
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Jack2727 on April 05, 2015, 01:30:14 PM

Title: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Jack2727 on April 05, 2015, 01:30:14 PM
Good thread... .

1) Broke up with me three days before Christmas and after I lost a job

2) A week later sent me a text saying that she never wanted to talk to me again

3) I broke my back "figuratively" helping her dad move in her apartment and I didn't get a thank you

I'm sure there were many other things as well.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: dobie on April 05, 2015, 01:40:14 PM
Left and told me  me three days before my bday "her feelings had changed"

Told me she loved me but was not in love with me for a year or longer and should have left me then

Claimed if I saw her after the BU she would have been convinced to come back for another 1-2 years

In this year she was not "in love with me " she seemed pretty happy when she thought she was pregnant .

Stole my passport when she left in case I tried to complete on a mortgage without her (impossible)

Stripped the flat of pretty much everything , took back all my bday presents and refused to pay for one I got on my Cc she told me to buy  she earns six figures plus . I was working part time and barely able to break even

Paid a cpl months rent but charged me for an av cabinet she did not need and accused me of only wanting to keep it to sell and make money on  

Never apologised for any of this to my face or via email and told me she was a good person and how else could she have left lol

When she met up with my bro six months later was still raging about all the money she had spent on the flat she choose to leave and how dare I expect her to honour my bday present obligation .

Claimed she loved her job (total lies) and then I pushed her into leaving and getting promotions (lies)

Blamed me for her constant illnesses and IBS

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Trog on April 05, 2015, 03:45:06 PM
#1 - Shouting out in front of a bunch of strangers that we were going out with on NYE (friends of her sisters) that I enjoyed being abused as a child because I'd upset her somehow. Public embarrassment, with seemingly no care for how much she was embarrassing herself, was a constant theme, she pulled that all the time with her family and friends. Not with mine.

#2 - Telling her friend that any child we had would only be her child and not mine (She later miscarried our child - make of that as you will) and the child would have nothing to do with me.

#3 - Storming off through a town while we were on holiday to find a cliff face, standing on it for 30 minutes threatening to throw herself off and forcing me into admitting that all is my fault before coming down from it. When I then fell into tears on the beach when she finally got off the cliff face, she abused me for being dramatic... .

#4 - Smashing a bowl of boiling hot food onto my head while I was reading a book about spirituality and staying present. She could not stand it when she didn't get a rise out of me and this book had helped me keep calm all holiday, holidays were the opposite of calm and soothing.

I am writing these things down quite calmly and could go up to 50 with such examples, however, I can see a shift in my analysis of these actions has changed. I used to think what kind of biatch would behave like this and now I think what kind of self image must a person have to tolerate it. Sure, they were a slow creep, but from week 1 she bahaved in trashy and unacceptable ways. It blows my mind that I tolerated it, that I cried over losing it, that I married it and now I've gone in the other direction and am totally hostile and closed off to all women. That too will pass.


Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: fromheeltoheal on April 05, 2015, 03:47:03 PM
The worst thing my ex did to me was the last thing, because I left her; the pain of staying finally surpassed the pain of leaving.

So it might be fruitful to not only list the crap that was pulled, but also what you made it mean, why you tolerated it, and why you stayed, or why you left; let's get busy on our own empowered futures, yes?

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Trog on April 05, 2015, 04:11:15 PM
Why I stayed?

I knew she was ill, she made me feel quite in competition with her other exes, it was a challenge to stay the course, was I a strong enough person to be able to tolerate crap and enjoy this idea of what I thought was her when she wasn't acting up. To have to read books in order to deal with the stress and strains, she even had me reading on how to sort out my anger and go to therapy for my problems (that were generated by being in the relationship)!

I believed and bought into the whole thing. Basically I had low self esteem (have), love meant pain, that's what I learnt as a child, love was "maintaining" someone and I saw that as my role, so rather than dealing with her very real issues (she denies even now having been sectioned 5 times she had a problem) I was the perfect partner because I was willing to buy into her philosophy that she needed to be maintained and treated well rather than she had any issues at all.

What did I make it mean?

That I was failing, that I had upset her or wound her up to such a degree that she exploded with insults or didnt honour me infront of people, plus she told me this too. Nothing was ever ever her fault, whereas I take on fault quite readily, again, making me a perfect candidate for a BPD relationship. I will search for fault in myself to eradicate it, she will pass it on like it was kryptonite, and that worked for us, until the point it made me utterly depressed and despising of myself and her shine had faded enough for the balance to tip.

Why I left?

It was a culmination of so many unacceptable things that I just could not live the lie anymore. I knew, always knew, her behaviours were not really acceptable but because I didn't want to be alone and did really enjoy the few and dwindling good times I thought I could tough it out (nice way to look at your marriage!). The final straw was walking in on her, while having another psychotic episode, telling her sister that she is thinking of leaving me. This is during a week while she has slapped me, choked me and behaving so badly her sister is staying over at my house and I'd done all I could to comfort and help the situation and been kept up for 2-3 nights at a time. It was the final disrespect. I vowed I wanted her out of my house. Within a couple of days, luckily for me, events collided so just that happened and she was removed by the police. I took her keys and we never lived together again.

