat noises and phrases etc.Hes 30 btw... .

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: Clearmind on January 15, 2014, 09:00:49 PM
Any idea why, despite all that you list here you persisted in a relationship that appears, having read this thread, to not be inline with a healthy relationship?

We play a role in the dysfunction - we stayed! Good to start to assess what those reasons are within you that may have stopped you leaving to save yourself.

Despite popular thought Borderlines are not evil they are ill. Exercising empathy for their plight helps more with detaching than laying 100% blame on them. 

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: RecycledNoMore on January 15, 2014, 10:14:20 PM
Any idea why, despite all that you list here you persisted in a relationship that appears, having read this thread, to not be inline with a healthy relationship?

We play a role in the dysfunction - we stayed! Good to start to assess what those reasons are within you that may have stopped you leaving to save yourself.

Despite popular thought Borderlines are not evil they are ill. Exercising empathy for their plight helps more with detaching than laying 100% blame on them. 

I accept hes mentally ill, I know why I stayed, I dont blame him 100%, I wanted to participate in this thread bc Im havn a low day,ex contacted after 5 mnths,my empathy for him became my downfall

Sometimes it helps to laugh at the silly things but in now way am I trying to be vindictive.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: myself on January 15, 2014, 10:21:04 PM
The stupidest thing she did was to not make sure she kept me hooked longer.

I thought I needed her. It made me feel better about myself when she said she loved me. It wasn't funny when she was abusive or acted crazy, but I would have stayed with her if she would have hurt me less.

It was stupid of her to lose me. We could have lived crappily ever after.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 15, 2014, 10:24:43 PM
" I can't be out of money... . there are still checks left in the checkbook!"


That's hilarious

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: santa on January 15, 2014, 10:27:34 PM
The stupidest thing she did was to not make sure she kept me hooked longer.

I thought I needed her. It made me feel better about myself when she said she loved me. It wasn't funny when she was abusive or acted crazy, but I would have stayed with her if she would have hurt me less.

It was stupid of her to lose me. We could have lived crappily ever after.

I'm with you there. She was stupid to lose you. Good luck trying to find another decent guy that will put up with all her nonsense for so long. Same with my ex. If she can find a guy better than me that will cater to all her crazy needs the way I did for 4 years, good for her. I'll be surprised to see it happen though. She had it made.

Let her have it her way though. We don't need to deal with all that non-stop chaos anyway.

Title: Re: Funniest/Stupidest Thing BPD Did?
Post by: feelingcrazy7832 on January 16, 2014, 04:38:41 AM
Clearmind i agere with what was said. It just helped me yesterday to actually laugh at it all. I've been looking at my role in all of this believe me. Yesterday, it just made me laugh to read this thread and I haven't laughed like that in awhile. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself when you realize how crazy it all was.