
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: dobie on December 30, 2014, 01:28:53 PM

Title: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: dobie on December 30, 2014, 01:28:53 PM
Is it possible for someone to have these traits and not have a cluster b PD or traits of BPD

shallow lack of empathy post BU

periods of idealization

inability to accept criticism

mood swings


over sensitivity

emotional immaturity

constant analysis of r/s work friends family "happiness"

mild paranoid thoughts


low mood

feelings of not being happy


lack of trust

lack of introspection

blame and everything is justified

tit for tat behaviour

over reaction to any perceived slights

difficulty making and maintaining friendships

you always ... .You never

inability to be happy for long periods "i cant be happy incase something goes wrong"

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: EaglesJuju on December 30, 2014, 02:11:47 PM
Is it possible for someone to have these traits and not have a cluster b PD or traits of BPD

shallow lack of empathy post BU

periods of idealization

inability to accept criticism

mood swings


over sensitivity

emotional immaturity

constant analysis of r/s work friends family "happiness"

mild paranoid thoughts


low mood

feelings of not being happy


lack of trust

lack of introspection

blame and everything is justified

tit for tat behaviour

over reaction to any perceived slights

difficulty making and maintaining friendships

you always ... .You never

inability to be happy for long periods "i cant be happy incase something goes wrong"

Yes it is possible to have these traits and not have a cluster B personality disorder. Some of these characteristics can be applied to many people that suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder, etc.  Also some of the traits are behaviors that even non-disordered people display such as, anxiety, inability to accept criticism.  The difference between having traits and personality disorders is the pathological aspect. 

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: dobie on December 30, 2014, 02:47:16 PM
Pathological? I don't understand :)

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: EaglesJuju on December 30, 2014, 03:05:28 PM
Pathological means that the these types of behaviors are excessive, in which they impair a persons life. These types of behaviors (maladaptive behaviors) begin at adolescence and early adult hood.  Pathological behaviors and are somewhat stable across time and consistent throughout situations.  Personality disorders are groupings of maladaptive behaviors/traits, ways of thinking or perceiving.  For example, having anxiety every once in awhile would not fit underneath criteria for a personality disorder.   

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: dobie on December 30, 2014, 04:29:44 PM
Pathological means that the these types of behaviors are excessive, in which they impair a persons life. These types of behaviors (maladaptive behaviors) begin at adolescence and early adult hood.  Pathological behaviors and are somewhat stable across time and consistent throughout situations.  Personality disorders are groupings of maladaptive behaviors/traits, ways of thinking or perceiving.  For example, having anxiety every once in awhile would not fit underneath criteria for a personality disorder.   

Apart from lack of empathy (though she was never a big hearted person)  those traits were consistent through the r/s in varying degrees and intensities so I assume that = pathological

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: EaglesJuju on December 30, 2014, 05:01:03 PM
Apart from lack of empathy (though she was never a big hearted person)  those traits were consistent through the r/s in varying degrees and intensities so I assume that = pathological

The construct and dimension of empathy varies.  What I may perceive as empathy can differ greatly to how another person views it as.  Clinically speaking, there are differences of the construct of empathy in the DSM-V.  The variance depends on criteria for specific personality disorders. 

I do not know if the behaviors are pathological. 

Title: Re: trying to understand uf x had BPD or traits
Post by: dobie on January 01, 2015, 05:42:42 PM
Its so confusing to know if she was a moderate BPD er ?

Her paranoia even after the BU thinking I am going to try and get one over her playing the BU like a game of chess  , statements like I used to hang on your every word now I don't ... You gave me moments of INTENSE happiness . etc

So many things that could be BPD traits ... .

But because she was not a low functioning or self harming and or seemed like we were together she only threatened to leave after a big fight . she never accused me of going to desert her but she had no trust after the infatuation stage wore off ...

Once she went to a friends to think after we had a big bust up , her friend turned on her after drinking heavily and I remember her coming home early sobbing and saying you are always there for me .

Its like she needs that ... Then when she gets new friends , job I'm no longer needed and I'm the cause of her anger / resentment .