
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 11:32:59 AM

Title: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 11:32:59 AM
She's apparently mad about something... .something else.

I set up laundry as I regularly do... .I walked from the room briefly... .to look for stray things.  I came back and she was reorganizing the bins... .

I asked if she was looking for something and she said they were all wrong.  

She walked out muttering.  

Now she is on a reorganization "rant"... .saying things are all wrong... .how can we know where things are etc etc.

I asked if we could talk about this before we reorganized and she asked if I asked her first... .and I replied yes... which I did.  She claims I didn't.

I said I was available to talk, but wasn't going to debate reality of who said what.

I'm tired... my back hurts... .she is stomping around the house... .I really can't think of any decent way to address this other than let the organization rant burn itself out.



Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: pearlsw on May 26, 2018, 11:48:41 AM
Hi formflier,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard day!

All I know, and I am trying to do this too in the midst of my current crisis, is just not fan the flames.

Is this time for SET? (I am not good at this, but willing to practice. Do you use the tools?)


Sympathy: I care how you feel.

Empathy: It must be frustrating for you.

Truth: This is what I can do... .

I dunno! :)

Or do you want to just duck out a bit?

warmly, pearl.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 12:45:12 PM

Likely going to duck out here in a bit to do some swimming... .care for my back a bit.

She has tossed out the gauntlet several times to fight... .pretty standard stuff.  Near as I can figure I've disengaged and offered to talk/find solutions



Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: zachira on May 26, 2018, 01:10:12 PM
It is so hard to have your emotional system hijacked by your wife's sudden rant and irrational anger. You have gotten upset as well, and now are doing what you can to calm yourself down. You feel you have done all you can to provide safety and support for your wife. It can be helpful to remember that you are responsible for your feelings, as she is for hers. I think you are doing the right thing by disengaging and going swimming. I admire how you keep on working on being less affected by your wife's behavior, keeping your cool, and trying to support your wife when you can, yet recognizing there are times when you really can't help her and it is better to leave her alone until she calms down. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help! Also, if you have any tips on what works best or does not work, please share as many of us who post on this site are/have been in similar challenging situations with a BPD partner.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 01:27:08 PM

So... .before I could leave... .

She comes in ranting from the other room about weeds and they need to be sprayed.

Me:  I'm on the phone... just a minute.

her:  (really loud BPD rant)  should I ask (named some kids) to do it... .more ranting about how horrible this is.

Me:  I'm on the phone... .I'll be able to talk to you about it after my phone call.

her:  kind of a whimper rant... .I don't actually know what she said.

door slam and out she went... .

I realize it is unlikely this is about me... .

It's still very exhausting to be around.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Cat Familiar on May 26, 2018, 01:33:20 PM
It's amazing the lengths they'll go to create chaos. What I try and remember is that, like a volcano, they're just trying to release some internal combustion. How exhausting it must be to live in their own reality! And how exhausting it is for us to experience the acting out of their inner turmoil!

Happy swimming! I'm going to do this later today. I got our pool heated up to 88!  |iiii

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 04:16:37 PM

So... .swimming went well.

She is chilling on the couch when I get back.  I stretch in same room with her and while stretching... .I'm working on a Sams club order.  We had talked about putting one in earlier.

So... I ask her a few questions about what she would like and she goes on "light attack".  Asking if we have enough of this or that... .to which I say I don't know... but will look soon.

She is "digging" and asking why I'm putting in an order while I don't know what we need.  I calmly replied that I was ordering what we both agreed we needed... .while I was stretching... and we could look a the other items later.

There is some huffing and puffing on her part and she stomps off to kitchen... .shouts out some status of this or that... .but... she is really grumpy about it.

"Who bought all these french fries?" (I didn't answer... .we had jointed decided to buy a big case... supposedly they are taking up all the room... .yet when I suggest we make some fried... .right... .)



Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 05:18:06 PM

Apparently... .someone has posted something online about our house... .my wife is upset at me over it.

She accused me of "attacking" her while I was at home (I guess verbally)... .I really don't know.  Basically BPDish ranting from the other room.

Bunch of randoms subjects seemed to be touched... .but she "had" to do a bunch of cleaning today... .I can't explain it.

Text log in next post... again... not sure if I should have engaged more... or less.