I wanted her out and its what I got. She treated someone, who when we first married, truly loved her and wanted to build a great future. I put a lot of thought and effort into our marriage and she didn't do the same. She didn't deserve my love, she disrespected it and disrespected herself. Its really important we remember why we left or the times that were simply unacceptable when we are feeling lonely or afraid.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: hurting300 on April 05, 2015, 04:44:21 PM
We had just finished having sex, we were cuddling and I said to her i think we need to use protection. Her reply "oh condoms don't always work, my boyfriend busted them all the time with me"

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: stntylr on April 05, 2015, 05:22:07 PM
One of my co workers and her son were killed in a double homicide. The next week my ex accused me of being the killer.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Maternus on April 05, 2015, 07:21:16 PM
I bought a laptop, it was "our" laptop and after she broke with me, I told her she can keep it. All I asked for was to copy some of my files and she answered: "That is too much to ask for!"

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: StarOfTheSea on April 05, 2015, 08:50:55 PM
There's so much to choose from... .

Things he said:

-when he told me that he couldn't kill himself because he couldn't do that to his daughter and ex wife but he could do it to me because I 'could handle it'.

-said that if he won lottery he'd make sure his ex wife was given money.

-once after having sex he told me about one his ex gf's that he 'loved to take shopping' because it 'was like dressing a little doll'.  Gross.

Things he did:

-never once stayed home with me after I miscarried and needed surgery.

-strangled his very ill, elderly cat instead of taking it to the vet to be euthanized

-raged to his ex wife on the phone about their daughter right in front of the daughter.

-had handguns in the house that weren't locked up and practiced very bad firearm safety. (A huge no no in my world; I come from a law enforcement family.)

-reused a holiday item for me that was originally bought for an ex gf... .And then laughed when he told me about it.

That's just the tip of the BPD iceberg with him.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: hurting300 on April 05, 2015, 09:07:21 PM
There's so much to choose from... .

Things he said:

-when he told me that he couldn't kill himself because he couldn't do that to his daughter and ex wife but he could do it to me because I 'could handle it'.

-said that if he won lottery he'd make sure his ex wife was given money.

-once after having sex he told me about one his ex gf's that he 'loved to take shopping' because it 'was like dressing a little doll'.  Gross.

Things he did:

-never once stayed home with me after I miscarried and needed surgery.

-strangled his very ill, elderly cat instead of taking it to the vet to be euthanized

-raged to his ex wife on the phone about their daughter right in front of the daughter.

-had handguns in the house that weren't locked up and practiced very bad firearm safety. (A huge no no in my world; I come from a law enforcement family.)

-reused a holiday item for me that was originally bought for an ex gf... .And then laughed when he told me about it.

That's just the tip of the BPD iceberg with him.

He's got something worse than BPD if he did that to a cat.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: StarOfTheSea on April 05, 2015, 09:13:30 PM
He's got something worse than BPD if he did that to a cat. [/quote]
I totally agree. When he told me the story, I didn't understand because I couldn't wrap my mind around him killing the cat with his bare hands. After it clicked, all I could think was "OH S-. What kind of monster have I gotten involved with?"

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Invictus01 on April 05, 2015, 09:17:10 PM
I totally agree. When he told me the story, I didn't understand because I couldn't wrap my mind around him killing the cat with his bare hands. After it clicked, all I could think was "OH S-. What kind of monster have I gotten involved with?"

This has a sociopath written all over it.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Flameheart on April 05, 2015, 10:14:05 PM
She was a quiet borderline.

#1 - I confronted her about the fact that she had gotten back with her ex-boyfriend behind my back, and about why she was using me emotionally. I wanted to know why she couldn't have been honest with me about it, and she ended up blocking me and didn't give me a response for weeks. Finally, she responded back and sort of brushed off the entire thing, by saying that she "didn't feel like it mattered" and that she had blocked me because it was the anniversary of her mother's death (she NEVER told me when her mother had died because she never talked about it, so I had no way of knowing). She guilted me into feeling bad about the entire situation and turned me into the "bad guy."

#2 - Even after we had supposedly patched things up after that incident, she didn't unblock me for weeks. She used the silent treatment and made me think that she was still mad at me. Me being a co-dependent, I felt like I was becoming the one with BPD.

#3 - She never was able to answer *what* I was to her. I was legitimately confused and wanted to talk things out with her about us. I wanted to know if she thought of me as a simply a friend, a secret lover, someone she could emotionally cheat with, etc. I told her that I didn't want to be this secret that she kept hidden away from people, and that I had legitimate feelings for her. She turned off all of the emotions she had for me and told me that she wasn't able to handle it when people were being "overly emotional" around her. This I believe to a certain extent, but I believe that her shutting off her emotions was in itself an emotional defense mechanism. Before I knew about her boyfriend, she was very expressive regarding her feelings. Once I knew about her boyfriend, she stopped saying how much she loved me and appreciated me and all of her "feeling" was replaced with silence and deflection. That in some ways, hurt me more than the cheating behind my back did.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Wood stock on April 05, 2015, 10:54:34 PM
- Snuck around town behind my back buying liquor and six packs and drinking behind my back (while I was home with three kids)... .then raging at me when I would "accuse" him of smelling like alcohol and behaving strangely.

