
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: KitKat68 on September 14, 2024, 03:05:37 PM

Title: Frustrated not responding to smear campaign
Post by: KitKat68 on September 14, 2024, 03:05:37 PM
My 30yo daughter wBPD has ramped up her smear campaign of me on social media and continues to send me hateful emails. This has been going on for a few years now and I’ve told people to stop sending me screenshots from social media and I don’t check the email (no longer have access to it) she was still allowed to contact me at. However, this doesn’t erase all the things I’ve seen her write stuff before and since I know she just repeats the same old victim-y stuff,

I know what she’s saying and I know little to none of it is true. I logically know to not JADE with her, I know to not react at all but especially not from an emotional reaction standpoint. I know she doesn’t want to hear facts which contradict her narrative and will ramp up her bad behavior if I point out where she’s wrong. I know it’s better to not invite chaos into my life by responding to her manipulation.

But emotionally? I am angry and tired. I know anyone, even family members, who believe her without bothering to get the other side of the story, those people aren’t worth my time. Most the people she’s talking to I don’t even know but some of them I do and I do care what some of them think but I’m beginning to question that and why I should. She’s gotten my DIL’s ear (new flying monkey) and now DIL’s saying, “why would she say all that if it weren’t true?” I told DIL that I don’t know, that she’d  have to ask my daughter, that it isn’t my place to discuss my daughter’s (nor anyone else’s) issues.

Again, I know it would be a terrible choice to respond to my daughter but at the same time it feels like there’s no recourse, she just does and says what she wants despite most of the things she’s saying are projection and lies.

She owes people in the family money she asked them to borrow and later without a shred of shame refused to repay, tried to use my SSN to get a 15K loan, and had a friend vandalize the motor of my husband’s car she once borrowed the day before she gave it back to us because she was angry at us. I know she’s capable of serious vengeful behavior which is even more reason to leave her alone. That being said, all of these things that I know to be true about her and the situation, somehow this knowledge doesn’t entirely kill my urge to react.to the emails she’s sent.

It feels like doing nothing is basically silently agreeing she’s right. But responding to her can’t possibly end well for me.

This is so frustrating.

Title: Re: Frustrated not responding to smear campaign
Post by: js friend on September 15, 2024, 05:36:41 AM
Hi kitkat68,

I would consider taking out a non molestation order against your dd. Luckily my udd has never smeared me online( to my knowledge) but she has often spoken badly about me to people who usually no nothing about the real situation. Taking it online is really on another level and difficult ignore as it reaches so much more people....so it could be time to take action. |iiii

Title: Re: Frustrated not responding to smear campaign
Post by: Sancho on September 16, 2024, 02:57:33 AM
Hi Kitkat68
I really understand your frustration! I feel so 'cornered' often in so many ways.

Spreading all this stuff is one example: if you ignore it they can get worse - almost like baiting you to respond so they have more ammunition. And if you respond well off they go again!

I do think that some sort of formal action could be a good way to go. If the posts are threatening then looking into a restraining order.

If they are spreading stuff about you that is defamatory, then getting a lawyer to draft a letter pointing out that what they are posting is defamatory and if this is not stopped further action will be taken.

In other words look for ways that confront sd with possible consequences. I think this is a better option than entering into the verbal exchange.

Another thing I think is helpful is being 'dismissive'. By this I mean with others who have  been taken in by sd's distorted tale. It's a funny thing that the more you try to defend yourself, the more others can still semi believe the defamatory person.

I find that using facial expression, and implying things - rather than being explicit - can be more effective - eg might be something like 'Ah yes, some folk kinda good at twisting things' or 'Looks like we all need to carry a fact checker around these days!'

Brush it off and hold your head really high. You can currently see how this approach can work in some current affairs in the media.

These are just some suggestions. There might be others that are more helpful because when it builds up and up we do need to find a way through things so that our own health and wellbeing is not affected.

Title: Re: Frustrated not responding to smear campaign
Post by: NewtoFL on September 16, 2024, 04:29:46 PM
What a nightmare! Another thought: buy your DIL the "Essential Family Guide to BPD" book. Maybe she'll recognize her SIL/your daughter in it?

Title: Re: Frustrated not responding to smear campaign
Post by: Joyinrepetition on September 18, 2024, 11:53:03 AM
My USD sent me a horrible text a few years ago, which she knew I would show her father (my husband) apparently he is to blame for everything that went wrong in her childhood, even going so far as to say he was abusive (he wasn’t, just strict) My husband wrote her a very, very long letter explaining everything, going so far as to answer each allegation she made in the text. It was a great letter. But guess what? We never heard a single thing back from her, nothing whatsoever. My other DSD has also put the blame on the family for her own behaviour when she was a teenager. She frequently posts online about what a bad childhood she had, which gathers much sympathy. I feel numb to it all these days. But it helps knowing about BPD. Otherwise you can convince yourself that maybe some of what they are saying is true!