I'm at a fast food restaurant now... .trying to to accomplish some homework... and posting a bit here.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 05:21:34 PM

texts below... .some cam in a bit disjointed... .who knows.

Me: I will be trying to focus on homework for a while 4:29 PM

Me: I will be available later if you would like to talk 4:29 PM

ff wife: Good. I don't need to talk. 4:38 PM

Me: ok... .whenever you feel like it... .I'm open. It seems there is something on your mind... .I'm not pushing to talk now... just know I'm open whenever you feel ready 4:40 PM

ff wife: 2/2 me. I did all that when you were working. Plus nurse babies, chase toddlers and or be pregnant. 4:40 PM

ff wife: 1/2 I apologise for raising my voice... .Delaing with the frustration of working 60-70 hours a week and using my days off to clean the house sometimes gets to4:40 PM

Me: I hope we can find time to talk through some solutions... .again... whenever you feel up to it 4:41 PM

ff wife: 1/3 What is really bothering me is seeing our house posted and many people saying how glad they are that they do not live by us. I parked that rusty truck wi4:44 PM

ff wife: 3/3 . 4:44 PM

ff wife: 2/3 th it's back end to the garage and the cover on. So you repark it rear end facing the neighbors full of junk with no tailgate so it can't even be covered 4:44 PM

ff wife: When I 'feel up to it'? As if there is something wrong with me? 4:44 PM

ff wife: I am angry with you. There is nothing wrong with me. 4:45 PM

Me: ? I am suggesting we have important conversations when we both feel we are at our best... .I certainly don't suggest there is something wrong with you 4:46 PM

Me: Oh... .well... .that makes sense then. Thanks for letting me know that. I'd like to listen to what you are angry about, when we have time to talk in person 4:46 PM

Me: It befuddled me to be told I was angry... .when I was actually quite sad and grieving due to matters outside our relationship... .this kinda makes sense now. 4:47 PM

Me: I can't promise I can help with the anger, but I'd like to listen and understand 4:48 PM
ff wife: 1/2 I don't want to talk about it again... .I have asked you to move that truck and I have moved it myself. You just find a reason to display it full of junk 4:48 PM

ff wife: 2/2 for the neighborhood to have to look at every day. 4:48 PM

ff wife: Stating you were told you were angry? Downloading these emails for your record? 4:49 PM

Me: I don't understand this... .and think the wisest thing is to wait and talk privately, when we have time to understand each other 4:49 PM

ff wife: I am tires of living under a microscope with a guy who records me to 'prove' whatever he is trying to prove. 4:50 PM

Me: anger is tough to work through... .I'll help as best I can 4:51 PM

ff wife: 1/2 Let me help you understand then... .Our home was posted online... .Everyone was saying how thankful they are to not be our neighbors. I don't blame them. I 4:51 PM

ff wife: 2/2 would not have to want to look at the junk you keep on dosppkay either 4:51 PM

ff wife: Display 4:51 PM

ff wife: You are so hypocritical 4:51 PM

ff wife: 1/2 You smirk and leave that nasty truck in the drive full if junkyard junk and then act as if I have N anger problem... .I do NOT have N agner problem, I am 4:53 PM

ff wife: 2/2 angry with you. You have humiliated our family and I was forced to defend us so our children would not have to see it. 4:53 PM

Me: again... I don't understand what you are trying to tell me... .I think it best we talk further in person. And I don't appreciate the "hypocritical" statement, not sure how that helps our relationship or creates a solution 4:53 PM

ff wife: Big difference baing angry with a person at one point and having an anger problem. 4:54 PM

Me: I don't understand what this is about... .I can't imagine further texting will create a solution 4:54 PM

ff wife: There isnt a solution unless you are willing to be honest. 4:54 PM

ff wife: Or further talking 4:55 PM
Me: STOP SUGGESTING I AM A LIAR... .this is emotionally abusive... .STOP IT! 4:55 PM

ff wife: 2/3 e about how you organized the laundry room before you did it. I simply stated that you had not spoken to me about it. I have not referred to you as a lia5:01 PM

ff wife: 3/3 r, and I would not do so. I am sorry you are upset. I am available to talk about it when you feel up to it. 5:01 PM

ff wife: 1/3 It is not emotional abuse to call out someone when they say something happened that did not actually happen. You said earlier today that you spoke with m 5:01 PM

Me: We recall events differently ff wife, there is a big difference in that and "honesty" as you put in this text log 5:04 PM

Me: If you are interested in my emotions regarding this... .I'll consider sharing when we have time. The way you have described is different that what I feel 5:05 PM

ff wife: Then we should no longer text. By saying willing to be honest I did not intend you to take that as liar. Let's not text. 5:06 PM

Me: A workable solution for me 5:06 PM

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 05:32:59 PM

So... .do I go home and ask to see what has been posted about our house?