- Called me horrid names in front of the children... .called me a murderer (my former boyfriend committed suicide--had nothing to do with me)

- While away on business for work, got a DUI... .I thought he was dead in a ditch somewhere. When he finally called me from jail, I had to contact a bondsman. I did. The bondsman informed me this was his THIRD DUI. $100,000 bond. I posted it.

- Raged at me and ruined every holiday, birthday, vacation.

- Stormed out of the house not to return until the next day over the silliest little things.

- While serving the 120 day jail sentence in another state, he raged at me on the phone almost daily and broke up with me twice. ordered me to take his daughter and his belongings to his Mommy's as a way of getting back at me for disagreeing with him.

- The first time, he begged me to forgive him and to go bring his little girl "home." I did. The second time was the last time. I did as he asked and put his stuff in storage and was done. As he said he wanted. When he got home from serving his sentence, he wrote me horrible emails and texts telling me what a horrible person I was and how everything was my fault.

- Just yesterday, sent me texts raging because he heard I went on a date ( I haven't laid eyes on him in six months--he broke up with me from jail three on this ago).Begged for another chance... .continued to blame me for his issues, though.

-Called me "sick" and crazy and said I was the one with a disorder (I have seen an excellent therapist for five years--I'm mentally and emotionally quite strong and quite stable--so says my therapist).

-Oh... .did I mention the physical abuse?

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Bumpsintheroad on April 05, 2015, 11:38:41 PM
Busted Condoms?

Strangeling Cats?

Accused you of a double Homicide?

Wow, I thought I was in a $hitty situation.  Sure happy I got OUT with just superficial wounds. Hell, after reading these experiences, I may never date again!  lol

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: .cup.car on April 06, 2015, 12:31:20 AM
Claimed we never dated and got her parents to play along with it.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: antelope on April 06, 2015, 11:43:41 AM
I totally agree. When he told me the story, I didn't understand because I couldn't wrap my mind around him killing the cat with his bare hands. After it clicked, all I could think was "OH S-. What kind of monster have I gotten involved with?"

cats always had a way of 'running away' and suddenly 'disappearing' throughout my exgf's history.

the one that went missing while I was with her was a sibling's kitten who I assumed was 'removed' b/c it was getting far too much attention.

I don't think she had it in her to kill them, but throwing them into the trunk of her car and going for a 20 mile drive into the woods and dropping them off?  oh yeah, that I definitely believe  :'(

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: antelope on April 06, 2015, 11:46:32 AM
she told me about 2 abortions that she wasn't really sure who the father was     ... .and going by her history of lying, I assume she meant like 6 or 7 abortions she was unsure of   

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: RedDove on April 06, 2015, 11:55:25 AM
Oh my, sad to say there are so many just like everyone else!

1. Had knee surgery, told me he was not feeling up to visitors at hosp. I showed up to surprise him. He was sitting up, doing just fine AND there was another wiman sitting on his hospital bed stroking his arm! Lied and said it was an ex who still had feelings! Gee, how'd she know you were even having surgery? Hmmm... .guess I was the one surprised! First break up by me!

2. Invited me to his nephews wedding taking place out of town Labor Day Weekend (our 2 year anniversary). Two days prior I asked what time he was picking me up. He lied and said no "guests" allowed. Yet his sister brought her boyfriend and they'd only been dating for 2 years! I couldn't return the dress or shoes I bought. Also lost the deposit on the hotel room for the weekend. Then he had the audacity to send me photos and texts showing what a "great" time he was having at the wedding reception!

3. His brother in law had cancer and died. I was away on a business trip. When I found out, I dropped everything. Told my boss and the VP I had to fly back home due to a death in the family. Arrived at the wake and he was acting really strange. Practically pushed me out of the Funeral Home. Told me there was no reason for me to stay! Told him I'd see him at the Funeral the next morning. He lied and said it was "family only". The obotuary in the paper read "Friends and Family are welcome at the funeral Mass".

4. Last May he began pushing me away and avoiding me. We finally got together for dinner. We were intimate. He told me i was the love of his life, blah, blah, blah! We talked about spending more time together. We made plans for the future for summer vacation. One week later after another excuse to cancel plans I discovered he was seeing another woman he met on a dating site. I was laid off from my job one week later. He knew the layoff was coming. Didn't care.

5. I confronted him about OW face to face a few weeks later. He dissociated, told me we hadn't been in a "relationship" for 2 Years and he was "just" using me for sex. Also finally revealed he was borderline, unstable, and an alcoholic. Claimed he had been in Therapy for 12 years. He then projected, accused me of cheating, brought up past "perceived" slights by me and tried to blame me for everything.

I then spent 6+ months researching BPD. I found this site, read lots pf books and discovered the answers I needed in order to focus and work on me, my issues, and move on. He has tried to recycle, but I'm not taking the bait. Not going back to that crazy, messed up world of his. That's not the life I want for myself.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Deeno02 on April 06, 2015, 12:41:00 PM
There was so much. I dont even want to repeat it. It was enough to crush me to the point where I dont even feel like I was even loved by her in any capacity, or, for that matter, even existed.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: newlifeBPDfree on April 06, 2015, 01:00:57 PM
There are so many things... .

- Spent 10 months carrying with an affair with his band mate with everyone knowing about it - including his D11. He would not come home at night at all. Then he would have her drop him off in the morning so he can shower and change. I begged for him to stop the affair and he never did. He was two-timing me for a good part of a year, expecting me to tend to his needs and be a proper wife. this finally pushed me to file for a divorce but now i'm hearing I broke up the family.

- My dad is an artist (sculptor), once he took away all the pieces of my dad's work and held it for several weeks at his girfriends house. He told me they will be more when my dad dies. Then he said " he is on his last leg anyway, isnt he"?

- Recently when I was picking up my D11 from his house, after she got into the car, he got halfway into the car too and started screaming at me over her shoulder that I'm a c***nt, a whore, a slut, that I was fu***ing my divorce attroney, that whatever misery he was going through was all my fault etc

- He had no job for 5 years and I was the sole breadwinner. I paid all the bills and took care of the entire household. To make ends meet I had a freelance side jobs for which I got checks in the mail. He intercepted some of the checks and forged my signature and deposited into his own account.

- One of the girls he cheated on me found out she had herpes. He told me about it, then told me he got himself checked and was clear. Then after several months I found herpes medicine with his name on it. He intentionally was trying to give me herpes... .I think it was a way for him to reel me in for good - of i have STD and he has it, then we would be better off sticking  together.

- He cheated on me while I was pregnant. It did not come out until recently (10 years later)

- He bleached my work clothes in retaliation (I finally kicked him out for good)

- I miscarried several years ago and he now says that he was not the dad anyway (no reason fro hism to say that anyway) and then he told me I'm so vile and viscious that the baby did not want to be inside me

- Set up a profile on a casual encounters website using my work email. I came to work to find several emails from interested people... .

- Stole mine and my daughter's passports so I wouldn't be able to fo to a wedding in Europe I had been planning for a year.

- Flirted heavily with my friend (at least I thought she was my friend) and tried to invite himself for "mindblowing sex". She is no longer mty friend.

I almost feel like there is always something going on... .

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Wood stock on April 06, 2015, 03:22:33 PM
This is to newlife: your post is unreal. Bless your heart for surviving that. You made me realize that maybe my situation was not AS bad... .but it could potentially GET to that level. Wow... .you really helped me... .thank you.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Sofie on April 06, 2015, 03:30:11 PM
Oh, there are far to many too count, but I'll just pick one example, because it's just as hilarious as it is tragic.

My exBPD gf had a friend, who was just as unhinged (and I suspect just as BPD) as herself. They took turns painting each other black and it always ended with them calling the police on each other, trying to convince some poor officer that the other was threatening them, harassing them, stalking them, etc. At one such time, I overheard my exBPD speak on the phone to the police about said friend, and, as she clearly didn't feel she was being taken seriously enough, she shouted, "Well, if you don't believe me when I say this b***h is dangerous, I'll just have to stick a knife in her."

Oh my... .I am so happy this is over, and, looking back, I can't believe I was on this roller coaster of pure crazy for so long.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: 7796rock on April 06, 2015, 03:59:20 PM
It has been horrible... .yesterday was the day I just couldnt take it anymore... .been through 4 maybe 5 breakups and getting back together... .but yesterday was it.  The name calling I have had to endure today via text has been almost unbearable... .I have been called everything but a human... .I have been reading these posts in and out and reading the website articles and just digesting everything I could get my hands on... .and things were getting better because I changed my attitude and used the validation and would walk when the intensity would start... .but yesterday I lost my patience and told him to get out (his bags were still packed from the last fight).  The nastiness is just absolutely obscene... .and I mean obscene... .nothing is sacred... .he has attacked at every place he could... .I have stopped the contact and will continue to have no contact and I know Im not suppose to let it hurt and not take it personal but damn... .its hard not to.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: newlifeBPDfree on April 06, 2015, 04:33:55 PM
This is to newlife: your post is unreal. Bless your heart for surviving that. You made me realize that maybe my situation was not AS bad... .but it could potentially GET to that level. Wow... .you really helped me... .thank you.

Thank you for saying that, Wood stock and I'm glad it helps. The scary thing is that I kind of got used to and became immune to these things and they became my new "normal". I even made excuses for him and believed him when he said it must be me. Only after I wrote all of these down did I realize how messed our relationship was and how happy I am to be out.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Maternus on April 06, 2015, 04:38:01 PM
she told me about 2 abortions that she wasn't really sure who the father was     ... .and going by her history of lying, I assume she meant like 6 or 7 abortions she was unsure of   

Mine told me about one abortion, but after the breakup a mutual friend told me, that she had three abortions.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: thicker skin on April 07, 2015, 05:20:44 PM
There are many, but probably the most hurtful was "I was put on this earth to heal you. It must be true or your twin brother would have struck me dead by now". He was trying to convince me to get help, believing that I was mentally ill and incapable of admitting my guilt surrounding his paranoid thoughts. My twin died just before our 18th and this was 21 years later.

He genuinely believed that he'd been possessed by an evil entity too, blaming it for his vile behaviour... .

He liked to hold my throat tightly and call me BPD... .That was nice.

So much, I am embarrassed to admit it all and pained to recall it. It's done now and I've been out for 6 months, completely no contact, having walked with nothing but my clothes and emotional freedom to be who I am without fear. It was cheap at half the price, to get my freedom of speech and thought back.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Deeno02 on April 07, 2015, 05:59:55 PM
Oh, there are far to many too count, but I'll just pick one example, because it's just as hilarious as it is tragic.