I'm totally speculating here...

I'll say this... .a home with 8 children and 2 adults creates a stir.  People either seem to love us... .or hate us... or "actively ignore us". 

As I in wave and they make a big show of turning their head the other way.

Several have complained to the "board" (community board) about us or our property... .and every time something has come up through the board... .we've made a change or addressed whatever the complaint was. 

I also learned that there was a dispute with a neighbor over a fence... .about this property from a couple owners ago.

And that the neighbor that "lost" complains a lot to the board... and the board member told me they don't expect him to ever be happy.

Again... I'm totally speculating here... .but there are people around us that would post stuff about us... .



Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Cat Familiar on May 26, 2018, 06:32:57 PM
Yuck. I'll go back to the title of this thread. You could see early on that she was dysregulating. You could have stopped your end of it when she said she didn't need to talk at 4:38.

Then the following comment of nursing babies and chasing toddlers and being pregnant could tell you that this had gone south quickly.

So sign off quickly. Gotta get back to homework. I'll be home at ____ o'clock.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: GaGrl on May 26, 2018, 07:38:26 PM
Yuck. I'll go back to the title of this thread. You could see early on that she was dysregulating. You could have stopped your end of it when she said she didn't need to talk at 4:38.

Then the following comment of nursing babies and chasing toddlers and being pregnant could tell you that this had gone south quickly.

So sign off quickly. Gotta get back to homework. I'll be home at ____ o'clock.

I agree, FF... .you got hooked.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 26, 2018, 08:13:02 PM

Yeah... .I can see that... .this sucks.

Sucky emotional weekend as it is.  I really don't have room in my life for this crazy at the moment... .

Very frustrating...


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: juju2 on May 26, 2018, 08:42:42 PM
peace be with you.  Blessed are you.  You help others, that means you will endure stress.    You go out of your way, you assist, you help, that makes you a target of negative forces.

I think pwBPD are targets for being negative.

It always astounded me how much negativity he has/had

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Fian on May 26, 2018, 11:05:13 PM
It sounds like she has a complaint about a truck that is an eyesore.  Is there a compromise that can be reached there?

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Fian on May 26, 2018, 11:11:22 PM
It seems like your wife tries to avoid talking with you in person.  Why is that?  Is there another way that she would be more comfortable communicating?  Maybe write a letter (as opposed to texting)?

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 06:09:36 AM

I am guessing the complaint is about our plow/farm truck.  We actually have  a fuel pump we are going to try and put in over the next few days... .and then if it is running better/right... will be up for sale/auction.

I suppose this would be in the "long running dispute" or BPD category.

She will want it gone... but at decent price (therefore it will need to start and run reliably).  Not worth sending it to mechanic... .but it is worth (IMO... and sometimes hers) us doing some work on it... .which we have.

Most recently new timing chain... which "fixed" lots of rough running (it's a 1989 truck... so... .it will never run perfect).  Anyway... the fuel pressure is low and some of the remaining glitches could be tied to that... .so...

Anyway... .it's all a matter of time.  When given the choice if she wanted me and kids to focus on plow truck or do (fill in blank)... she has chosen fill in blank.

Fill in blank has now apparently come home to roost... apparently she is aware of neighbors being grumpy on social media... perhaps about our house

Who knows... .

Basically... .the truck comes up and there is lots of inconsistency in "what she wants" (no shock there)


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 06:13:14 AM
It seems like your wife tries to avoid talking with you in person.  Why is that?  Is there another way that she would be more comfortable communicating?  Maybe write a letter (as opposed to texting)?

I'm going to guess because it doesn't turn out the way she wants.

Me reading tea leaves...

My wife wants to say something to me and she want "it" to happen or be fixed.