My exBPD gf had a friend, who was just as unhinged (and I suspect just as BPD) as herself. They took turns painting each other black and it always ended with them calling the police on each other, trying to convince some poor officer that the other was threatening them, harassing them, stalking them, etc. At one such time, I overheard my exBPD speak on the phone to the police about said friend, and, as she clearly didn't feel she was being taken seriously enough, she shouted, "Well, if you don't believe me when I say this b***h is dangerous, I'll just have to stick a knife in her."

Oh my... .I am so happy this is over, and, looking back, I can't believe I was on this roller coaster of pure crazy for so long.

Jeez, sounds like my exgf and her toxic BFF neighbor of 14 years... .shudder when i think of it.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: raisins3142 on April 07, 2015, 06:25:09 PM
One of the worst things she did during our relationship (that I know of) was try to give me herpes, I think anyway.

The first night we were together sexually, she bit and scratched me to the point of me being bloody, supposedly in the throws of her passion.  red-flag  A few months later, I said to her "that first night, when you bit and scratched me, you were trying to 'mark your territory' so that any other woman I might have been with afterward while healing would know, right?"  She looked at me with sheepish smile and said "maybe."  I brought it up then because I thought of it randomly and the reason for it struck me like lightning.

Fast forward to a month or so before our final break up, I show up after a few days apart and her lip is swollen and raw and she is chewing it and applying lip balm.  I tell her "I think that is a cold sore, do you get them?"  She said "no, I just chew my lip sometimes."  She then tries to kiss me and also infect other parts of my body, if you get my drift.  I turn her down and say "go get a blood test for herpes antibodies."  She finally goes and I tell her I want to see the original test print out.  She brings it to me and sure enough I was correct.  I take the paper and analyze it anyway because at this point I thought perhaps she had just gotten herpes from cheating and the antibodies would not show up yet and so she would need to lie to write "positive".  It turns out okay after looking for document tampering.

She states she has had the lip biting thing since childhood and so has had herpes all that time and did not know it (I guess she always chewed the sore off when it first started and so never actually saw one in all its glory).  Problem is: she is in her 30s now and a registered nurse, so that seems a bit "thin".  She then tells me "oh, my ob/gyn also reminded me that I have genital warts.  I must have compartmentalized that, and that is why I told you I was tested and free of all STDs at the beginning of our relationship."

I was beside myself and said "I would not be surprised if you wanted to give me your STDs so that we would have something in common and I would be forever bound to you in some way, like how you marked your territory before."  She just stared off with dead eyes and cried.

I was tested later and am clean as far as I know, but genital warts cannot be diagnosed in men prior to first outbreak.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: 2014 on April 08, 2015, 05:09:34 AM
There's so much to choose from... .

Things he said:

-when he told me that he couldn't kill himself because he couldn't do that to his daughter and ex wife but he could do it to me because I 'could handle it'.

-said that if he won lottery he'd make sure his ex wife was given money.

-once after having sex he told me about one his ex gf's that he 'loved to take shopping' because it 'was like dressing a little doll'.  Gross.

Things he did:

-never once stayed home with me after I miscarried and needed surgery.

-strangled his very ill, elderly cat instead of taking it to the vet to be euthanized

-raged to his ex wife on the phone about their daughter right in front of the daughter.

-had handguns in the house that weren't locked up and practiced very bad firearm safety. (A huge no no in my world; I come from a law enforcement family.)

-reused a holiday item for me that was originally bought for an ex gf... .And then laughed when he told me about it.

That's just the tip of the BPD iceberg with him.

The cat story in a clear indication of ASPD leaning towards psychopathy... .imo

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Ex_CB_Partner on April 08, 2015, 08:53:54 AM
I´ve been thinking about that question for 3 days. It´s really not easy to point on one specific incident as I could write down a long list of things that every Non who has never been in contact with someone with BPD/NPD would consider as unbelievable.

Today something stuck me as I realized what could have been the consequences. Some weeks after she ended the r/s I hit the ground. After all the terror and the desperate trials to understand I had a complete breakdown. I was lying on the floor, shaking, cramping, not able to think a normal thought. I´m sure if somebody had seen me they would have called an ambulance.

At that point in time she had tried to isolate me from my family and friends over months, telling me that these people are bad and don´t care about me, are the reason for my 'issues'. Just she cares. On that specific point in time I believed all the crap. I contacted her the next day to tell her about my situation as I believed that she would care. I was still shaking and facing actual physical pain. She didn´t even refer to what I wrote in her answer. She started with 'Something I wanted to tell you as it is sitting... .'. Followed by a page long email in which she explained to me that the kids and her are so utterly happy now since I´m gone as I did this, that and everything. No need to tell that it was nothing but b/s produced by her disordered brain.

The consequences I mentioned. I thought about what I would have done in her place. The answer is so damn clear. Like almost everybody else I had contacted someone to help my ex-partner as I had been scared. No matter what was before. The last thing on earth a normal human being would do is kicking somebody who is so deep down. Considering that I showed obvious suicidal behavior, I came to the conclusion that she, apparently, was risking me being physically harmed (carefully expressed) just for releasing her hate on me again.