No follow up questions, no clarification, no agreements... no acknowledgement or questioning about her wanting 100% the opposite yesterday and swearing she will never change her mind... .

And here is the thing... .I'm ok with changing your mind.  I generally would like that to be acknowledged.  I leave conversations where my character is assaulted because I wasn't smart enough to know that she actually wanted something else and the "fact" that I didn't know that means (fill in blank)


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 06:19:14 AM

But... .back around to the central point.  Many on here and many... I would say ALL of our counselors have recommended she change her communication style, especially with me.

A clear, private, non-distracted conversation with me about one subject is something that she appears to actively avoid (I agree with you on that).

She is much more comfortable with TV on, phone in hand, dog barking, kid asking her something and her yelling at me or someone else about what she wants to communicate... .in a very public (inside family) setting... .with 5-6 subjects on the table... ranging from my harem to my failure to purchase the proper syrup dispenser that we "talked about" (a recent example)

So... .we have "done" her version for a while and perhaps she feels better... .and then I go do what I want, because I literally haven't a clue of what she actually wants.

Perhaps that's the point... .she doesn't either and wants to hide that.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Sunfl0wer on May 27, 2018, 06:35:48 AM
Sounds like someone who wants to engage with you in some way, however, is afraid of the sense of intimacy that comes with a calm, 1-1 conversation in person... .maybe.

Or that she knows by setting a time aside to talk... .she is only going to get a limited FF... .a FF who will only entertain pragmatic talk.  She wanted to release emotions.  She never gets to do that when you agree to an appointment to talk.

Yet... .agree with the idea that... .she said she didn’t need to talk... .yet the texting continued between you both.  You participated with that.  

Not sure why.

Cause after that moment she was being abusive.  You tried to ignore that fact and she felt ignored... .etc.  downhill.

Seems like maybe you could have validated her statement... .that she did not want to talk.  (Even tho she kept texting.)

Well, when you texted and let me know you have nothing to talk about... .I’m going to believe you dear.  So I’m going to —-(fill in blank: engage in some activity and make myself unavailable as I do not even need to reply to this in anyway)—-  Then ... .take your eyes away from the screen.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: zachira on May 27, 2018, 06:49:49 AM
Maybe this is of interest or not so helpful. I just learned that the area of the woman's brain dedicated to emotional memories is much larger than a man's. This translates into women having an excellent memory for every single argument and how they felt during the argument, whereas men oftentimes don't remember arguments and can't understand how she came up with the list. As a woman, I wish my emotional memory bank was more like a man's; it would make life easier.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: babyducks on May 27, 2018, 07:43:57 AM
I am going to go in a different direction for a minute.   here are a couple of thoughts on how this unfolded.   I agree with Gagrl,   you got sucked in.     

Me: I will be trying to focus on homework for a while 4:29 PM

Me: I will be available later, around X oclock, if you would like to talk 4:29 PM

avoid those abandonment fears early.   tell her when you will be available.

ff wife: Good. I don't need to talk. 4:38 PM

Me: ok... .whenever you feel like it... .I'm open. It seems there is something on your mind... .I'm not pushing to talk now... just know I'm open whenever you feel ready 4:40 PM

less is more.    she gave you a clue of how she is feeling.   she doesn't need to talk.    Okay.    let it go.

ff wife: 1/2 I apologise for raising my voice... .Delaing with the frustration of working 60-70 hours a week and using my days off to clean the house sometimes gets to4:40 PM

ff wife: 2/2 me. I did all that when you were working. Plus nurse babies, chase toddlers and or be pregnant. 4:40 PM

okay so she changes her mind rapidly and now does need to talk.   yeah happens when you can't regulate your mood.

Me: I hope we can find time to talk through some solutions... .again... whenever you feel up to it 4:41 PM

OOoofff FF,   you blew by her apology, which invalidated it, bypassed her expression of frustration, went back to something she already expressed an opinion on.    And BTW, she is talking to you.  As best she can.   Yes her emotions are running high but she is exploring options in a rudimentary way.   She is not being abusive or name calling here.    she is clearly frustrated and with a pwBPD feelings come first.  you aren't going to get to solutions until you deal with the emotion.