Therefore, I´d say this is worth to be mentioned here even if there were several things that might appear even more weird but less serious with regard to her ruthlessness and cold self-focused behavior

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Madison66 on April 08, 2015, 11:14:39 AM
There were some doozies for sure.  My uBPD/NPD ex gf of 3+ years was horribly jealous of my teen daughter.  She would often voice her feelings of jealousy and rationalize that it was perfectly normal for her to feel that way.  A couple of the sickest things she said/did were in regards to my daughter.  My kid had some health issues a couple years ago and was hospitalized for over a week.  My ex gf couldn't handle the amount of time I spent at the hospital and then afterwards helping my kid recover. Things got bad after that and here's a couple things she said/did:

1. One time seconds, my mean seconds after we had sex, my ex gf said to me "sex is the only thing I feel like you share with me that you don't share with your daughter".  I was kinda freaked out she'd say that and she had no issues rationalizing it.  That's just sick!

2. A few weeks after that, my daughter went on a trip with her mom and I didn't see her for a couple weeks.  When she got back, I took her out for a special dinner and during the dinner I noticed I had a few texts come in.  They were from my ex gf.  She was sexting me during the dinner in a sick attempt to get my attention even though she knew I was having dinner with my daughter.  She could easily rationalize doing it, never apologized and even told me I was lucky she was sexually playful like that.  I'm not a prude in any sense, but that was just WRONG!

The last thing that comes to mind happened at the end of our r/s.  Here's what went down:

1. We had an argument and she started berating me so I told her I wouldn't take it any longer and walked out of the room.  As I was going into the bathroom and closing the door, she pushed through the door in a full rage hitting me in the head with the door and knocking me over.  I was shocked and even more shocked when she told me that she felt justified doing it.

2. Two weeks later after another argument, I asked her to leave my house.  As I walked away and was going into my bedroom/office and closing the door, she rushed through the door and pushed me against a wall.  I had to fight back to get her off of me and screamed at her to leave.  She stood there saying she did it because she loves me.  Those are the words of an abuser and I ended the r/s that minute after 3+ years and three recycles.  I was done and the survival instinct in me kicked in strong.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Its My Time Now on April 08, 2015, 11:38:44 AM
I am a progressive agnostic and ex BPD is a fundamentalist Christian social conservative. Since everything you say and do that does not line up with their convictions is taken as criticism on them, he claimed that the child abuse in Catholic churches was to blame on Liberals. Somehow.

He went into a rant about how and why, but I lost him after the first couple of words and it makes my temples hurt even now, trying to recall what his warped logic for this statement was. But, in his confabulating mind, it all made perfect sense.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Hopeless777 on April 08, 2015, 11:57:18 AM
28 years married and while in the FOG she said (on several occasions):

"Who's gonna take care of you when you get prostate cancer?"

That was the worse, although there's been several other close ones.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Its My Time Now on April 08, 2015, 12:17:38 PM
Oh, got another one. My son was about 6 or 7 at the time. We were at a thrift store, looking for a chest of drawers. He saw one he liked, but I pointed out it had no drawers in it. So, in front of the whole store AND my 6 year old he said "Oh, that's okay, when I got to know you, you had no drawers on!"

He thought it was extremely funny and not at all embarrassing or wrong in front of a child and strangers. People were looking at me like, how can you even stay with such a jerk?

Another one happened when we were visiting his daughter and our dog tried to mount their dog. His "funny" remark was to tell the dog to lay off, as, if he was not getting any, neither was the dog. He said this in front of myself, his daughter and son in law and my then very small child. His daughter muttered a ":)ad, for Christ sakes... ." and I cringed. He thought it was funny.

They have a total lack of boundaries when it comes to inappropriate and they will over compensate for fields where they know they lack by making you sounds like the person where things are wrong.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: DyingLove on April 08, 2015, 03:01:10 PM
1- I have a habit of pushing people away from me. (even before we physically me)

2- (I was ALWAYS loving and complimentary and kind and sweet even if I do say so myself)  One day we were outside of Barnes and Nobles in wiregrass mall florida... .and I casually said to her (after I said something sweet), do you ever get tired of hearing nice things? (i never expected what she responded with), she said some times yes!  (I know women that would kill for kind words and affection.

3- I saw a pic of her ex #2 husband, and he looked really beat up for his age and he's younger than me... .so I kind of gestured to her... .I don't look that bad do I?  And wouldn't you know it, she didn't have my back on that one either.  She was so "not there for me".

4- There are more, but those come to mind prominently.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: StarOfTheSea on April 08, 2015, 04:22:09 PM
Just thought of these:

-Last father's day I was very upset because I had planned to give him a framed ultrasound picture of our baby, but I miscarried the week before. I was crying, I told him what I had planned for his gift and he said "that's ok, I've already got a kid." This coming from the man who ecstatically announced my pregnancy on FB the day the line turned pink.

-When I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and his reply was "For you not to miss your period."


After reading what others have written it's really start to click for me that a r/s with him is/was an impossibility because of his disorder.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Vatz on April 08, 2015, 06:01:53 PM
"I won't let you get in the way when it comes to my friends" she referred to the guy she gave an H-Jay to at a convention. We were gonna go together this time and she invited the effing guy to stay in the room with us (and several other friends/con-goers,.) Naturally I protested. She didnt like how controlling I was.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: ShadowIntheNight on April 08, 2015, 09:51:40 PM
Exactly one year ago today, 9.5 yrs together in a lesbian relationship, she's on the phone telling me the orders the judge handed down in her protracted child custody case with her exH. For some reason her child support was CUT, after never having been increased while being divorced for 10 yrs. She was infuriated b/c her kids have been in private school and apparently someone she had talked to before me had told her to put them in public school (I finally deduced this after a lot of time wondering why she would say what she said to me). When she finished telling me the 6 or 7 things he had ordered, she said in one of the most angry voices I have ever heard "if I have to find some man to eff to be able to keep my kids in private school, that's what I'm going to do."

I was too stunned to say a single word. She then told me she was tired of rehashing the results and hung up on me. Apparently she's done what she said... .

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: hurting300 on August 06, 2015, 12:55:58 PM
"You have been treated better than the others"

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: butterfly 27 on August 06, 2015, 01:56:05 PM
I bought her a ring and necklace  of gold and other gifts like roses, chocolates, cards... .and to me she bought a ring with the infinity symbol but she never gave it to me because to her,  I did not deserve to win anything her  .

And when we were dating I was going to fly to his city but she told me to save my money because she still had feelings for her ex that has started dating someone else   ... .

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Darsha500 on August 06, 2015, 10:03:09 PM
It's strange how comforting it is to read about all these tragic happenings. I suppose its because it makes me feel like I'm not alone in my sufferings - that my suffering hardly compares to that of others.

- Shortly after we broke up the first time I received a text from someone "responding to my add on craigslist." Apparently she had posted an add with my number. An add in which I was a "Bottom seeking a Top." She denied doing this, but there is no one else who would have done such a thing.

- The one that takes the cake though is her cheating on me. She had sought out her exBF, a sadist, for sex. He ended up piercing her nipples and sticking her with needles, and telling her that he was punishing her for cheating on me. She even showed me the pictures. I still find it hard to believe I got back together with her after that.

- Oh wait, one more. And this was the final straw. One of the last things she said to me was that her Ex was planning on piercing her vag*na in such a ways as to lock it shut, so that only he could have sex with her. She said, "I don't know when thats going to happen, but that is his plan." As if it were destined to happen.


Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: Conundrum on August 06, 2015, 11:20:24 PM
Dunno what "the" most messed up phrase was bc there were skittles of disordered flavors n I expressed similar wackery too. But after we broke up n I was seeing another woman--I recollect her texting "that while my new flavor of the month was interesting she could never compete w her brand of crazy."  She then queried whether I wanted her to come over n suck my dick. I'll always love that woman--she's my dream n nightmare.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: SGraham on August 07, 2015, 03:23:06 AM
She invited me to a party and then proceeded to get dangerously drunk before i even arived so that i had to take care of her and eventually had to 1.take her to the hospital and 2. suicide  proof her house.  It was really screwed up though because it was so early on in the relationship

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: disorderedsociety on August 07, 2015, 04:01:36 AM
Rebounded with a guy I was becoming friends with and got pregnant a month into their relationship.

The comparing in my mind, to him, like what's he do that I couldn't was a mf'r. But really it just means he was an easier target, yeah?

She wanted me to get her pregnant, I'm guessing cause it could give her a feeling of security but I backed out at the last second. Obviously she really wanted to get knocked up (again.) I'm guessing the pregnancy experience gives her a reason not to work and to get attention. And she'll collect more SSI.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: SummerStorm on August 07, 2015, 10:14:12 AM
I've got two winners here.  I just couldn't post one.

1. One night, my former friend BPD texted me all night from a party that she went to.  She said her boyfriend just left her to mingle with people (fear of abandonment), and by this time, she was really idealizing me.  I texted her until about 11 or so and said I was going to bed.  A few hours later, I woke up to check the time and saw 18 messages from her, all attempts to get my attention.  They started off cute ("Miss you", became annoying ("Wake up.  I want to talk to you.", and then ended with her telling me that she and her boyfriend had gotten into a fight and that he had hit her and split her lip.  The last two messages were pictures, one of her bloody lip and one of blood on her hand.  When I didn't reply (I was still sleeping), she gave up.  I got these messages about 30 minutes after she sent them.  Hours later, she acted liked nothing had really happened.  She briefly mentioned it once or twice over the next few days, but never again after that.  I am now 100% sure that he never hit her.  I don't know how she got that bloody lip, but for someone who cuts, making her lip bloody was probably a piece of cake.

2. I was sick in bed all day.  I was annoyed that she wasn't replying to me.  This was days after she said she wanted to live with me (still keeping up the lie about her boyfriend being awful).  I texted her a few times, and she eventually replied to tell me that I'm "f___ing annoying" and "acting psychotic."  I replied back, "I'm not the one who was begging for topless pics last night.  Were you even sober?"  Fifteen minutes later, a tirade of insults started, beginning with, "Because I don't care about your feelings.  I just want to f__k you."  I started getting extremely upset.  She was hitting all of my insecurities ("Who could ever love you?".  I guess she realized that what she was saying could possibly lead me to self-harm or do something bad, but instead of owning up to what she was saying, she pretended to be her boyfriend and pretended that he had gotten on her phone while she was sleeping, found old texts from me, and texted me to tell me how mad he was that she had cheated on him.  So, I then I got a lot of, "She won't be talking to you anymore" types of texts.  Two days later, I texted her, and she pretended that she didn't know what was going on.  I told her, and she said, "Oh, it all makes sense now.  Thanks to you, I got into a s__t ton of trouble this weekend.  This weekend was all your fault.  You almost made me lose everything."  She topped it off with, "If you hadn't gotten me in trouble, you and I would have eventually ended up together."  At work the next day, she refused to talk to me about what had happened.  A few days later, she was trying to flirt with me again, but I'd had enough.  Idiot that I am, I didn't catch on to what had happened until she was forced to tell me while she was in the hospital, since her boyfriend texted me from her phone as soon as she was rushed to the ER.  I asked her why she did it, and she said, "I don't know.  I thought it would help you let go.  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  Plus, I was high."  When her boyfriend texted me, I was on the defensive the whole time and was also wondering why he was being so nice to me.  Then, I started picking apart his messages and convinced myself that he was "marking his territory" in them (he obviously wasn't).   