Ducks suggested reply: thanks FFW, as soon as I get this homework done I will be around,  should really be at X o’clock.

ff wife: 1/3 What is really bothering me is seeing our house posted and many people saying how glad they are that they do not live by us. I parked that rusty truck wi4:44 PM

ff wife: 2/3 th it's back end to the garage and the cover on. So you repark it rear end facing the neighbors full of junk with no tailgate so it can't even be covered 4:44 PM

ff wife: 3/3 . 4:44 PM

Rut Roh - a shame related issue.   and some one has shame based disorder?   

ff wife: When I 'feel up to it'? As if there is something wrong with me? 4:44 PM

ff wife: I am angry with you. There is nothing wrong with me. 4:45 PM

Me: ? I am suggesting we have important conversations when we both feel we are at our best... .I certainly don't suggest there is something wrong with you 4:46 PM

don't invalidate,  don't patronize, don't placate.   

Me: Oh... .well... .that makes sense then. Thanks for letting me know that. I'd like to will listen to what you are angry about, when we have time to talk in person 4:46 PM

Me: It befuddled me to be told I was angry... .when I was actually quite sad and grieving due to matters outside our relationship... .this kinda makes sense now. 4:47 PM

her emotional temperature is rising,  your emotional temperature is rising.   I would suggest you save this for later.

Me: I can't promise I can help with the anger, but I'd like to listen and understand 4:48 PM

ff wife: 1/2 I don't want to talk about it again... .I have asked you to move that truck and I have moved it myself. You just find a reason to display it full of junk 4:48 PM

ff wife: 2/2 for the neighborhood to have to look at every day. 4:48 PM

right here I don't see her as doing too badly.  she's upset, she's angry, she's frustrated she has intense emotions.

ff wife: Stating you were told you were angry? Downloading these emails for your record? 4:49 PM

and now she's saturated and kitchen sinking.  time to button down and gently back away with out inflicting further damage.

Me: I don't understand this... .and think the wisest thing is to wait and talk privately, when we have time to understand each other 4:49 PM

ff wife: I am tires of living under a microscope with a guy who records me to 'prove' whatever he is trying to prove. 4:50 PM

Me: anger is tough to work through... .I'll help as best I can 4:51 PM

I’d suggest slowing down here.  At 4:49PM you wanted to stop the conversation and at 4:51 you are continuing it… that’s confusing even to me.   And there is no tone of voice in text,   this appears patronizing

ff wife: 1/2 Let me help you understand then... .Our home was posted online... .Everyone was saying how thankful they are to not be our neighbors. I don't blame them. I 4:51 PM

ff wife: 2/2 would not have to want to look at the junk you keep on dosppkay either 4:51 PM

ff wife: Display 4:51 PM

temperature declining.    a real issue.   one she's conflicted about.

ff wife: You are so hypocritical 4:51 PM

and temperature rising again for both of you. just that quickly.   time to end because nothing productive is going to happen after this point.

this is how I read the tea leaves.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 08:56:59 AM

Had a quick phone call with my P this morning.

The quick version.  I stopped the van on the way to church.  Told her I wouldn't continue in the van with her talking that way.  Got out and walked home.

P's advice. 

perhaps two sentences and then hush.

1.  We can talk about that after church, I'm not able to talk about that now.
2.  FFw I'm trying to get myself in the mindset to worship.

stay silent... .let herself make herself a fool in front of kids... .even if that means I stay silent while she assaults my character.

Of course... if it goes on for days and weeks we may have to suggest, but it's her way of me "planning" to not get "sucked in".  Especially when I'm otherwise emotionally compromised... .such as memorial day weekend... .when I'm interested in grieving.

Oh... .and I'll be going to the next service and worshiping alone.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 09:09:14 AM

So... .the details.

There is an intestinal part of my disabilities that is quite lovely.  I sometimes will "wretch" (read dry heave) several times when there is a flareup (among other lovely things that happen... .the remnants of tropical parasitic infections are lovely... ._)

Anyway... that happened this morning and my wife came in asking me if I threw up.  I briefly explained it was part of disability and I was working through it.

She loudly announced "Oh... so you are NOT sick... and stomped from the room"

I didn't engage.

morning was otherwise relatively pleasant.


We get in the van... .my wife starts questioning 15 year old about if he mowed the lawn... why does it look that way... .lawn needs to be cut... etc etc.