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: skyla on August 09, 2015, 09:11:46 PM
Ohh! I have a whole bunch!

He called my sister a c*** and told me that she and her boyfriend were pigs that deserved to be slaughtered.

After we had been broken up for a few weeks he thought I was on a date when I didn't answer my phone for an hour. He texted me that he was coming over and he'd blow his brains out on my doorstep if I wasn't home.

He'd often text me things like "get that dick out of your mouth and call me back"

Called me a ___ and a whore, countless times (I never cheated on him and have only slept with one other person in my life).

Lots of suicide threats, especially if I ever tried to end things with him. After we broke up he lied that he was always in the hospital due to suicide attempts because he couldn't live without me... .oh, and stomach ulcers.

When my ex tried to get me back he told me that he wanted to go to my ex's house and smash his head in repeatedly with a hammer until it was a bloody pulp. He also constantly asked me where my ex lived.

The first and only time he ever got drunk around me he started raging to me and my roommate about my ex and screamed "YOUR EX IS A PSYCHOPATH. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I'M A PSYCHOPATH!" (freaked my roommate out). We had only been together for two weeks at this point, and it was a huge red flag. I tried to end things with him the next day, but he cried about it the whole day and apologized profusely. He promised that he'd never get drunk around me again (he actually kept his word on this)

After we broke up he told me that he was going to show everyone our sex video (the same one he pressured me into doing to "prove my love". He also texted me the video months after we broke up. I stupidly called him to confront him about it, and when he answered he pretended to not know who I was, then was like "EWWW! IS THIS ****? GROSS! WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME?" *friends laughter in background* *hangs up*

He'd also say things like, "I know you miss my dick".

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: skyla on August 09, 2015, 10:09:02 PM
He was also a pathological liar. He told me things which I still struggle to believe, like... .

- He walked in on his ex girlfriend having sex with two guys at the same time.

- His ex virtually hacked his phone after they broke up and started harassing a bunch of girls, one of which had him thrown in jail for sexual harassment. (I actually know a girl who knew him then and she said that he did go to jail for sexual harassment, but it was not because his ex "hacked his phone".)

- he witnessed his aunt blow her brains out during thanksgiving dinner as a kid.

- he discovered his dead friend who had committed suicide hanging from a tree in his backyard when he was a kid.

- he told me that he was born in Italy, moved to America when he was 3, and that his parents were Italian. I met his parents and both of them were clearly born and raised in the USA... .

- he would tell me that he hated sex and never wanted to have it again (emotional manipulation), but then he'd still try to have sex with me. He would then get mad if I said "but I thought you hated sex?" 

- he told me that he had shot and killed a robber who held him at gunpoint when he was 8 years old. He cried as he told me this and said that I was the only one who he's ever told.

- He was so paranoid that I was cheating on him that he'd make up false stories that people had supposedly told him about me, then he'd rage at me and try to get me to admit to them... .

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: letmeout on August 09, 2015, 10:45:53 PM
- He was so paranoid that I was cheating on him that he'd make up false stories that people had supposedly told him about me, then he'd rage at me and try to get me to admit to them... .

What makes BPD people tell such outrageous lies? Mine used that one ALL the time. It was actually one of the determining factors that lead me to finally leave and initiate permanent no contact.

I could relate some hair raising stories of the things he said and did, but the more time passes, the less I need to think about them. Thank God.

Title: Re: What's the most messed up thing they ever said/did? Con't
Post by: greenmonkey on August 10, 2015, 07:43:17 AM
I could list and list.

During one of our final discussions it really came out how messed up she was.

1. "If I pegged it - would her and her son (who she had limited access to) be disowned by my children (both grown up) "followed by am I a beneficiary in your will"

2. I love you but not in love with you - and there is no-one else - massive lie - as I discovered was one of 4 women she had been playing off each other over 3 years.

3. On my 50th birthday she made a big deal she had got me a card - and she also raged big time and did zero. In her eyes she was a superhero.

4. I purposely stopped paying joint named bills to raise the discussion of her contributing to the house- the answer was a massive rage - plus suggesting we sell my house and live off the proceeds - she could not answer where we would live she only saw £ signs.

5. Her favourite phrase was ":)o you know ... ." which would be used for everything.

6. Letting my two dogs out into the street the day after I told her she had to leave

7. Damaging one of my bikes on the next day.

8. A pthological liar, nothing else, master of manipulation etc