I made the error after 15 year said he mowed... which he did... and she started telling him to cut more (just so you know... .all this has been calmly discussed before... .grow grass high to thicken it and keep out weeds)

I "asked" or "suggested" that we talk later... .

here is where she hooked me

"If you are going to be nasty like this... there is no reason to talk later... "

ff  "oh babe... no intention to be nasty... let's chat later about grass"

"you are talking to me like a robot and being nasty... ."

ff  "ffw... .please stop criticizing and saying things against my character in front of the kids... "

she repeats something about robotics and the "need" to say these things

I said I won't worship with you today.  I stopped the van got out and walked home


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: braveSun on May 27, 2018, 09:22:10 AM

Hello FF     

Sorry, this is a cross post.

You did add important details as I was typing. I want to bring this up first.

perhaps two sentences and then hush.

1.  We can talk about that after church, I'm not able to talk about that now.
2.  FFw I'm trying to get myself in the mindset to worship.

stay silent... .let herself make herself a fool in front of kids... .even if that means I stay silent while she assaults my character.

Especially when I'm otherwise emotionally compromised... .such as memorial day weekend... .when I'm interested in grieving.

Oh... .and I'll be going to the next service and worshiping alone
I like your conclusion. I see that you are tired and need some Peace & Quiet for yourself. The need to assert our authentic feelings must be respected.

I see that in trying to manage my expectations of my spouse, I also do the 'downplaying of my needs' type of thing, than get caught in FOG somewhere in there. That's one part of the problem, but it doesn't change the character attacking part, which I seemingly cannot avoid nor control. 

Exactly that. How you are saying it. When I feel more vulnerable.  |iiii

Peace to you FF     

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Sunfl0wer on May 27, 2018, 09:31:31 AM
Oh, really loved babyducks break down.
(It helped me to see my own bias here.  Thanks for kindness for not blasting me off the board... .kinda now see why we have organized topics, oops, a wee confused)

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 09:53:52 AM

Yes... .babyducks breakdown is very helpful to me too.

I'm heading out the to next church service (they have 3) in just a few minutes.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: babyducks on May 27, 2018, 10:49:18 AM
Sounds as if the "lets talk later" is no longer a effective tool but has instead become a trigger.

Maybe try saying the same thing in different language?

After church let's look at the settings on the lawn mower.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 12:49:28 PM

After church let's look at the settings on the lawn mower.

For clarity... .the lawn does look bad.  The lawn looks bad, in my opinion because while I was not here last fall my wife demanded the yard to be "scalped".  Really short.

Well... .I won't bore people with explanations of how to bring back the lawn... .but I believe we are on the right track to get more back towards a healthy lawn.

If she want's to be in charge of the lawn... I'm fine with that, although she has specifically said she doesn't want that.

I briefly spoke to her last night about the "lawn plan" for this coming week... .and she kinda mumbled "ok".

basically now that weeds are beaten back and grass is starting to fill in... .we can address bare spots with seeds, watering and fertilizer.

Umm... .I really don't think "this" is about the lawn or anything to do with a "basis in fact" about the lawn.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: braveSun on May 27, 2018, 03:07:41 PM

From what you have described in those two conversation I see a theme of 'what the neighbors think of us".

I was a teacher in a small community before and naturally it's very much a part of the teacher's sensitivity as a community leader of sorts.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 03:18:10 PM
From what you have described in those two conversation I see a theme of 'what the neighbors think of us".

I was a teacher in a small community before and naturally it's very much a part of the teacher's sensitivity as a community leader of sorts.

I wondered about this and... .well frankly... .I don't spend my time trying to alter what other people think of me.  Especially people that would rather gossip and spread erroneous information, rather than addressing an issue directly with the person involved.

OK... .that's my world.

Not trying to argue with you... .I did some searching on social medial and haven't found any posts, I have the vaguest understanding of what may have happened...

Sigh... .

Church was ok... .I'm getting some of my MBA coursework done this afternoon.

"poof" things have chance... ."I'm her "hero" veteran and she wants to show me how much I'm appreciated... "

I'll be frank here... .I would rather be left alone... .no love bombing... no accusations of robotic voices... .


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: braveSun on May 27, 2018, 04:02:41 PM
I wondered about this and... .well frankly... .I don't spend my time trying to alter what other people think of me.  Especially people that would rather gossip and spread erroneous information, rather than addressing an issue directly with the person involved.

OK... .that's my world.

Not trying to argue with you... .I did some searching on social medial and haven't found any posts, I have the vaguest understanding of what may have happened...

I get that. Especially being the spouse of a teacher, I’m sure the theme must have been around for some times.

I like that you did check a bit. At least you can have a measure of ‘the order’ vs the other people’s stuff. I think somehow it’s a preoccupation of hers, assuming you’d want to SET around that at some point.

I’m sorry for the B&W stuff. It sucks.

Good luck with your homework, FF.

A MBA sounds like a good way to approach the future.

I have to say, you've help so many people on these boards, including myself.
It's good that you're there. Thank you.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 04:23:01 PM

A MBA sounds like a good way to approach the future.

I have to say, you've help so many people on these boards, including myself.
It's good that you're there. Thank you.

It's going... .we are doing a double does of economics (macro and micro at same time... two different classes... .) and it's not particularly my favorite.  Lots of charts and minutiae

My hope is that with some extra education in my back pocket... .perhaps I can do some consulting or something else with relatively loose deadlines, so that I can find a "reasonable accommodation" for my disabilities. 

High pressure get all this done by tomorrow or the deal explodes would not be a good fit for me.

I appreciate the kind words... and yes... .bpdfamily is a nice distraction from economics homework... :)


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Fian on May 27, 2018, 07:49:01 PM
One of her complaints is that you are acting robotically (robotic voice).  I can sense it in some of your descriptions of your communications.  I am sure that you are doing this to avoid JADEing, escalating fights, etc, but it may be something you want to discuss with your P to find ways to make the conversations more "natural."

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 27, 2018, 08:09:05 PM
One of her complaints is that you are acting robotically (robotic voice).  I can sense it in some of your descriptions of your communications.  I am sure that you are doing this to avoid JADEing, escalating fights, etc, but it may be something you want to discuss with your P to find ways to make the conversations more "natural."

We have... we role play friendly talk... we also say things factually.  We practice lots of that stuff.

At the end of the day... .what is "nasty" and what is "robotic" and what is "friendly" (to her) is a moving target.

She complained... I clarified my intent... .in a normal world it would be over.

But yeah... .I"m sure we will get more into details and/or practice.  

If this was a "one off"... .there may be some validity here with me being "the trigger" or my voice.  Something is eating at her... .it may have nothing to do with me... .it may be the social medial thing... .it may be the color of the neighbors shoes... .or someone at school has a nicer eraser than her.

Or some combination.

I'm drained from all this...


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: GaGrl on May 27, 2018, 08:34:12 PM
I suspect that it has to do with a x genitive break between "how she sees herself" and being faced with "how the neighbors see her." PwPDs have carefully constructed images, but those images are fragile.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Cat Familiar on May 28, 2018, 10:06:24 AM
At the end of the day... .what is "nasty" and what is "robotic" and what is "friendly" (to her) is a moving target.

I'm another non who has been accused of being "robotic" so I feel your frustration. I think that comes down to a Meyers Briggs difference: I'm a Thinker and he's a Feeler. When I suspect that he's upset and I try to be very clear with my communication, that's often when I'm accused of being robotic. From my perspective, I'm trying to be mindful.

The "What will the neighbors think?" meme was something I heard throughout my childhood from my BPD mom. If we went shopping on a Sunday, we'd have to unload the car in the garage because she was worried that people would think it was an inappropriate day to shop. If I got home from a date after midnight, she was sure the neighbors would be talking about it. (I'm sure they were asleep and couldn't care less.) It really seems like a BPD or paranoid PD thing to worry so much about what others think.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: formflier on May 28, 2018, 10:37:42 AM

That is really insightful

I'm ESTJ... .she is INFP.

I do try to be thoughtful and choose my words carefully.


Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Cat Familiar on May 28, 2018, 01:04:19 PM
I’m an INTJ and he’s an INFP. I feel your pain, FF.  

You two couldn’t be more different. You get recharged being with people. She gets her recharge being alone or in smaller groups, like family or close friends. She might not have close friends. My husband is deficient in this and certainly my mother was too.

You process information through the sensory world: what you can see, hear, touch, taste, smell. She processes through intuition, letting her mind take her on journeys. And you know the sorts of journeys her mind takes.  :)

I think one of the biggest problems in relationships is the mismatch between Judgment and Perception, very poorly worded categories IMO.

Those of us who are J, want to come to conclusions utilizing available information. We feel much better after making a carefully considered decision.

People who are P feel better before they make a decision because they don’t want to close off options. They continue to take in more information and because of that, can rapidly shift their choices, much to the dismay of their J partner.

It seems crazy to me that my husband can turn on a dime sometimes after what I believed was a joint decision. To him, I must look staid and stubborn, clinging to my chosen path.

Title: Re: When is is appropriate to engage or just let it go
Post by: Red5 on May 30, 2018, 11:54:38 AM
Afternoon Formflier,

Sounds like you had a weekend of “sorts”.

So did I…

I think you handled it quite well, as you always do.

*effective communication/evaluation

Laundry… certainly a BIG DEAL with eight kids in the house right, wow !

Reminds me of that old movie, “Yours, Mine and Ours”… not the “new” one, the old one staring Lucille Ball, and Henry Fonda.

Somehow, you are making me think you are a kind of “Frank Beardsley” kind of character  !

You are a Navy Man, spent time (understatement) onboard ship (yes)… yeah, laundry is an important aspect of a smooth running ship!

I am sure you can initiate port and starboard watches to help in this endeavor.

Do your children have “chores”, and do they help out round the house?

After I got divorced, from wife#1, I was myself a single father of three teenagers, for five years!… and the oldest was (is) autistic, so there I was a Marine E8, living in base housing, so how did I handle things, laundry being one aspect, & chores round the house, cooking, doing dishes, “field day”, ie’ cleaning stations …

Well, I published the “squadron plan of the week”!

I designated deck NCO’s … I designated responsibilities, as in we all did our part round the home to ensure that we were on an even keel, and squared away at all times.

Thursday night was field day night, just like in the barracks, I assigned chores, to be completed forthwith, I myself, and as well my three teenagers had his or her own laundry day, and each member of the squadron (Red5’s kids ) had their respective chore list to be completed daily, weekly, and monthly… just like the “monthly maintenance plan” in the squadron  !

It worked perfectly… then I met u/BPDgf… now my u/BPDw… and the rest is history.

As far as you and your wife’s texting, as we all know, it is exhausting to deal with these BPD behaviors… believe me, I (we) know!, looks like this time the ignition was “laundry”.

Next time it will be something else.

My own u/BPDw will “restack the dishwasher” after I have loaded it, and as well “intervene” when I am helping my S31(special needs autistic) do his own laundry, and as well his own chores on the weekend… Yes, many a heated argument resultant over the years… some for the” record book”.

I agree, the best thing to do is to “take a walk”.

Of late, my best one is to go down to the boat ramp on the intercostal with S31(special needs autistic) and watch the seagulls, ducks, and other “water fowl”, as well watching folks launch and recover their boats, always a good time.

As far as neighbors (covenants)… always a lot of drama there … and “social media” makes it all the more fun (?) dramatic… keyboard gossips and busy bodies as it were.

Well, that will always be what it is, good luck EVER making them all happy at once, ain’t going to ever happen.

Lol… I got a couple of jeeps, an old truck, a boat parked in my yard, but all our neighbors are of the same mindset, well almost, but Red5 does what Red5 does, so them that don’t… they can “say it waling”  !

On another note, my u/BPDw has been on my case for over a year now to get rid of an old lawn tractor I got stashed away in the shed/shop, well it was outside under the overhang, and she has gotten pretty nasty about it lately, to the point of argument, and DEMANDED that I get rid of it, but I have told her that “you won’t see anymore in a couple of days”… which means that I just moved it into the shed/shop, as I have “plans” for it (?)… I will not “give in” to her on that, playing with fire I am (maybe?), but I am sure she won’t even recognize it when I am done with it … yeah… she was pretty upset about it… for a while, a friggen old “rusty red” lawn tractor of all things to be pissed/bothered up by… hmmm,

So, “part and parcel”, keep dodging/non-engagement, keep communicating, keep on keeping on, you do have the knack of good communication skill as far as BPD’ism’s & BPD behaviors is concerned, we all look forward to reading your posts.

How are things today?



I have a good going to Church, and then “out to eat” wave-off story, with u/BPDw; which was this last Sunday… maybe later?…